Hell, you'd expect them to ask how he got the PH's.... retards.
I hope the cop did his job and wrote their names in his/her report.I'm about sick and tired of reading this bullshit - would be VERY interested in knowing the background and TIS of these Marines.
We have plenty of active Marines on the board, and since this happened in N.Carolina I am going to hold out hope that some day in future, I might get a to read a cryptic note from someone here who makes it known that these fuck-tards are known, and have received that appropriate message about their actions.
Vietnam veteran humiliated and assaulted by active-duty Marines at Charlotte airport
Which is why getting their names will allow their command to schedule some weekend work for the next 45 days or so.BLUF: Those Marines were dumb, This guy is playing the victim card pretty hard (my opinion), and some of the comments about the boys are even dumber (some).
These boys were stupid and full of misguided motivation - to observe from a more realistic point of view, they probably felt cool creating a scene.
I'm pissed at the situation and I'm disappointed that the old Marine simply couldn't give them the look that says "I am every bit of as real as it gets" which is spoken in a universal fuck off style of language (even to these young retards). I get even more aggravated at the flame job people put on our dumb youth growing up in the ranks who act as if we don't allow for that shit to happen. Call it what you will, but the actions of the stupid spawn from the long ass dog handler patrol leash we put them on to begin with. In the article comments section, people (even former Marines) are calling for their heads - dishonorable discharge and some jail time. Really?!
These are retarded, likely high and tight donning, Marpat backpack wearing kids who are loving their God, Country, and Corps a little too hard right now. Put them in their place and teach some of the values you'd expect to hear about in Clint Eastwood or John Wayne movie, whatever.
Even if the guy was a poser and got an ass whooping - what just happened to you? Jail for assault, possibly battery or manslaughter (depends on tier level of extreme) and then face a career change; the victim makes a YouTube video about free speech. Leave it on facebook and feel like you did your part if it works you over so bad. That poser doesn't have your kind of career and he strives to benefit from it anyway he can. One mistake and he'll have it too... fuck him... fuck that guy.
FYI, I was accused approx 2 years ago, of being a poser myself, by a retired Officer. To the point that a retired SGM was calling active duty Officers to ask about me and the accusations. This wanker had seen a photo of me wearing a particular camo uniform that belonged to an organization that I was not officially affiliated with.
His unfounded accusations almost cost me a job that was worth a LOT of money. Thankfully the people contacted proved that the accusations were completely unfounded, But 2 years later, if I run into this Intel fuck in a dark ally tonight, he's going to have a very dark Halloween indeed!
Bottom line, get your facts 100% straight, and then be prudent with what you do with it.
BLUF: Those Marines were dumb, This guy is playing the victim card pretty hard (my opinion), and some of the comments about the boys are even dumber (some).
These boys were stupid and full of misguided motivation - to observe from a more realistic point of view, they probably felt cool creating a scene.
I'm pissed at the situation and I'm disappointed that the old Marine simply couldn't give them the look that says "I am every bit of as real as it gets" which is spoken in a universal fuck off style of language (even to these young retards). I get even more aggravated at the flame job people put on our dumb youth growing up in the ranks who act as if we don't allow for that shit to happen. Call it what you will, but the actions of the stupid spawn from the long ass dog handler patrol leash we put them on to begin with. In the article comments section, people (even former Marines) are calling for their heads - dishonorable discharge and some jail time. Really?!
These are retarded, likely high and tight donning, Marpat backpack wearing kids who are loving their God, Country, and Corps a little too hard right now. Put them in their place and teach some of the values you'd expect to hear about in Clint Eastwood or John Wayne movie, whatever.
Even if the guy was a poser and got an ass whooping - what just happened to you? Jail for assault, possibly battery or manslaughter (depends on tier level of extreme) and then face a career change; the victim makes a YouTube video about free speech. Leave it on facebook and feel like you did your part if it works you over so bad. That poser doesn't have your kind of career and he strives to benefit from it anyway he can. One mistake and he'll have it too... fuck him... fuck that guy.
