Russian election Interference thread


Where the fuck is Zordon?
Verified Military
Jul 29, 2008
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Russian interference specific thread created and merged by member request -

- Rah -

So no Russian collusion, nothing about Stormy Daniels to get Trump fired, so now this. Trump didn't need a conspiracy to win. Next.

The Russia issue is still an ongoing investigation and the Stormy Daniels carry on is awaiting a court date.
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The Russia issue is still an ongoing investigation and the Stormy Daniels carry on is awaiting a court date.

Yes, but.....and I fully acknowledge anything can happen at anytime....

Even Mueller's team leaked they are close to wrapping up, Rosenstein said Trump isn't a target in the Cohen case, and Daniels isn't going to bring him down.
Yes, but.....and I fully acknowledge anything can happen at anytime....

Even Mueller's team leaked they are close to wrapping up, Rosenstein said Trump isn't a target in the Cohen case, and Daniels isn't going to bring him down.

Is the talk of wrapping things up a bit like Ty Cobb saying it'd be wrapped up before Christmas? Even looking at the indictments of the Russians and all the stuff about the Internet Research Agency, it looks like a pretty wide ranging investigation so any talk of wrapping things up is fairly optimistic IMO.

Isn't all the "target" talk just legal speak? Much like the fact that Trump is the subject of an investigation into obstruction of justice, rather than a target? Someone becomes a target once prosecutors have decided to charge cunts?

The Cohen thing could seemingly get hairy if it grows legs. Even Trump associates are highlighting the danger of Cohen flipping on Trump, on the basis that Cohen has dirt on Trump that could land him in hot water. Although I think it's a bit bizarre for them to just take it as a given that Trump has done something illegal with Cohen during his career.

I agree that Trump certainly won't get the boot over banging Stormy Daniels based on the info that is in the public domain.
Do you know how tedious it is to delete a 4 paragraph, super well thought out, tongue in cheek snarky reply on an iPhone? Pretty hard (that’s what she said).

Anyway- to @Blizzard notably- this is a good example of our earlier conversation about ‘what is news’?

I think this is news. It’s really an issue with character- if you get to make the call to legally kill humans without repercussion, your character is open to examination. Before and during your election.

We have E7’s in the military RIGHT NOW telling E4’s that ‘if I can’t trust you to get your hair cut, I can’t trust you on target’, but their boss gets to (allegedly) fuck a porn star while married, and then pay them hush money and that’s cool? Possibly through illegal campaign processes/funds? Come on man.

I accept the fact that this isn’t ‘true’ yet and that even though there is more evidence every day, the world we live in makes it possible for seemingly intelligent people to ignore that evidence. However, if there is s reasonable explanation of how this isn’t a bad look for the president, I’d like to hear it.
@amlove21 , in many respects, you and I are on the same page. Character is important and was always a question, especially leading up to the election. I'm pretty certain it was a topic of numerous discussions here. So, it's not news. The questions have been out there since day one. It's a solid reason why I didn't vote for him. However, for others, it wasn't either persuasive enough or priority enough to keep them from voting him to office; voters passed judgment the best way possible. So, regardless as to how we feel about it, it's out there, a decision was made, it's not news, time to move forward....or we can continue to pummel dead horses.

When looking at things that are news worthy, how about Bill Cosby? Yep, news worthy. How about news on the Korean Peninsula? Absolutely news.

Even if North Korea has said many things in the past, they've never said the things they're saying now. Definitely newsworthy, especially when a year ago the media and every leftist on the planet had us imminently locked into war with North Korea. This is a huge story, no matter how we look at it. Tell me were this rates on the page headlines here (obviously time sensitive based on when you're able to view this thread):
ABC News
CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos
NBC News - Breaking News & Top Stories - Latest World, US & Local News
MSNBC — Breaking News, Top Stories, & Show Clips

Do you see an issue there?

(the Korean announcement is not a main headline on any of the sites listed; however, "Trump's Russian connection" story is front and center on several of them)
Whoa. NYT has (somehow) obtained the list of questions that special counsel Mueller wants to ask POTUS. The list tops 48 questions
Mueller Has Dozens of Inquiries for Trump in Broad Quest on Russia Ties and Obstruction

And the questions themselves: What Mueller Wants to Ask Trump About Obstruction, and What It Means

This seems to be the one that reporters are really digging into:
• What knowledge did you have of any outreach by your campaign, including by Paul Manafort, to Russia about potential assistance to the campaign?
This is one of the most intriguing questions on the list. It is not clear whether Mr. Mueller knows something new, but there is no publicly available information linking Mr. Manafort, the former campaign chairman, to such outreach. So his inclusion here is significant. Mr. Manafort’s longtime colleague, Rick Gates, is cooperating with Mr. Mueller.
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Whoa. NYT has (somehow) obtained the list of questions that special counsel Mueller wants to ask POTUS. The list tops 48 questions
Mueller Has Dozens of Inquiries for Trump in Broad Quest on Russia Ties and Obstruction

And the questions themselves: What Mueller Wants to Ask Trump About Obstruction, and What It Means

This seems to be the one that reporters are really digging into:

Hate because that investigation has leaked like a sieve. He should just hang it up. His team is obviously full shit bags.

