Retention and Recruitment Crisis

Why would we treat this any differently than any of the other 100 medical conditions for which people are on chronic meds? Some of which allow them to be deployed, some of which do not.
Sorry for late reply. Doc, it's a communicable disease. I don't want me or mine to serve with anyone who has that, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, or any other communicable disease. We spend enough time sharing the same quarters, fighting positions, and facilities, where that is a health and safety issue.

If my biggest worry is Haj blowing my legs off or shooting me in the back, the last thing I wanna worry about is if I'm going to get some incurable disease from the weirdo in the next squad. Or worse, having that happen to my 'normal' guys.

I keep saying this, but we are being eaten alive from the inside out. Our forces are being purposefully weakened by traitors and idiots.
Sorry for late reply. Doc, it's a communicable disease. I don't want me or mine to serve with anyone who has that, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, or any other communicable disease. We spend enough time sharing the same quarters, fighting positions, and facilities, where that is a health and safety issue.

If my biggest worry is Haj blowing my legs off or shooting me in the back, the last thing I wanna worry about is if I'm going to get some incurable disease from the weirdo in the next squad. Or worse, having that happen to my 'normal' guys.

I keep saying this, but we are being eaten alive from the inside out. Our forces are being purposefully weakened by traitors and idiots.

Nevermind. Be well.
That's my primary argument. If a condition prevents someone from taking the field after kickoff - then they need to find alternative employment as a way of serving their country. It is no longer a matter of service in spite of a minor medical condition - it has become a social platform used by activists to hammer home a narrative.
I think we agree on the root issue - just with differing opinions on the nuance - and that's OK too.

I know its just a movie - but Ephialtes wanted to fight as a Spartan to restore his families honor - but he couldn't lift his shield high enough: "each Spartan protects the man on his left, from thigh to neck, with his shield; a single weak spot and the phalanx will shatter."

All the man claimed that he wanted to do was to serve his country and bring honor to his family - but "not all of us were made to be soldiers" - even then - King Leonidas was ready to offer the man a chance to bring honor to his family name:
"If you want to help, to be part of a Spartan victory, clear the battlefield of the dead. Tend to the wounded, bring them water"
- but old boy didn't actually want to do what his country needed him to do. He wanted to pursue his own idea of honor - for his own gratification. Much like an increasing number of Americans that have discarded the possibility that "service" just might be the defining part of the term "Service Member"
Some people don't care that their shortcomings, their infirmities, or their mental state may weaken the Phalanx - they just want their moment of fame - Phalanx be damned.

We are all watching the current political shit show unfolding to see the parallels as life continues to imitate art.

When Ephialtes didn't get his way, he sold out the Spartans - and his nation - to the Persians because he sought self enrichment instead of honor. Those with conditions that keep them from going to war can pursue numerous paths that will allow the to "serve their country" without being a detriment - but they don't care about the detriment. People aren't interested in "service" as much as they are interested in being served. They have perverted the purity of the profession of arms into a political football - a stepping stone to something better - a social platform to help drive a narrative - all of which are toxic to the efficacy of the United States Military.

That's just my opinion though - I could be wrong.
Box you are a much more eloquent man than I.
There’s lot of jobs in the military that never deploy. Should the military cut those jobs as part of Title 10?

They could certainly transition a lot of them into civil service jobs...

Do you really need to pull gate guards out of a unit that has training to do - or could you just create a bunch of GS-6 authorizations that don't come with a lot of the same concerns that dealing with enlisted folks that bring along a footlocker full of administrative concerns...
Show up check ID cards - go home.
There’s a million ways to serve our nation that people of every condition can do, you don’t have to be a super soldier to make a positive impact. I think Box said it best above using the Spartan analogy.
I think some like Wright Patt AFB are already doing this. Also, West Point has Civilian gate guards, if I recall correctly. I haven't been to any other posts in awhile.

It's hit or miss at Fort Bragg - on some days it is a civilian in a security guard uniform - some days it is a PFC, some days it is an E5. Someday's they are wearing an MP unit patch, some days they are

I haven't seen an E6 or above just yet - but who knows.
They could certainly transition a lot of them into civil service jobs...

Do you really need to pull gate guards out of a unit that has training to do - or could you just create a bunch of GS-6 authorizations that don't come with a lot of the same concerns that dealing with enlisted folks that bring along a footlocker full of administrative concerns...
Show up check ID cards - go home.
GS system is flawed. Make it easier to terminate and I am in.
Though I agree basic installation support could be civilian.
They could certainly transition a lot of them into civil service jobs...

