
Got out on Wednesday. I've been taking it easy, which has been easier than I expected since just being up and moving around takes quite a bit out of me. I'll get a couple of good walks in before my follow up appt next week. As long as CPK levels are good I'll move up to some jogging and work up from there. As far as weights I'll follow doctor's orders and start very easy and light. I'm not going to rush anything. I've also been staying well hydrated. All in all I feel good. Thanks for all the well wishes.
Update- Ran a blood panel at my follow up appt and my CPK level was almost down to normal, but it was about 40 points over the max (I think I was 240ish and max was 204) so the nurse wouldn't release me to workout until I followed up with my kidney specialist. Saw him the following week and he said I should have been allowed to start excercising a while ago (have to love communication in the medical field...). He said my kidneys are just fine and I need to follow up with him later this month after I've worked out a bit just to make sure there is no problem with my CPK production. Went for a run yesterday and I'll be hitting the gym this week (slow and scaled back of course). Feel like I'm way behind, but excited to get back at it again.
Great news about your recovery.
Brings a sobering reality to the "no pain, no gain" mantra.
Your last post about your nurse not releasing you because of your 240 vs 204 level just has me shaking my head.
Update- Ran a blood panel at my follow up appt and my CPK level was almost down to normal, but it was about 40 points over the max (I think I was 240ish and max was 204) so the nurse wouldn't release me to workout until I followed up with my kidney specialist. Saw him the following week and he said I should have been allowed to start excercising a while ago (have to love communication in the medical field...). He said my kidneys are just fine and I need to follow up with him later this month after I've worked out a bit just to make sure there is no problem with my CPK production. Went for a run yesterday and I'll be hitting the gym this week (slow and scaled back of course). Feel like I'm way behind, but excited to get back at it again.

I understand the annoyance directed at your nurse for holding you up a little longer; there is a reason. All too often folks get out of the hospital and have the idea that all is well now. That thought will see countless patients blowing off any and all follow-up care; it is called noncompliance. Noncompliance leads to relapse. Relapse puts you back in the hospital, and the nurse gets reamed out because of the relapse. Your follow-up visit with the Dr.,was forced compliance, in a way. Now the Nephrologist comes along and says you are just dandy, and you could have started earlier; bad, mean nurse. Not really. It was the safe call for you at the time.

That's my $.02. Now, back into my wee little cave here The Valley.

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