Lol I remember this
Here is reporter's fake apology:
"Last week, I wrote a column about a situation my friends and I experienced at a bar," Brown wrote. "My recounting of that situation had the unintended consequence of hurting veterans."
"We never intended for anyone to believe we were veterans," he said. "An intoxicated patron at the bar solicited us, and even though we told him we weren’t veterans, we ultimately played along after being harassed and feeling uncomfortable."
So selling a t-shirt to a genuine vet for $100 under false pretenses was unintentionally hurting vets?
Bold face part:Controversial 'stolen valor' column sparks outrage in small Pennsylvania town | Fox News
So if I read this right...
- Dumbass reporters writes a column about all the free shit he got for posing as a vet
- Newspaper prints column
- People are outraged (I'm hoping that 2016 tempers the instant-outrage just a tad) at the newspaper for printing the column
- Reporter gives obligatory fake apology (I'm hoping that 2016 tempers the instant apologies just a tad)
- Newspaper offers similar fake apology
- Everyone is still outraged and cancel their subscriptions/advertising/etc
I guess I'm missing something here - why be mad at the news paper? My guess is that the citizens of this fine town are the same ones who would tell you all about their 2nd amendment rights, and far too often see the 1st amendment as something that applies only when it is a topic they agree with.
Here are the opening paragraphs of the article:
"I discovered the secret to getting a few drinks without having a vagina: just say you're a veteran. Everyone wants to buy a vet a free drink."
The column, titled, "free drinks come at a price," was written by Justin Adam Brown, who went on to brag about tricking a Vietnam veteran into believing he had served in Iraq so he could receive free drinks.
Brown wrote that he accepted drinks from the unnamed veteran after telling him, “I fought in Iraq.” He joked about how his friend also sold a camouflage shirt to the veteran for $100, falsely claiming he got the shirt from President George W. Bush. The shirt was purchased at Macy's, according to Brown.
Here is reporter's fake apology:
"Last week, I wrote a column about a situation my friends and I experienced at a bar," Brown wrote. "My recounting of that situation had the unintended consequence of hurting veterans."
"We never intended for anyone to believe we were veterans," he said. "An intoxicated patron at the bar solicited us, and even though we told him we weren’t veterans, we ultimately played along after being harassed and feeling uncomfortable."
Here is the newspaper's fake apology:
He said in the future the paper will require two editors -- not one -- to read and approve all columns in The Weekender before publication.
"Our thought process is two judgments are better than one," he said. "We’re also investigating some training for our newsroom staff in terms of sensitivity to the community and various groups."
Olsson went on to apologize to any veterans the column may have offended, saying, "We’re going to work to try and win that trust of the community back."
To add...I am all for the news paper publishing the article. Unless they added an editorial stating that they support the columnist's actions, they are simply allowing him to show his ass. I'd rather that, than have them say 'no', the people cannot handle reading this.
Yes, I said the apologies are fake. By "fake", I mean they are not sincere, and simply a reaction to the firestorm caused by the article.
Cancelling your subscription to a publication you disagree with is certainly not an assault on the 1st Amendment, my point was, and is, that I see far to many people pick and choose what should and should not be published, simply based on their opinion of the subject.
To add...I am all for the news paper publishing the article. Unless they added an editorial stating that they support the columnist's actions, they are simply allowing him to show his ass. I'd rather that, than have them say 'no', the people cannot handle reading this.
They did that by publishing the article... actions speak louder than words.
They published it in the wrong context, and that's what pissed people off.I need to think about this for a while. If I am hearing you and @DA SWO correctly, you are saying the newspaper was incorrect by publishing the article - yet I like that the published it. I liked it only because I want the opportunity to make my own decision on what I should or should not be angry about...to take it to a cable news point-of-view, it is the same as FOX and CNN...they pretty much show exactly what their target audiences want to see. Period. The newspaper was wrong to apologize, they should have said that the reporter was in the wrong to do what he did, and that he'd be dealt with internally. Instead they accepted the blame for simply being the messenger...I am not pro-shoot-the-messenger.
When Brian Williams pulled his stunt people were pissed and bolted from NBC. What's the difference here except they admit to making money from their lies?