Russian election Interference thread

Wel, well, well. Very interesting premise: DOJ & IC incompetence DID affect an election...2018 midterms.

Trump-Russia collusion did affect an American election — the one in 2018
Terminally wrong John Solomon obviously doesn't read the data. Concerns about the Russia investigation polled consistently at the bottom of concerns for voters in the week before the midterms

Top concerns? 1) Healthcare, 2) The economy, 3) Immigration. Russia polled right below "Tariffs" and "Climate change"
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Interesting idea from a writer at the Federalist.

Page was a prominent figure in the dossier and was the subject of a Title 1 FISA, renewed four times.

Manafort, Cohen, and Flynn were also main dossier figures. Were they also targeted via FISA? You figure via two hop rules, that’s the ENTIRE campaign...but Page’s FISA was renewed well into 2017. If there were other’s, extended too?
@Box - so, all the whattaboutism aside- you feel that there is absolutely nothing to the Russia investigation? The Trump campaign/administration never used or tried to use Russia to hurt Hillary’s campaign and ultimately help President Trump win?

Even knowing the facts we do now- the Trump tower meeting, the Russia/Facebook ads, all of it- you truly feel this is nothing more than a concerted political hack job?

Go on...
Even though there have been 17 charges and 5 guilty pleas? And the longer this goes, the more happens.

It bears saying- Don Jr met with Russians in a meeting they initially denied because they hoped to gain information to hurt Hillary. When the meeting DIDNT play out like that, members of President Trump’s campaign were visably pissed.

How is that balderdash?

New Poll: Most Americans don’t realize Robert Mueller’s investigation has uncovered crimes

Because it has always been bullshit but, despite what others tried to explain, you dismissed their viewpoints.
So, question.

Why is President Trump still calling the Russian election interference issue a "witch hunt" when his DOJ is uncovering (and indicting) more and more Russians for election interference?

This thread should have been about 2 posts long- "Does anyone think that Russia interfered with our election?" Second post- "Yes" and then a shit ton of likes. Thread over.

Why the hell isn't the president taking every opportunity to condemn Russia for interfering in our election?! Not a single tweet, not a single statement.

Stand up for America on this one, sir.

Is this light hearted sarcasm? Cause if it is, you may want to you should indicate that somehow.
All good, I know the intention.

@lindy I have said this to you time and again- I won’t engage with you openly on the board. You immediately cry ‘red tag abuse’ any time I tell you you’re acting like a child, but you can’t handle it and turn it in to some abuse of power thing.

I’m telling you again- no matter how badly you want my attention, you’re not getting it. Please go back to the last 10 times you’ve engaged me directly and please note that I haven’t responded. It’s deliberate.

This isn’t moderation, I don’t need a response, and I don’t value your input or opinion. I don’t need a PM.

Everyone else, please go on about your business in the thread topic of Russian Interference.
Is this light hearted sarcasm? Cause if it is, you may want to you should indicate that somehow.

No, not at all. I think it’s important for members to understand our collective bias that forms opinions. I also believe new information that confirms or contradicts held opinion should be open for debate.

Being wrong is acceptable and actually GOOD (challenges group think) but maintaining a wrong position despite indicators to the contrary, is precisely how we got into the “mess” we’re in now.
All good, I know the intention.

@lindy I have said this to you time and again- I won’t engage with you openly on the board. You immediately cry ‘red tag abuse’ any time I tell you you’re acting like a child, but you can’t handle it and turn it in to some abuse of power thing.

I’m telling you again- no matter how badly you want my attention, you’re not getting it. Please go back to the last 10 times you’ve engaged me directly and please note that I haven’t responded. It’s deliberate.

This isn’t moderation, I don’t need a response, and I don’t value your input or opinion. I don’t need a PM.

Everyone else, please go on about your business in the thread topic of Russian Interference.

I warmly accept your apology.

I’m at “war” with your opinion and not you: I’m able to separate the two. My counter posts are not directed at you but the SS community at large.