Russia kills senior militant leader ahead of Sochi Olympics, officials say

Interesting that he was in the IK's inner circle yet couldn't find any info about him. More Russian grand standing on the world stage.

Was placed on the Federal "most wanted" list in August 2012?????

Эльдар Рашитбекович Магатов, 28 лет. Уроженец грода Азов Ростовской области, зарегистрирован в Республике Дагестан, село Бабаюрт. По имеющейся у сотрудников полиции информации разыскиваемый перебрался на территорию Республики Татарстан и примкнул в ряды членов исповедующих радикальное течение Ислама.

Приметы: рост 170-175 см., среднего телосложения, лопоухий.

Особые приметы: послеоперационный шрам от варикозного расширения вен, на левой стороне в области живота. 1 августа 2012 года объявлен в федеральный розыск.

При задержании необходимо соблюдать меры безопасности, преступники могут быть вооружены и оказывать сопротивление.

При получении какой-либо информации в отношении фигурантов незамедлительно сообщить в МВД по РТ по телефонам: (843) 2913-528, 2913-628 (деж/часть МВД), 2913-045 (дежурный по УУР МВД по РТ), (843) 2912-216, 2912-241 или 02.
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This Olypics has "fail" written so bad. The "nightmare scenerio" I keep having is a sniper - taking out a competitor in mid ski jump ... live on international TV. I cannot get that image out of my imagination.
This Olypics has "fail" written so bad. The "nightmare scenerio" I keep having is a sniper - taking out a competitor in mid ski jump ... live on international TV. I cannot get that image out of my imagination.

That would be a huge publicity coup for the bad guys.
Talking with my wife tonight about this.
The terrorists gave TTP's away by bombing early (or created an amazing deception plan).
I don't see the games going well; Security overload hampering events, or a terrorist attack that goes bad when the Russians go heavy handed and kill as many Olypians as they kill Terrorists.

Glad I don't watch the Olympics.
anyone surprised (or concerned) that Putin has not come out and said, "thanks, but no thanks" in regards to the US announcement (and public at that) that we will be on standby to assist?
anyone surprised (or concerned) that Putin has not come out and said, "thanks, but no thanks" in regards to the US announcement (and public at that) that we will be on standby to assist?

Unless he has something tangible to gain there is no way he'd accept that offer.
anyone surprised (or concerned) that Putin has not come out and said, "thanks, but no thanks" in regards to the US announcement (and public at that) that we will be on standby to assist?
Doesn't matter. We can move stuff into non Russian waters and then sit and wait.
I am not sure what the Committee of Olympic Games was thinking when they picked this as a location. I have seen a few interviews of parents of some US athletes who aren't going to see their kids perform because of the security issues. It doesn't look like this will turn out well at all.
Interesting that he was in the IK's inner circle yet couldn't find any info about him. More Russian grand standing on the world stage.

Was placed on the Federal "most wanted" list in August 2012?????

We don't all speak Russian man, what dies that link say?
Honestly if anything happens it will be at a low publicity event. Most of the events at the games will be televised at some point, but the bigger events like bobsled, speed skating, and the skiing events will have a higher security level than curling.
You want to talk about fail... Well... you can spell that FAIL if any US forces get involved. If we have anyone involved in security and something (75%+) happens... The US will be the fall guys... Putin will be graceful about it... but the blame will fall on the US.
Saw this yesterday and thought damn this is not going to be good.


Security forces in Sochi, Russia, distributed flyers Tuesday morning warning of a potential suicide attack by three women. One of the suspects, Ruzanna Ibragimova, 22, is believed to be at large in the host city on the Black Sea coast.
We don't all speak Russian man, what dies that link say?

Eldar Rashitbekovich Magatov, 28 yrs old, was born in the village of Babayurt, Azov Rostov district, in Dagestan. According to police, he relocated to Tatarstan Republic and joined up with Islamic radicals.

He's about 175cm tall, medium build and HAS BIG EARS!!!! Has a surgical scar on left side of stomach (says from varicose veins?) and added to the federal wanted list in 2012. He should be considered armed and dangerous.

Call police upon getting any info.

Doesn't sound like a Shadow Governor to me!