Russian election Interference thread

Whether or not the special counsel would recommend indictment was never really an issue, because that matter is ultimately left up to Congress to decide. More specifically, the Senate if the House approves articles of impeachment.

Currently, the rumor is that the special counsel’s office could release two reports - one for the obstruction of justice investigation, and one for Russian involvement in the election, with the former possibly coming as early as June. So even if the next six or however many years are full of “fake news”, we could have some real-ass news hitting as early as next month.

....and it still won't get anywhere. The whole thing is a gordion knot of Biblical proportions that he could be 100% guilty or 100% innocent and the interested parties are just going to dig their heels in deeper. I think Mueller, et al., need to get something out soon and begin to vigorously defend because it seems as if some of the allegations have been unraveling.
We have long since passed the point of searching for evidence that shows a conspiracy with the Russian government to ensure a Trump victory. What we have found is evidence of the DNC trolling the globe for help, a book from Donna Brazil that made legal accusations, an admission from the head of the FBI that information was intentionally leaked with the intent of causing the appointment of a special counsel, and admission that information known to be ill gained and untrue was used to backdoor the system, and now we have seen that Mueller has as many or more connection with "foreign oligarchs" than the "bad" people he is investigating.

We have been playing "Six Degrees to Kevin Bacon" with the crap for over a year and it is starting to give me the shits.
Put somebody in jail already - water board a campaign aide - I don't care just fucking show something other than six-degrees-to-collusion
...all the spEcial c0unsel has proven is that anyone can be connected to a foreign oligarch if you have an unlimited budget and don't care how obscure or meaningless the connection

The DNC and supporters are certain campaign corruption exists because they had a hand in it. They know things were fixed because they still have the receipts. This has nothing to do with justice - never did - never will.

so - any updates on the weather report? the left still predicting 'Stormy'
We have long since passed the point of searching for evidence that shows a conspiracy with the Russian government to ensure a Trump victory. What we have found is evidence of the DNC trolling the globe for help, a book from Donna Brazil that made legal accusations, an admission from the head of the FBI that information was intentionally leaked with the intent of causing the appointment of a special counsel, and admission that information known to be ill gained and untrue was used to backdoor the system, and now we have seen that Mueller has as many or more connection with "foreign oligarchs" than the "bad" people he is investigating.

We have been playing "Six Degrees to Kevin Bacon" with the crap for over a year and it is starting to give me the shits.
Put somebody in jail already - water board a campaign aide - I don't care just fucking show something other than six-degrees-to-collusion
...all the spEcial c0unsel has proven is that anyone can be connected to a foreign oligarch if you have an unlimited budget and don't care how obscure or meaningless the connection

The DNC and supporters are certain campaign corruption exists because they had a hand in it. They know things were fixed because they still have the receipts. This has nothing to do with justice - never did - never will.

so - any updates on the weather report? the left still predicting 'Stormy'

Millions of hysterical liberals searching desperately for a crime that doesn't exist throwing a new spurious and empty allegation around every goddam day until the next presidential election. This is why I watch baseball and hockey. Yes, you're right. Fuck this. Arrest somebody or STFU.
Millions of hysterical liberals searching desperately for a crime that doesn't exist throwing a new spurious and empty allegation around every goddam day until the next presidential election. This is why I watch baseball and hockey. Yes, you're right. Fuck this. Arrest somebody or STFU.
I used to try and follow this shit. I am not wasting my time or debating with people about it any longer. It's finally warm, I'm going fishing!
And I'm referencing your Romper Room comment. I don't understand it. I understood you what post you were referencing but I'm not aware of the context.

The entire investigation into Russia. At this point, it's becoming a joke and quite frankly it's boring. Time to move on, nothing to see here....
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The First Father?

Hijack aside- if ya'll are looking for arrests as proof that impropriety was committed... I mean, I don't know how to get you to go into a time machine, go back 45 years, and then pay attention to how these things work. Did Nixon get on that plane and go land to a police district and get into cuffs? Did I miss the arrest and trial of the the biggest political scandal in the last 30 years? Can we all agree that crimes were commited without an arrest, and those crimes hurt America, our political system and the office of the Presidency?

Was Hillary Clinton ever arrested or charged with an actual crime? No? Well, cool, no need to investigate further. You all should let that go. Clinton Foundation? Innocent. No arrests there. Ho hum. Probably on the up and up; no further effort should be expended there, and without charges we can all agree that was wasted time and energy. All this talk about "Killary" and all that nonsense? Insecure ramblings of sycophantic acolytes, too dumb to think for themselves. Stop wasting America's time!

