Reporter Shooting

You see it up close and personal brother. More of the general public SHOULD see videos like this, IMVHO. As @DA SWO said, maybe then they'll start to wake up and realize evil exists and that it ain't all sunshine and roses out there. I certainly don't want the families to suffer anymore than they already are, but completely insulating everyone from the video serves no purpose.

I have to disagree with you. Nobody is stopping anybody else from finding the video, but, for the sake of propriety and to not spread the shooter's message here, it was requested that the video not be posted on this site. After all, it is essentially nothing more than a disturbed individual's snuff film of an execution.
You see it up close and personal brother. More of the general public SHOULD see videos like this, IMVHO. As @DA SWO said, maybe then they'll start to wake up and realize evil exists and that it ain't all sunshine and roses out there. I certainly don't want the families to suffer anymore than they already are, but completely insulating everyone from the video serves no purpose.
This is how I feel. We documented the atrocities of WWII very well, and with a clearly defined purpose. Now we are overly fixated on censorship- in Iraq, Afghanistan, wherever.
Showing the video isn't going to do a damn bit of good. Society, for the most part, believes that all guns are the real life embodiment of Spellbinder, hypnotizing the hapless human being and forcing him to shoot another hapless human being. Calling the shooter mentally disturbed will be construed as racist, especially since the gun forced him to go against his moral fiber and kill those ever-so-deserving privileged clear people.

They wouldn't learn the lesson contained within if you held them at knife point, gun point, or sparkled target.
Showing the video isn't going to do a damn bit of good. Society, for the most part, believes that all guns are the real life embodiment of Spellbinder, hypnotizing the hapless human being and forcing him to shoot another hapless human being. Calling the shooter mentally disturbed will be construed as racist, especially since the gun forced him to go against his moral fiber and kill those ever-so-deserving privileged clear people.

They wouldn't learn the lesson contained within if you held them at knife point, gun point, or sparkled target.

Agree that we give far too much credit to most people. Their realities are shaped by the media and their choice of how to mold things. Showing videos like this wouldn't be enough to change things on their own, not without dismantling the entire cancerous apparatus known as mainstream media. We already know this is going to be chalked down to gun control (a lack thereof) and the systematic oppression that 'pushed' this man to do this.
Many people are apathetic in general and even more are selfish. They may watch it and be appalled for a short time, but then their apathy would take over and it would be old news within a couple days.
The media coverage that we have today, is overwhelming in so many ways. There is no privacy, or respect shown by "reporters". Cameras can catch images from so far away, and there seems to be a complete loss of respect for the privacy of others; no matter what the event be. That is before the spin of talking heads takes it's bite out of the event, all for what??
I have to disagree with you. Nobody is stopping anybody else from finding the video, but, for the sake of propriety and to not spread the shooter's message here, it was requested that the video not be posted on this site. After all, it is essentially nothing more than a disturbed individual's snuff film of an execution.

My response was specifically addressing the comment that the video should be pulled altogether. My apologies for not being more clear. This site obviously has the right to deny permission to post certain content, and I was not attempting to argue that decision. My argument was against on overall censorship of videos like this across the Internet.
FWIW, I made a "command" decision when I started this thread. Should the world see the video? Not my place to decide. Should we see it? I think at this point if you don't know how to find the video, were you so inclined, then consult your doctor because maybe Internet is not right for you. We understand violence, we have a pretty solid handle on the world's problems, we tend to be more informed than the masses, so why do we need some attention whore's snuff film on our site?

Was I wrong to do this? That's a valid discussion and until the members and staff conclude otherwise, we'll keep the video off the site. Links to the stories which have embedded links are one thing, but don't directly link to the video.

Thank you.
You see it up close and personal brother. More of the general public SHOULD see videos like this, IMVHO. As @DA SWO said, maybe then they'll start to wake up and realize evil exists and that it ain't all sunshine and roses out there. I certainly don't want the families to suffer anymore than they already are, but completely insulating everyone from the video serves no purpose.

Agreed and torn bro. The media will over play this shit but I also agree that sheep need to see this. Torn bro... Mos of these people that see this are not like us. They are ghouls that want to see drama. R.K. is correct, and the others here. Give it 2 weeks and some fucking retarded Kardashians bullshit or some other "race" issue, this will be forgotten, leaving the family and spouses to suffer the hell of a loss....

Those videos have no place on this website IMO. @Freefalling made the right decision with his ruling.
If you want to watch innocent people being murdered, knock yourself out on liveleak (like I did).
RIP to the victims. To the shooter, burn in hell.

That said...

The video has some value from a training perspective. There are some learning points that can be taken from it, and seeing real incidents unfold is an effective learning tool (assuming the audience is prepared to see the material). I will use it in a teaching setting.

But it does not belong on this site. @Freefalling made the right call.
The article I linked had a bit more information on his apparent motivations from racism and desire to start a race war. I wonder what came from him suing NBC for racism. Quite evident that he wanted some sort of an impact from his delay for the camera to pan back over.