Russian election Interference thread

As someone who works in this bureau environment...I find this article is way too vague, I have been through several DOJ audits and think they do a good job....I will wait for the actual DOJ IG report.

This seems to go far beyond query errors but appears to be systemic problems with compliance of laws and policies. Just like the FISC ruling in 2016 that specifically called out the FBI, the public document is very heavily redacted

Here are the original documents.

The FISC found that “the minimization procedures and querying procedures to be implemented by the FBI are consistent with the requirements of Section 702(e) and Section 702(f)(1)(A)-(B) respectively and of the Fourth Amendment, except insofar as they [were] inconsistent” with those authorities in two aspects. First, the FISC found that the FBI’s retention of all query terms without differentiating which terms concern U.S. persons did not meet the requirements of Section 702(f)(1)(B) of FISA, a provision enacted as part of the FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act of 2017 requiring the Government to adopt querying procedures that, among other things, “include a technical procedure whereby a record is kept of each United States person query term used for a query.” The FISC concluded that Section 702(f)(1)(B) requires that the FBI’s query records indicate which terms concern U.S. persons.

The FISC also concluded that the FBI’s querying and minimization procedures, as implemented, were inconsistent with Section 702 and the Fourth Amendment, in light of certain identified compliance incidents involving queries of Section 702 information.

I think the oversight and pending changes will improve the program.
I must say that I now read the "Trump-Russia" writings as my new "comics" for enjoyment rather than seeing it as news!

Some children simply can't move on once they have lost at their game. It's time to move forward since we (US) always do what Russia has been accused of. I would be more interested if the news was about Russia NOT trying to interfere with our elections.
Whoa, this is a very serious allegation, if this is the testimony of the LTC. The caveats are due to the secrecy of the inquiry which isn’t or is an inquiry.

The National Security Council’s top Ukrainian expert testified to the House on Tuesday that key words and phrases were omitted from the transcript that President Trump released of his July 25 call with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky.

Vindman Testimony Alleges White House Left Key Details out of Trump-Zelensky Call Transcript | National Review
FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility released its finding on why Strozk was fired. It’s worth noting he and “GA” (Page) were both on the Senior payscale. Keep this in mind as we hear MSM breathlessly talk about “irregularities“ in the Trump admin dealings with Ukraine.

Strzok v Barr/DOJ; DE 30-5
The early posts in this thread, especially the posts openly mocking the opinions of the “this Russia thing doesn’t make sense” crowd, are pure fucking gold.

It ain’t over folks. Now that we know, definitively, the Trump-Russia (CROSSFIRE HURRICANE) thing was not in accordance with DOJ policies and procedures and included fraud, the next shoe to drop will the the predicate.

Was there enough FACTUAL articulable cause for the FBI to initiate an investigation, which suspended the 4th Amendment protections of specific Americans?

In order for the predicate to be legit, Halper MUST be impeccable and beyond reproach and Mifsud MUST be a Russian intelligence asset. Keep in mind the SAME sources that are telling us that Steele, the Dossier, FBI, and the entire CF case was “impeccable and beyond reproach”.

Prepare for the predicate, FBI investigation, Mueller’s investigation, and domestic turmoil since summer 2016 to be 100% fraud upon the American people and our collective values of a freedom. Regardless of your political ideology, vote...get family, friends, and neighbors to vote. Get involved, understand local issues, support your candidates, etc.

Gen Washington apparently foresaw this:


” my astonishment I saw the great George Washington on his knees alone, with his sword on one side and his cocked hat on the other. He was at Prayer to the God of the Armies, beseeching to interpose with his Divine aid, as it was ye Crisis and the cause of the country, of humanity, and of the world.”
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