Prior service trying to go SF

um... 68W is a good one, as is 11B.... MOS is less of an issue than solid character, good PT, maturity, and leadership. You've already got the MOS of 68W, leverage it, or your engineer training if you have that.
Problem is I can only come back in as a 68W10 if I am already airborne qualified as per prior service business rules. So I would have to re-class. What I am finding out is that there are just a lot of restrictions governing getting in right now. And even more for prior service.

I'll keep digging though.

(merged and edited for clarity and removal of duplicated quote)

It's been a while since posting, but here's an update. I've been working with the recruiters to put together a packet and everything is done except for the PT test which I take on Wednesday. Should be no problem been running, rucking, and lifting damn near every day.

Getting back in is a longer slower process than I realized it was going to be. About twice as much paper work than when you initially get in. So, be prepared if you're like me getting back in, or think long and hard about it before getting out. Had to do a lot of running around to get this or fix that. Luckily, I saved all my documents from my service years. If you're getting back in be prepared to have to dig out all your initial contracts, DD214, ERB, Awards, Schools, Passports, Birth Certificate etc... Surprisingly, the military schools just being listed on my DD214 wasn't enough. They wanted the actual certificates of completion, which I still had thankfully. I think my recruiter was just being thorough, but be prepared.

So, after Wednesday's PT test I should be off to MEPS at some point to find out if they will accept me or not.

I did have a question though. My fiancé and I just found out we're going to be having a baby. So much awesomeness! Haha! Can't wait to be a dad, but I'm concerned what this might mean as far as being able to spend some time after SFAS to help or between phases during the SFQC. My fiancé is prior service as well so she understands, but I want to be a good Father and Husband as well. Anyone have any insights?
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"My fiancé and I just found out we're going to be having a baby... My fiancé is prior service as well so she understands, but I want to be a good Father and Husband as well. Anyone have any insights?

Congratulations on your choice to serve, again, and on becoming a father.

However, there is not much, if any, time built into the SFQC for new fathers wanting to be fathers. There is a little bit of down time between phases but when you aren't in the field you should be home studying - like a good SF student. It can be balanced but it takes both you and the fiance' being on board or your relationship will crumble fast, whether she is PS or not, she has no idea what being the wife of an SF candidate is like. It is incumbent upon you to explain to her what you are doing, until she understands it.

You also have to prepare yourself for not "being there" when your child needs you. My daughter was 2 y/o when I started the journey and I have missed most of her 13 years growing up. It is not easy, in fact being away from her is still the hardest thing I have EVER done.

Best of luck in your decisions.

thanks for your honesty, crip.

I have some bad news, however. The day before I was to take the PT test we had to go to the hospital because my fiancé had some bleeding. Long story short, we were there until 4 am and we lost the baby. Needless to say, we were both pretty lost. I needed to focus on her so, everything else kind of got put on the back burner.

It was good to take the time and just focus on our situation. The first few weeks after have been emotionally devastating for her, but she's doing much better now. Back to focusing on the goal.

Tuesday, is new PT test day.
thanks for your honesty, crip.

I have some bad news, however. The day before I was to take the PT test we had to go to the hospital because my fiancé had some bleeding. Long story short, we were there until 4 am and we lost the baby. Needless to say, we were both pretty lost. I needed to focus on her so, everything else kind of got put on the back burner.

It was good to take the time and just focus on our situation. The first few weeks after have been emotionally devastating for her, but she's doing much better now. Back to focusing on the goal.

Tuesday, is new PT test day.

Sorry to hear that, doc. :(
thanks for your honesty, crip.

I have some bad news, however. The day before I was to take the PT test we had to go to the hospital because my fiancé had some bleeding. Long story short, we were there until 4 am and we lost the baby. Needless to say, we were both pretty lost. I needed to focus on her so, everything else kind of got put on the back burner.

It was good to take the time and just focus on our situation. The first few weeks after have been emotionally devastating for her, but she's doing much better now. Back to focusing on the goal.

Tuesday, is new PT test day.

Our thoughts are with you sapper-doc. Hang in there.
I am so very sorry to hear that you lost the baby:(. That is a crushing blow for both of you. My thoughts are prayers are with you as you both focus on recovering from this.
Thanks y'all, seriously.

Since the VA doesn't handle pregnancy care they outsourced us. We got to choose the place which reassured us, because we had some of the best Docs in the state. Setting all this up took some time so, she was just over 10 weeks and we still hadn't had our initial consult. We were supposed to have our first consult and ultrasound that Thursday. Instead our emergency visit, Tuesday into Wednesday morning, was our first time sitting down with a Doc and ended up being to tell us our baby was dead.

The kick in the ding-dong part of all this is that the VA is supposed to cover the expenses. Initially, it was a struggle to get them to cover everything since we didn't have our initial consult yet, but I think we have it sorted out, finally.

I'll update you guys how I performed after tomorrow's PT test.

Thanks again
If they send you a bill, ask them to "resubmit" before doing anything else. Send me a pm if you have and questions about the billing or the loss you have suffered.
I wish you the best on your PT test.
Failed the PT test. Guess I thought I was in better shape than I am. I don't know if I am starting out too fast and burning out or if my techniques are off. When I'm working by myself I seem to do much better than when I am there.

