Poser Outed On CNN

... It's clear to me that this guy is sh*thouse rat crazy. And although I appreciate that a MSM outlet such as CNN publicly outs this guy, I believe putting him on the air only stroked his stunted ego. Many poseurs are also con artists; chances are he'll glom onto some other scam.

Excellent point! How many posers have come clean , period? Much less in such a public, nonapologetic manner? (from what I saw in the first 30 seconds)

The boy is definitely wired wrong upstairs. Dunno if it's fixable. :-x

(I didn't see this posted yet)

A full criminal trial under the Stolen Valor Act would be filling. His probation should include wearing a sign for 4 years that says "I am a liar and a fraud"
He's a rat bastard who still believes he's doing something good. He needs help, but, more importantly, he needs a fucking beating until he gets it.