I'll have to scroll back and start reading to figure out how support got into the poser buster thread as it has evolved into. But in the Air Force support has many different connotations as some organizations and AFSCs (MOSs) have long origins history of being Army Support and as far as the 9 Functional areas structure of the Air Forces occupations are setup all AFSCs that don't start with a 1 are technically support in nature.
As far as how, what, why, and when the current Special Tactics and Pararescue Squadrons consider and to a lesser degree treat support one needs to be familiar on how each began to have support AFSCs assigned to the teams before these squadrons came into being ca. 1985s.
Anyhow the Air Force in its classification structure has recently established several reporting identifiers to ensure the support folks realize they be valued contributors to the unit's mission.
9Z000, Special Warfare Mission Support (SWMS) Career Field Manager (CFM) on Headquarters Air Force Staff, Air Force Special Warfare Division. (31 Oct 21). A nominative position.
9Z100, Special Warfare Mission Support (SWMS) Senior Enlisted Leader, Air Force Special Warfare (AFSPECWAR). (31 Oct 21). A nominative position.
9Z200, Special Warfare Mission Support (SWMS) Superintendent, Air Force Special Warfare (AFSPECWAR). (31 Oct 21). Must hold one of the following AFSC’s: 1C0X2, 1C5X1, 1D7XX, 1N0X1, 1N1X1, 1N490, 1P0X1, 2G0X1, 2T2X1, 2T3X0,3E0X1, 3E1X1, 3E9X1, 3F0X1, 3F5X1, 3P0X1, and 4A1X1. Serving in the rank of SMSgt and MSgt. Prior experience in: Special Tactics, Guardian Angel, Tactical Air Control Party, or any Air Force Special units are required.
As far as how, what, why, and when the current Special Tactics and Pararescue Squadrons consider and to a lesser degree treat support one needs to be familiar on how each began to have support AFSCs assigned to the teams before these squadrons came into being ca. 1985s.
Anyhow the Air Force in its classification structure has recently established several reporting identifiers to ensure the support folks realize they be valued contributors to the unit's mission.
9Z000, Special Warfare Mission Support (SWMS) Career Field Manager (CFM) on Headquarters Air Force Staff, Air Force Special Warfare Division. (31 Oct 21). A nominative position.
9Z100, Special Warfare Mission Support (SWMS) Senior Enlisted Leader, Air Force Special Warfare (AFSPECWAR). (31 Oct 21). A nominative position.
9Z200, Special Warfare Mission Support (SWMS) Superintendent, Air Force Special Warfare (AFSPECWAR). (31 Oct 21). Must hold one of the following AFSC’s: 1C0X2, 1C5X1, 1D7XX, 1N0X1, 1N1X1, 1N490, 1P0X1, 2G0X1, 2T2X1, 2T3X0,3E0X1, 3E1X1, 3E9X1, 3F0X1, 3F5X1, 3P0X1, and 4A1X1. Serving in the rank of SMSgt and MSgt. Prior experience in: Special Tactics, Guardian Angel, Tactical Air Control Party, or any Air Force Special units are required.