How dumb does that sound? Jesus, I am the only liberal dude left standing and even I think that the Clinton foundation should be torn brick from brick and see what creepy crawlies lie there. Cause it's actually got an arrest for a crime in there. I would bet on it.
Nixon didn't know about Watergate until after it happened... his guilt (and he WAS guilty) was in the cover up - as for jail time for those involved:

- H.R. Haldeman and John Erlichman (White House staff), resigned 30 April 1973, subsequently jailed
- John Dean (White House legal counsel), sacked 30 April 1973, subsequently jailed
- John Mitchell, Attorney-General and Chairman of the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP), jailed
- G. Gordon Liddy (ex-White House staff), planned the Watergate break-in, jailed
- Howard Hunt (ex-White House staff), helped plan the Watergate break-in, both jailed
- Charles Colson, special counsel to the President, jailed
- James McCord (Security Director of CREEP), jailed

Russia collusion hack job:
-touted as bigger than Watergate
-Some folks 'lied' to the FBI about their personal business dealings unrelated to the investigation, no one jailed
-Some government folks leaked classified information, no one jailed or even charged
Everyone Robert Mueller Charged in Russia Investigation Against President Trump's Campaign Team

First google result. There have been plenty of charges thus far (and we are not done yet) but for some reason it’s stil a hack job? If you don’t count the 16 Russians (which you should but whatever), why are those arrests not enough?

As far as getting caught up in the hype about how big this story is- watch out for that fake news. I hear it’s everywhere these days.

ETA- with the exception of Liddy, most of the Watergate jail time was between 3-7 months mostly for breaking and entering. Nothing to do with the crime Nixon knew nothing about. Which is a bit of a weird claim because Nixon taped everything. - Nixon Tapes and Transcripts
My google box works good - over a year in and Everyone Robert Mueller Charged in Russia Investigation Against President Trump's Campaign Team stands accused of crimes that were taking place years before the election except for the actual Russian gangsters.
Otherwise, it looks a lot like crimes that seem like they would be pretty common of any international business person if they were looked at by a special counsel. I'm sure if the scope was sincere, the Clinton Foundation and associated syndicate would have also been targeted by the special counsel since he is looking for ALL of the truth and not just some random hook to snare the POTUS....

-Manafort: personal finance prior to 2014 - nothing to do with Russia stealing an election
-Gates: personal finance prior to - nothing to do with Russia stealing an election
-Papadopoulos: one count of false statement
-Flynn: one count of false statement
-Van Der Zwaan: one count of false statement
-13 Russians: charged with fraud resulting in 13 advertisements critical of the Clinton syndicate
-Pinedo: identity fraud dating back to 2014- a criminal act that should be prosecuted in a criminal court - but still not related to Russians help POTUS steal the election

What I see is a hack job brought on by a 'trumped' up charge after the head of FBI admittedly leaked information that he admittedly leaked with hopes that it would instigate the establishment of a special counsel
...the view from my foxhole is a politically motivated hack job that looks like it is geared towards delegitimizing the administration until enough people can be charged with making a "false statement" that they are able to charge the POTUS with obstruction of justice or perjury.

I am fully aware that my viewpoint is slanted towards my side of the aisle and that the tinfoil lining in my hat prevents me from being fair to certain parcels of news - but that doesn't mean I don't peruse multiple venues before forming my politically slanted opinions. I also recognize full that George Stephanopoulos and Sean Hannity could both read the same list of facts prior to going on the air and yet their reporting on said facts would sound remarkably different based solely who they are talking about.

The current POTUS is no more or less morally superior to any other resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue over the last 200 years so the hype is relative. The same folks that think Stormy Daniels should get more air time are the same folks that think what happened with Monica Lewinsky was a personal matter between Bill and Hillary. The same folks that think Hillary should be drawn and quartered over money from the Clinton Foundation will just as quickly try to justify Manafort's shady finances as the cost of running an international business.

Nobody is innocent here - not the left, not the right - the only victims are the American people that got stuck with a general election cycle worthy of a complete season worth of South Park episodes.

Opinions may vary
@Box - so, all the whattaboutism aside- you feel that there is absolutely nothing to the Russia investigation? The Trump campaign/administration never used or tried to use Russia to hurt Hillary’s campaign and ultimately help President Trump win?

Even knowing the facts we do now- the Trump tower meeting, the Russia/Facebook ads, all of it- you truly feel this is nothing more than a concerted political hack job?