Poser possibility. Help?

Yeah, those are some really crappy pictures, like something I took with a 110 camera back in the 1980's. It's really hard to tell, but the "Krygystan convoy" picture looks like there's a blank adapter on the .50 cal in the front vehicle, in which case I would sincerely doubt that it was taken on an operational assignment. Then again, it's so blurry that it could be a Mk-19 :confused:
If you look at MY Facebook page, you will not find any reference to my 160th career. I also have many many friends who are in the unit, or other SOF units, and you will not find any reference to their military status or unit either. Anyone who puts that crap on Facebook is a poser, and everyone knows it. Let him wallow in his stupidity. One of these days it will catch up with him. He's not hurting anyone but himself. I know it burns you to see it and hear about it on a daily basis, but you shouldn't let it bother you. If you really want to confront him about his service history, challenge him to bring in a copy of his DD214. It will tell you everything he ever did, everywhere he ever deployed, every award he ever received, his active duty status, his type of discharge and reason for discharge, everything. If he doesn't produce, make a public statement that he's full of shit unless he proves otherwise and leave it at that.
Message body

At 11:42 PM 8/8/2011, you wrote: (to POWNetwork)

Hey everyone! Check out the definition of a Poser!http://www.facebook.com/jtripi1 He also claims 2nd Pathfinders, 2nd SF Group, 5th Ranger Battalion, HALO, 160th Nightstalkers, AF ParaRescue,Cavalry,Jumpmaster,101st AB, Ranger School Distinguished Grad (but can't remember Class Dates) Befriend him and tell him how impressed you are with his 'service'. BTW has served as a DSG Montana Army Guard. He is not proud of his contribution like he should be so he lies to anyone who will listen.​

Will get this started and send for his records......and get him posted.

Rangers lead the way.


Mary and Chuck Schantag
Message body

At 11:42 PM 8/8/2011, you wrote: (to POWNetwork)

Hey everyone! Check out the definition of a Poser!http://www.facebook.com/jtripi1 He also claims 2nd Pathfinders, 2nd SF Group, 5th Ranger Battalion, HALO, 160th Nightstalkers, AF ParaRescue,Cavalry,Jumpmaster,101st AB, Ranger School Distinguished Grad (but can't remember Class Dates) Befriend him and tell him how impressed you are with his 'service'. BTW has served as a DSG Montana Army Guard. He is not proud of his contribution like he should be so he lies to anyone who will listen.​

Will get this started and send for his records......and get him posted.

Rangers lead the way.


Mary and Chuck Schantag

The page you requested was not found.

You may have clicked an expired link or mistyped the address. Some web addresses are case sensitive.
I'm trying to feed the rope to a guy who claims membership in the "Budwieser Society", enough so he can hang himself. Claims to have been a drinking buddy of Mr Luttrell. aaahhhh what a tangled web we weave . . .

Jeremy Tripi
I might be called soft after this but we need to stop all this fighting around the world trust me I've been in some of the worst from somila to Bosnia.


May 16 at 8:36pm via Facebook Mobile
Sent him this message after Warrior Creed ( a local MC that is made up of Veterans confronted him):
You cannot say that you were not warned.I told you ten years ago to stop telling lies and yet you continued to embellish your bullshit. I warned you again a few months ago to put a stop to it or I would expose you for the liar that you are. You again ignored me and continued to lie. Now you have lost friends and yet you continue to lie. Curse me and call me names all you want but it does not change the fact that you are a perpetual liar. Threaten me harm again and you will see how many friends and family I truly have. YOU are in the wrong here. Do not blame me for being the one to call you out. It was bound to happen. If you come at me with intent to harm it will end very badly for you. Just a friendly heads up for the next time you say " I am gonna take that bitch out!" You will be on the losing end of that. Apologise to the warriors whose blood surf you have ridden long enough and maybe come clean to your ex friends who may forgive you. Do it now. Your National debut is coming very soon. Stolen Valor is a SERIOUS OFFENSE. Ball is in your court. I will not stop until you apologise or provide a DD214 to support your claims of units and medals. Last chance stud.