I suspect that a lot of Republican Congress Critters will make a lot of speeches tomorrow. Or the list is fake which would make this clown show ever more funny.
First of all, a good friend of mine who used to be the assistant district attorney in my area, once told me never ask a question that you don't already know the answer to. Mueller already knows the answers to these, I think he is trying to get Trump to go on record. At this point it is not about truth, it is about playing gotcha.

Second of all, this was never a legal issue until about 7 years ago when they passed campaign finance reform law. So back when Senator Kennedy actively courted the Soviets to conspire against Reagan, that was actually legal.

Third of all, collusion is nowhere in the general statutes. If they get him anywhere it will be on a finance issue with Russia, whether Russia paid anything to influence the election. I think if that had happened, we'd already know a little something about it.

I'll be curious to see where this goes, but believe this will probably not leave anywhere big.
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First of all, a good friend of mine who used to be the assistant district attorney in my area, once told me never ask a question that you don't already know the answer to. Mueller already knows the answers to these, I think he is trying to get Trump to go on record. At this point it is not about truth, it is about playing gotcha.

^I've posted this video before, but its worth a second post (spoiler: part 2 is a police officer saying the same thing.)

I cannot emphasize how accurate Devildoc's statement is. In fact, out of all the people indicted by Muller, thus far, (excluding Russian nationals and companies) only Richard Pinedo has not been charged with, at least, "making false statements to the FBI."

Last week I was a witness in a mock trial for a few 3L friends of mine. We had two practice sessions prior to the mock, and I knew the details of the case very well. During cross examination, I was asked how much we ("we" includes the dirty prostitute that made an attempt on my characters life) received for the sale of the house. The correct answer was 18 Mil, i.e. the grand total. I answered 14.47 Mil, the amount we both received after closing costs. I answered based upon the amount of money we pocketed, honest mistake right? Wrong! I had just committed perjury, as so eloquently pointed out by the proctor. Trust me, one of the most humbling experiences is being forced to read your sworn testimony after just answering incorrectly. Also remember, this was only a mock trial, imagine being in front of trained professionals.
Trump has been in and out of Russia for decades as a business man - if it had suddenly become IMPOSSIBLE to find a Russian person in his past, I would be a lot more surprised.

its like being surprised that someone who lived in North Carolina for 10 years has a history of drinking Cheerwine.
Because when you go on a witch hunt you find witches? Seriously.
This is pretty dead on.

The only problem is, when the whole case is "Russia actively helped you get elected" and everywhere you turn are connections to powerful Russians, it's no longer a witch hunt. Witches don't exist; President Trump's historical and possibly current ties to the Russian Oligarchy do exist.
Michael Cohen is incredibly screwed: Firm Tied to Russian Oligarch Made Payments to Michael Cohen

-Took $200k from AT&T as the company was being scrutinized for an antitrust suit
-Was paid over $1 million by a sanctioned Russian oligarch

Serious question: why do Russians keep showing up in the Trump orbit?


You were saying?

Avenatti Accuses The Wrong Michael Cohens Of Making ‘Fraudulent’ Payments


It remains a mystery how the financial records of a completely separate Michael Cohen would have ended up in the tranche of documents provided to Avenatti.

Other transfers tied to Michael Cohen, the Trump lawyer, actually did occur. Several companies, including AT&T, Novartis and Columbus Nova, a firm linked to Russian oligarch Viktor Vekselberg, acknowledged paying Cohen’s company, Essential Consultants.
Whether or not the special counsel would recommend indictment was never really an issue, because that matter is ultimately left up to Congress to decide. More specifically, the Senate if the House approves articles of impeachment.

Currently, the rumor is that the special counsel’s office could release two reports - one for the obstruction of justice investigation, and one for Russian involvement in the election, with the former possibly coming as early as June. So even if the next six or however many years are full of “fake news”, we could have some real-ass news hitting as early as next month.