Need to train harder is what it amounts to. Trying again in 2 weeks.
So, I didn't have much time to write yesterday. But what I need to work on is running. I had been primarily running on treadmill. Just need to get out and run more on the road. Pretty embarrassed and angry about it. Thought I would smoke it. I also have been training each event separately ie. Run day, ab day, chest day... Individually, I can smoke all of these. Need to now put these together.

Not sure why I was thinking that would be enough. Piss poor planning and execution
So, I didn't have much time to write yesterday. But what I need to work on is running. I had been primarily running on treadmill. Just need to get out and run more on the road. Pretty embarrassed and angry about it. Thought I would smoke it. I also have been training each event separately ie. Run day, ab day, chest day... Individually, I can smoke all of these. Need to now put these together.

Not sure why I was thinking that would be enough. Piss poor planning and execution

I'm not SF or anything, but you should check out SOFWODs. I've seen significant gains in everything, especially running.
There is also a workout program called the Thor 3. When I was at Drum my recruiter told me that this is the program they recommend for getting your "Mind and body" right for SFAS.
So, quick update. I looked into a lot of stuff and have been doing all kinds of hybrid training and modeled off of some of the sofwod and other models. Feeling good and fit. I haven't lost a lot of weight, only about 10lbs. total, but looking a lot leaner. I'm 6'1" and about 220lbs. I feel the best thing I do to improve my run was sprints up my parking garage forward then running backwards. I also started running with my old aid-bag which I have weighted to be about 25-30lbs once or twice a week. Just heavy enough to know it's there. I've made running 2+ miles basically an almost daily routine again. Need to start pushing to make 4-6 miles the minimum standard. Started working on pull-ups too since I've heard that's a gate.

Two weeks ago, I hurt my back doing deadlifts, hand slipped off the bar at 315lbs. 2/3 of the way up pulling some muscles. Got checked out just in case, nothing serious. Didn't do much that first week after, bending hurt too much. Been taking it easy this week because of it, but it's all good.

This has been a much longer road than I thought it would be, but it's been a lot of fun and looking forward to good news. Taking test again in a week or two depending on how my back feels.
Forgot to add, since I was struggling initially I decided to enlist some help. I've been working with a trainer 2 days a week. We took a look at standards plus I went over with him some of the stuff I would be doing. So we've incorporated things like carrying 5 gallon water jugs, to plyometrics, to weighted skid pushes, tire flips, ropes, body weight calisthenics and of course some rifle PT.

He also helped teach me about diet and macros which I thought I understood before, but after working with him has opened my eyes to a lot good information.

I hope the Army will take me despite my age, but if not this goal and journey has taught me a great deal.
I passed my PT test. 64 push-ups, 55 sit ups, 16 minutes 44 seconds 2 mile run. Although I know that's still pretty weak as far as an SF candidate is concerned, it's a huge improvement from where I was and I pass for my age 32. I also passed my height/weight/tape and dropped body fat % by 6% since I started this process 6 months ago although my weight is the same at 228lbs.

That being said, we finished up remaining paperwork and are submitting the packet up. Just need to keep training. Need that run time down in 13s which will be doable.

We also found out that if this doesn't work for 18X I do have a few other options under different MOSs to get in and then drop a packet once in. One of the available MOSs is 13F. I was wondering what you guys think of that MOS. I met a few fisters in my day and was impressed with their job/abilities. Also, cav scout is available too.
I passed my PT test. 64 push-ups, 55 sit ups, 16 minutes 44 seconds 2 mile run. Although I know that's still pretty weak as far as an SF candidate is concerned, it's a huge improvement from where I was and I pass for my age 32. I also passed my height/weight/tape and dropped body fat % by 6% since I started this process 6 months ago although my weight is the same at 228lbs.

That being said, we finished up remaining paperwork and are submitting the packet up. Just need to keep training. Need that run time down in 13s which will be doable.

We also found out that if this doesn't work for 18X I do have a few other options under different MOSs to get in and then drop a packet once in. One of the available MOSs is 13F. I was wondering what you guys think of that MOS. I met a few fisters in my day and was impressed with their job/abilities. Also, cav scout is available too.

Good to hear you passed your PT test, congratulations!
Merry Christmas all.

Haven't heard anything back yet. I'm not really expecting much with the holidays and all. If 18X doesn't work I'm probably going to pick one of the MOSs on the following list:

12Y, 13F, 15D, 15E, 15N, 15R, 15Y, 19D, 19K, 25Q, 25S, 35F, 35G, 35N, 68C, 68Y, 88M, 91A, 91H, 94F, 94T.

This is the current business rules, Enhanced PS Opportunities, for prior service with over 36 months time in service. From what I have been told, (check with a recruiter), if you have less than 36 months you can pick any specialty so long as you meet that MOS's requirements.

Once I get through whatever training is necessary for any of the above MOSs, I can drop a packet for SF once in. That being said, I'm going to continue training hoping for 18X, but with a plan B in mind. If anyone was or is any of the above MOSs if you send me a message about what it was like that would be awesome. I'm mostly interested in the 25Q, 25S, 13F, 19D, but any info would be appreciated.

I am also wondering if anyone knows what a good goal should be for pull-ups? I'm not trying to GQ the event, but I want to make sure I'm working towards a standard. I've heard it's 'a do as many as you can' sort of thing, which I completely understand. I guess I want to know do they allow a small kick to get momentum, do they expect a dead hang in between reps, should I be training for 3-6-10 reps? Any advice would be helpful.