Do you really need to pull gate guards out of a unit that has training to do - or could you just create a bunch of GS-6 authorizations that don't come with a lot of the same concerns that dealing with enlisted folks that bring along a footlocker full of administrative concerns...
Show up check ID cards - go home.
Agree 100%.

Let’s start with the band. Why do we even have a band anymore? They are worthless to defending this nation, against all enemies. If we need a rock band to play in theater the uso can figure that out. Need a party at a flags house? Too bad. It’s a waste of tax payer money to throw parties.
Agree 100%.

Let’s start with the band. Why do we even have a band anymore? They are worthless to defending this nation, against all enemies. If we need a rock band to play in theater the uso can figure that out. Need a party at a flags house? Too bad. It’s a waste of tax payer money to throw parties.

When the AFCENT band or whatever, some pseudo-rock clownshoe organization, came to "town" people went for two reasons: boredom and an extra drink allowance that night. No one cared about the band. It was different and they could have an extra beer. The operating costs to fly them around theater every year could be used to, spitballing here, combating the mold problem at the Deid and Dhafra and wherever else.
Agree 100%.

Let’s start with the band. Why do we even have a band anymore? They are worthless to defending this nation, against all enemies. If we need a rock band to play in theater the uso can figure that out. Need a party at a flags house? Too bad. It’s a waste of tax payer money to throw parties.

I would get rid of the SEALs before I'd touch a bandy.

I'd drop a nuke on every Service Academy as if it was a cancer before I'd touch a bandy.

The service has continuously failed its Airmen, Matines, Sailors, and Soldiers by shutting on tradition and not doing things that maintain who we are.

That means having a band, that means parades, that means sports, that means not deploying the force into oblivion when there is no war.

Back in the day you had a lot less civilians. I'd go the other way, kill off half the civilian support and increase end strength to adequately support red cycle.

The reason the gate guards transitioned on most posts to Rdd Cycle is because the DoD cutting funding for DA Cops to man the gates. That is why we're tasking units to death.

But yes there are many things I'd cut before the band and that includes a lot of special bullshit.
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When the AFCENT band or whatever, some pseudo-rock clownshoe organization, came to "town" people went for two reasons: boredom and an extra drink allowance that night. No one cared about the band. It was different and they could have an extra beer. The operating costs to fly them around theater every year could be used to, spitballing here, combating the mold problem at the Deid and Dhafra and wherever else.
I would get rid of the SEALs before I'd touch a bandy.

I'd drop a nuke on every Service Academy as if it was a cancer before I'd touch a bandy.

The service has continuously failed its Airmen, Matines, Sailors, and Soldiers by shutting on tradition and not doing things that maintain who we are.

That means having a band, that means parades, that means sports, that means not deploying the force into oblivion when there is no war.

Back in the day you had a lot less civilians. I'd go the other way, kill off half the civilian support and increase end strength to adequately support red cycle.

The reason the gate guards transitioned on most posts to Rdd Cycle is because the DoD cutting funding for DA Cops to man the gates. That is why we're tasking units to death.

But yes there are many things I'd cut before the band and that includes a lot of special bullshit.

The military is having a recruitment shortfall, where are you going to add people to man the gates instead of ships, planes, tanks, etc?
@ThunderHorse -

1: You okay, friend?

2: Assuming you were not having a literal stroke as you were typing, a friendly reminder that booze+serious topics often equates gibberish. On the other hand, Booze +dot.thread often equates hilarity.

3: Either way, both equal entertainment, so carry on with your bad self!

4: One of my favorite perks of being a mod is being able to read the original posts after editing.

5: All for now.

The military is having a recruitment shortfall, where are you going to add people to man the gates instead of ships, planes, tanks, etc?
Because shit pay, shit treatment from command, shit treatment from civilians, shit recruitment campaigns. The Army can't decide what Uniform it wants so it wants to change it every 5 years. We keep deploying this force at higher rates than the Surge and we wonder why families are breaking. But hey, let's keep the Pentagon staffed with people who don't care for the martial class. Which means that recruitment and retention is in the drink. Remember the CJCS was a liberal weirdo that was reading racist books like "White Rage" because he was plunging the DoD into a DEI freakathon.

Let's fix the op tempo, get rid of 70% of the civilian apparatus.

There are so many things to fix but you want to get rid of the band? The band has no issues recruiting anyone. The vast majority of the band have PhDs in music. The band is a recruiting tool. And the band works. But I'll tell you what didn't work, that ADA I have two moms ad. But those that spoke out about that go told they were bigots. Like there's so many things wrong and to fix and the band isn't one of them.

Just trying to channel some @Box although the first one may have been slightly box/rabbit fused.