Presidential Tweet Thread

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And by that logic, you have determined that poor people support Hillary, although the polling is only a representative sample of urban areas; meanwhile knowing that the poorest of the poor in the US live in rural areas.

By a larger percentage yes. And yes, by using polls - and math, and basic reading. Oh wait, I get it, I'm being trolled. You got this liberal snowflake again.
The number of lies and misleading statements Trump puts out are a big dip from the status quo.

Are you upset that he lies less than his predecessor or rival, or would you like to see politics become a completely honest forum?
Uhhh...I wouldn't say that they're a big dip at all.

Okay, I will admit that the thing that bothers me the most is just how blatant the lies are. Like, they're things that can be disproven with a two second google search. I've been trying to figure out why he does this because it doesn't seem like a rational thing to do. Either the President doesn't think through his statements before making them (likely), is incredibly duplicitous and just very bad at lying (less likely), or has some kind of mental disorder where he legitimately doesn't recognize his lies (not likely, but possible).

Look, I get that politicians stretch the truth more often than I'm comfortable with, but I also believe that a lot of politician's lies are differences in interpretation. You can lay some of the blame at the feet of the lawyer training that a lot of them receive, which allows them to be incredibly pedantic with their policy decisions. But as we know, the President is neither a politician nor a lawyer, and he's not stretching the truth. He's lying to our faces and we know it. I don't mean that in the same way as "The NSA is spying on the American people and we know it! (but can't confirm it)", he's lying, we know it, and we can confirm it. What else is he going to else us? That we've always been at war with Eastasia? I jest, but any reasonable American should be concerned by the level of falsehoods coming out of the new administration.
Speaking directly constituents is one thing. This is incredibly problematic when the President puts out tweets that are abject lies, or are incredibly misleading. Additionally, his communication staff provides enough spin and top cover that would make Baghdad Bob sit up and take notice. Isn't this a big, big problem? I mean, part of the media's job is to hold powerful people to account. If the President and his staff are lying to your face on a daily basis, shouldn't there be some organization (or organizations) out there saying "WTF?"

This fact alone is the biggest puzzle for me. Opponents of the mainstream media accuse news outlets of undue bias and falsehoods, but then openly embrace an administration that spits out unfiltered bias and falsehoods. It kinda seems like they're just trading one set of biases for another.

Show me a President or a White House staff that doesn't lie. Show me a White House communications staff that doesn't provide spin and top cover. Show me an honest politician, period. And don't say the Clintons because they made lying an art form.

Now, unfortunately, I don't watch TV news because it makes me violent. So I'm not qualified to say whether or not Trump's been lying. I do agree that part of the media's job, in theory, is to hold powerful people to account. But...the news media, in the past half century, has become enamored of it's own power and influence; and IMHO engages in it's own brand of spin and top cover. And I would hazard a guess that the combined impact of all the various media outlets in the United States far surpasses the impact of any White House communications staff.

The bottom line is, every fucking motherfucker out there, including the White House, is telling you what they want you to hear and the truth--whatever the fuck that is--is in a lonely grave in fantasyland.
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Lemme break it down barney style:

The information is a hook to get you watching. It doesn't matter what you watch as long as it's their channel, and it doesn't matter if the information is right or wrong.

What matters is that you heard that you should ask your doctor about Celexa, for that itch.
What matters is that for only 19.95 plus shipping and handling, you too can have...

Cable television only has content for one reason, and that's to draw you in to watch the advertising.
I started this thread just two days ago and it is already to 4 pages.

I could have begin an Obama related thread on day 1 of his first term and I don't think it would have made four pages over his two terms.
By a larger percentage yes. And yes, by using polls - and math, and basic reading. Oh wait, I get it, I'm being trolled. You got this liberal snowflake again.
A quick wikipedia search reveals that the poorest communities in the US are, in fact, rural.

Since you fancy yourself as such a studied individual, I'll let you do the basic tasks of research and reading.

Once again, one from your sect has an emotional response to a serious reply- it seems as though you are a snowflake.

Additionally, your group has shown a tendency to take things personally- I would've assumed your status as a higher thinker would give you the necessary emotional intelligence to not do such a thing, but I'm usually wrong.
I was wondering how long this would take....

Rogue White House staff Twitter account goes viral | Daily Mail Online


I guess this tweet will give some credibility if it turns out to be true:

View attachment 17914

This just seems bad to me any way you cut it.

Gossipy, no-way-to-verify, stuff like this is a really bad way to make your case against anything - much less the President. This seems like it has all the pitfalls of investing in fake news. I guess that didn't have that many pitfalls electorally - but definitely morally and if you have any respect for logic/fact.

If it is legitimate it means the administration has to consider itself under constant threat of internal espionage by dissidents. There's no better recipe to discourage transparency and institutionalize secrecy for political purposes in an administration - a recipe for disaster even for well-meaning people.
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This just seems bad to me any way you cut it.

Yep. I could not agree more. And as a Republican I'm am pissed that Trump has brought this upon himself. Fucking President of the United States should not be live-tweeting with the vocabulary of a middle schooler. I'm so beyond frustrated right now...truth-be-told, if there were Vegas odds to spend a few bucks on whether Trump will still be President one year from now, I'd take the "no chance".
Man, this is interesting. Don't think it's interesting in a good way and I'll reserve judgement until they get 2 or 3 in a row right- but interesting none the less.
Well "they" called that one correct.

To add - one of the better 'speeches' I've seen Trump give.

I think one of the better appointments. Not who I would pick obviously, but there are a lot worse choices in my view. I think it's a pointless and counterproductive fight on the part of the Democrats on the nomination. Maybe this belongs on the other thread but that's my view.
I'm not buying the roguePOTUS bullshit. It could be a bunch of college kids at Berkeley. It could be anybody.

They heard him say "fucking" through the Oval Office door? A.) show me a president who hasn't dropped the F bomb in his own office, and B.) where is the secret service detail when all these eavesdroppers have their ears pressed up against the president's door? And do ya think the acoustics are really that porous in the office of the most powerful man in the world?

Having said that, I think Trump has made a huge mistake tweeting his stream of conscious moments and I do believe everything he says will be used against him during the impeachment proceedings...which I feel are inevitable at some point...he's handing them more rope every day.
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