Russian election Interference thread

Correct - the idea that this is some Jason Bourne style conspiracy to use Russian operatives to defeat Hillary Clinton is balderdash to me.
Complete balderdash.
Hillary did enough to compromise her campaign on her own. The inability to accept that she lost does not mean there is a conspiracy behind it.
Correct - the idea that this is some Jason Bourne style conspiracy to use Russian operatives to defeat Hillary Clinton is balderdash to me.
Complete balderdash.
Even though there have been 17 charges and 5 guilty pleas? And the longer this goes, the more happens.

It bears saying- Don Jr met with Russians in a meeting they initially denied because they hoped to gain information to hurt Hillary. When the meeting DIDNT play out like that, members of President Trump’s campaign were visably pissed.

How is that balderdash?

New Poll: Most Americans don’t realize Robert Mueller’s investigation has uncovered crimes
Hillary did enough to compromise her campaign on her own. The inability to accept that she lost does not mean there is a conspiracy behind it.
This investigation has absolutely nothing to do with Hillary at this point. The very fact that people still include her name in any of the investigative points is absolutely ludicrous.

I personally don’t care that she lost. I care that President Trump’s team invited Russians into Trump Tower with the intent to gain information about a campaign opponent, then initially lied, and now insists that despite the facts of the matter that they didn’t ask Russians for help to win the American presidential election.
This investigation has absolutely nothing to do with Hillary at this point. The very fact that people still include her name in any of the investigative points is absolutely ludicrous.

I personally don’t care that she lost. I care that President Trump’s team invited Russians into Trump Tower with the intent to gain information about a campaign opponent, then initially lied, and now insists that despite the facts of the matter that they didn’t ask Russians for help to win the American presidential election.
I completely disagree with this, I posted a link in the OT thread about the malfeasance of the Clinton Foundation. But this is a witch hunt. Pure and simple. We've talk of Uranium One, CGI donations and somehow Madame Secretary and her ilk are getting off with nothing? When it's quite clear that investigations by the FBI under McCabe and Comey into the Trump campaign were politically motivated...cmon man.
I completely disagree with this, I posted a link in the OT thread about the malfeasance of the Clinton Foundation. But this is a witch hunt. Pure and simple. We've talk of Uranium One, CGI donations and somehow Madame Secretary and her ilk are getting off with nothing? When it's quite clear that investigations by the FBI under McCabe and Comey into the Trump campaign were politically motivated...cmon man.
Disagree all you want.

The investigation is about Russian interference in the election and President Trump’s campaign actively including Russians in the winning of that election.

If you have proof that the Clinton’s are driving this investigation for political reasons or that the DOJ is a politically motivated organization AND favors the democrats, present it. You’ll be the first person in America that can do so, you’ll take down the whole DOJ, and you’ll have a lifetime membership to the Fox app for your smartphone or tablet.

Until then, cmon man indeed.
I read all sorts of new sources, Fox tends not to be one of them. Clinton isn't driving this investigation, but the Dems certainly got it started.
Yep. But that’s miles away from the claim you made. And regardless of who started it- if there are crimes, there are crimes. 17 charges 5 guilty pleas.

And as far as I am aware, the DOJ is conducting the investigation not the Democrats. Not driven by the Clinton’s, and the reason the investigation was started wasn’t ‘cause Hilary lost’.

Saying otherwise is intellectually dishonest.
All I know is 2 pm tomorrow and what happens afterwards, will definitely be interesting to say the least.

Not really, I see a pure parallel with the birther shit. Except I have yet to see an Officer refuse to deploy under Trump or Sue the executive.


You sure enjoy getting cleat marks on wee willy winky.....
So in this thread we may compare Trump to Obama, but the reality is that Obama is the one playing tit for tat here. In the end though, it's really just about Obama falsely claiming that he had no real scandals.
So in this thread we may compare Trump to Obama, but the reality is that Obama is the one playing tit for tat here. In the end though, it's really just about Obama falsely claiming that he had no real scandals.
That’s just like, your opinion, man.

What’s a scandal, what’s Obama’s threshold for embarrassment, maybe he thinks Benghazi was more of a Hillary embarrassment and not his, yada yada yada. The dude was off the record and made some private remarks.

Just a little locker room talk. No need for all the outrage over a couple sentences.
Certain I’ve heard this somewhere, fruit of the poisonous tree. How many things can you investigate that don’t have the word “Russia” written on it?
Not following your logic.

In the course of an investigation about Russian interference (and possible collusion), it was found that this dude made it possible to transfer money to Russians in order to manipulate our election- and you don’t think that’s got anything to do with Russians?

Do you think that this guy should not be prosecuted for his actions?
Certain I’ve heard this somewhere, fruit of the poisonous tree. How many things can you investigate that don’t have the word “Russia” written on it?

Fruit of the poisonous tree refers to things that are obtained illegally are dismissed in court. So all the "fruits" come from a "poisoned tree" in searches done by police etc. Probably recently heard it if you watched the Unabomber series on Netflix since Ted was looking to claim that the search warrant which led to all the evidence was obtained off an unproven and illegal method. So all the evidence would be dismissed in court and he would have walked.

My question would be that how easy in this case would fruit of the poisonous tree be as a defense? After potentially having an issue with TK, did agencies make sure that they had ways around having that thrown on them unless something black and white happened?

ETA: Hit enter too early.
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More witches...

Mueller team moves another case toward sentencing
(via POLITICO for iOS)
Mueller team moves another case toward sentencing
Not to say you're wrong or right, but I feel like by posting articles such as this one in the Trump Presidency thread you are almost insinuating that this all connects to the POTUS in some way. While I myself and many others I believe would agree some level of interference was ran by Russia, I think most of us just don't agree it was ran in conjunction with the approval of President Trump. Clear evidence shows Russia ran some campaign, but clear evidence hasn't shown President Trump was involved directly.

I think articles such as these deserves their own thread with a head topic of Russian Interference in relation to the election and not necessarily should go under a thread about the POTUS.

Just my 2c.
I think articles such as these deserves their own thread with a head topic of Russian Interference in relation to the election and not necessarily should go under a thread about the POTUS.

Just my 2c.

That's a good idea...I've got a little time, I'll work on it now.
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Fruit of the poisonous tree refers to things that are obtained illegally are dismissed in court. So all the "fruits" come from a "poisoned tree" in searches done by police etc. Probably recently heard it if you watched the Unabomber series on Netflix since Ted was looking to claim that the search warrant which led to all the evidence was obtained off an unproven and illegal method. So all the evidence would be dismissed in court and he would have walked.

My question would be that how easy in this case would fruit of the poisonous tree be as a defense? After potentially having an issue with TK, did agencies make sure that they had ways around having that thrown on them unless something black and white happened?

ETA: Hit enter too early.

I understand the phrase, good explanation. The investigators seem to be pulling material from past search warrants
Not following your logic.

In the course of an investigation about Russian interference (and possible collusion), it was found that this dude made it possible to transfer money to Russians in order to manipulate our election- and you don’t think that’s got anything to do with Russians?

Do you think that this guy should not be prosecuted for his actions?

Yeah, I get it. But that information came from search warrants, I assume. Search warrants are flying all over from information gained from previous warrants which leads to new cases. If the guy did wrong, punish him. I just find it interesting how many “in plain view” cases get thrown out which IMO, seems to be what’s developing here. We were looking for this and found this, can we get a new warrant now? It’s a witch hunt as said before.
I understand the phrase, good explanation. The investigators seem to be pulling material from past search warrants.

Sorry, I wasn't tracking that the material was pulled from subject warrants. Didn't realize that would be in play. Thanks