Verified SWAT
That's what I thought too. How it's listed is 68C (68W10M6).
Anyway, good luck!
That's what I thought too. How it's listed is 68C (68W10M6).
Grab an Airborne slot if possible.So went to MEPS on Wednesday to do the physical portion Which I passed. While I was there asked if they could do an airborne physical which they obliged. PULHES all 1s, passed the vivid red/green, hearing, height weight etc. all good to go.
Some how my scheduling got messed up and they only scheduled me for the physical portion. So, I have to head up there again this Tuesday to actually select a MOS then go from there.
Grab an Airborne slot if possible.
Find a Guard unit then.So I haven't updated on what I signed up for because now I'm being told I cannot enlist at all. The reason? RCP (retention control points).
Here's the deal.
My initial enlistment contract was 36 months which was extended to 44 months. I separated and was recalled in IRR status and deployed to Iraq for 11 months. Total service time is 55 months or 4 years 8 months. I only ever made E-4 during that time because points for my MOS were in the mid 700s at the time. Since I was out more than 4 years I will be reduced in grade to E-3. Which puts me in jeopardy of falling short of RCP which is capped at 5 years.
So the recruiting battalion S-3 is not approving me to enlist because of this. My thought is let me enlist knowing my situation and let my NCOs down the line make the decision on promoting me. I've seen people promoted for all kinds of retention reasons, why not me? It's not as though I'm being UCMJed it's because of a technicality. I'm so frustrated and pissed at this point. Because of the change in grade and the RCP system they're essentially barring prior service from enlisting if they've been out a few years and lower enlisted. I just don't get it we've been at this for a better part of a year and now it's an issue.
Thanks manSapper-doc, you have gained some valuable insight. Not too far from 50 and looking back, not making it isn't the end of the world. Not going to give you platitudes, but it sounds like you have your head on straight. Good luck.