This is a reductionist argument that basically says "anyone concerned about voter fraud is a racist." I don't accept that, and I don't think the facts bear it out.
There are plenty of studies, and much Congressional testimony, that attest to rampant voter fraud in the US. The studies I've seen suggest that there is less fraud at the national level than at the local level, but if we accept the fact that local politics can have national consequences, or the adage "all politics is local," then it follows that we should be concerned about all levels of voter fraud. Much of the system seems absolutely designed to permit, if not encourage, voter fraud.
Motor-Voter is a prime example.
There are also studies, and Congressional testimony, that suggests that the phenomenon is not widespread, or isn't a big deal.
Given the controversy and the disparity in findings, I'm fine with a detailed investigation into the integrity of this past election. I hope that it turns up nothing and the administration is thoroughly embarrassed. But my instinct is that there is some "there" there.
Do the investigation. Challenge and investigate the results. Come to a well-informed conclusion.