My thanks to all ahead of time in regards to questions that can be answered in this regard.m
So to begin, first off I have done plenty of searching on the net and the forum and have found some excellent info that has answered some questions of mine, but not all of them. Was wishing to have a PM conversation with a current member of the regiment but fears directed that I should go ahead and post a thread to get what I need answered.
For personal background, I'm currently a 27yr old, 8yr vet who recently left the Marine Corps, MOS 0311 (infantry rifleman) with a clean record and several combat deployments. It is not only my desire, but a absolute need and want to be SOF, specifically a Ranger. It has been a dream of mine to not only be a warrior in service to the country I love but SOF for as long as I can recall. I want to not just serve, but serve with consummate professionals who take their job seriously and are the best at what they do. I want to serve in a elite capacity, I want to be the tip of the spear, and I want to continue as a warrior, a elite warrior. I'm sure I'd get asked the question "why didn't u go into MARSOC?" and I was slated to but my mothers diagnosis of cancer and subsequent death turned my world upside down, sent me into a nice tail spin for awhile, and made me reasses my life. I could list the many reasons as to why I left the Corps aside from my mothers death, such as family, a sense of careerism developing in my view from the Corps, being tired of being a babysitter, etc etc etc. I won't go into the entire list, but needless to say I've taken a long, hard look into myself being out, and know what I want and where to go to achieve my life's goals and ambitions.
Currently with my grandfather in failing health I'm residing with him and taking advantage of the GI bill to acquire my college education and focus my mind, body, and soul to the coming task while helping him stay in his home for at least a few more years until the reality of his failing health would require him to move in with one of his children or to a home. Until then I'll happily take on the burden of helping another while improving myself.
With that all said and my personal situation and background explained (sorry if it came off as long winded), onto the questions I would ask of members on here in regards to my future in the 75th.
1. The rules/reg's for prior service change with the time I know, and while it will be years until I am free to pursue this goal, what can I expect as far as getting a option 40 being prior service? I had read previous posts at how some have had a difficult time with it, while reading the regiments web site and other posts seeming to say its not as hard as it once was. Why a unit like the regiment would not want someone with years of experience, both professional and combat related, just because they started in another branch is beyond me.m
2. This is med related: I have psoriasis which is more of a annoyance to my physical well being than anything and has never affected my ability to perform in the military. Is this a disqualifier? I would think not but wanted to make sure.
3. Also med related: had read in a previous post of a member getting turned down for option 40 because of a hernia surgery he had done but didn't have it while in the military which caused a issue for jump school med qual's. I had a hernia surgery back in 07 while on active duty at Bethesda naval hospital, haven't had a issue from it ever since the surgery, again any issue with that?
Those are the main concerns I have at the moment. Again I do truly appreciate any answers and input members on here can give. If its better to PM in regards to all this feel free to do so. Thank you all and have a Semper day!
So to begin, first off I have done plenty of searching on the net and the forum and have found some excellent info that has answered some questions of mine, but not all of them. Was wishing to have a PM conversation with a current member of the regiment but fears directed that I should go ahead and post a thread to get what I need answered.
For personal background, I'm currently a 27yr old, 8yr vet who recently left the Marine Corps, MOS 0311 (infantry rifleman) with a clean record and several combat deployments. It is not only my desire, but a absolute need and want to be SOF, specifically a Ranger. It has been a dream of mine to not only be a warrior in service to the country I love but SOF for as long as I can recall. I want to not just serve, but serve with consummate professionals who take their job seriously and are the best at what they do. I want to serve in a elite capacity, I want to be the tip of the spear, and I want to continue as a warrior, a elite warrior. I'm sure I'd get asked the question "why didn't u go into MARSOC?" and I was slated to but my mothers diagnosis of cancer and subsequent death turned my world upside down, sent me into a nice tail spin for awhile, and made me reasses my life. I could list the many reasons as to why I left the Corps aside from my mothers death, such as family, a sense of careerism developing in my view from the Corps, being tired of being a babysitter, etc etc etc. I won't go into the entire list, but needless to say I've taken a long, hard look into myself being out, and know what I want and where to go to achieve my life's goals and ambitions.
Currently with my grandfather in failing health I'm residing with him and taking advantage of the GI bill to acquire my college education and focus my mind, body, and soul to the coming task while helping him stay in his home for at least a few more years until the reality of his failing health would require him to move in with one of his children or to a home. Until then I'll happily take on the burden of helping another while improving myself.
With that all said and my personal situation and background explained (sorry if it came off as long winded), onto the questions I would ask of members on here in regards to my future in the 75th.
1. The rules/reg's for prior service change with the time I know, and while it will be years until I am free to pursue this goal, what can I expect as far as getting a option 40 being prior service? I had read previous posts at how some have had a difficult time with it, while reading the regiments web site and other posts seeming to say its not as hard as it once was. Why a unit like the regiment would not want someone with years of experience, both professional and combat related, just because they started in another branch is beyond me.m
2. This is med related: I have psoriasis which is more of a annoyance to my physical well being than anything and has never affected my ability to perform in the military. Is this a disqualifier? I would think not but wanted to make sure.
3. Also med related: had read in a previous post of a member getting turned down for option 40 because of a hernia surgery he had done but didn't have it while in the military which caused a issue for jump school med qual's. I had a hernia surgery back in 07 while on active duty at Bethesda naval hospital, haven't had a issue from it ever since the surgery, again any issue with that?
Those are the main concerns I have at the moment. Again I do truly appreciate any answers and input members on here can give. If its better to PM in regards to all this feel free to do so. Thank you all and have a Semper day!