Poser Outed On CNN


Verified Military
Aug 14, 2007
(I didn't see this posted yet)
Sure didn't have this problem when I came home from Viet Nam. Nobody wanted to be associated with a Vet. Boy do times change. For the better I might add. :2c:
yeah he was outed a couple months ago. This guy amazes me....words can't describe.

Good hard questions from AC. Not a big CNN fan but this was pretty good. Thanks JBS.
He needs professional help badly.

The entire interview was him establishing his own justification for posing as a combat veteran Marine. He still believes his own lies, to which he confessed to. :uhh:
Why wouldn't AC confront him on the things he said after the interview with him using his position in politics?
I will never understand how someone can claim to be something they are not.

I mean really just b/c I dress up in black silk underwear where my balvica and chase people around my street, don't mean I am going to claim to be a ninja even though I pretty much am one. "Ninja Dust" :confused: :evil:
I couldn't watch it all. I turned it off after the first couple of questions.

I can't watch it because it's just wrong.

Unless this is another scheme to be on TV, and he really is mentally gone, it's just a guy with severe mental illness, who needs to see a doctor.

However, it could be argued this interview is another scheme. He seems fishy.
"I don't think I'm a pathological liar," he lied.

I was thinking the same thing. If he said "yes," would that have been a lie? :lol:

To the first poster's point, while there have been military imposters over the years, there seems to be a huge uptick in poseurism (or at least more publicity surrounding the phenomenon).

My unsubstantiated explanation is that Americans hold the military in the highest regard since WWII. Almost like never before, the military is seen as actively defending the United States and protecting citizens -- made more powerful in that it's entirely volunteer. Even GWoT detractors are quick to say they support the troops.

Culturally, we've seen television shows and films that celebrate the warrior profession (or in lesser iterations, fetishize it); they are societies modern heroes. And for someone with pathologically low self-esteem, identity issues, and next-to-no moral compass, it must be awfully attractive to pretend to be a soldier, a modern American hero to many, and receive whatever accolades, envious looks, pats on the back they crave.

It's clear to me that this guy is sh*thouse rat crazy. And although I appreciate that a MSM outlet such as CNN publicly outs this guy, I believe putting him on the air only stroked his stunted ego. Many poseurs are also con artists; chances are he'll glom onto some other scam.
First of all, I think Anderson Cooper is a grandstanding media shithead. Secondly, we need to hang posers up by their balls with piano wire.
First of all, I think Anderson Cooper is a grandstanding media shithead. Secondly, we need to hang posers up by their balls with piano wire.

never thought I'd say this but I don't think even RK can outdo this one! :eek:
First of all, I think Anderson Cooper is a grandstanding media shithead. Secondly, we need to hang posers up by their balls with piano wire.
Yeah, I can't stand that wuss. He's turned into an arrogant ass the last few years. He's really WAY too impressed with himself.
This guy discredits real vets and makes citizens question who really served or not. It's like that fag phil haberman