Russian election Interference thread

Supervision is a problem, for an has become standard for field division SAC's to last only about two years (max) before moving on or retiring, same with ASAC' only need about 6 months of ASAC credit to move up to a section chief job then look for a SAC gig, or go for a AD spot in DC. It's just going to get worse as there is going to be a lot of mandatory retirements coming up.

I think Mueller changed the FBI policy that required field 14’s to PCS back to HQS to do their time. Unfortunately many IC elements are citing this as precedent.
Mueller's may be done, but did Democrats on the house committees are just gearing up. They have all the promised that there are going to be more indictments. This isn't the end of anything. I think it's the end of the first quarter.
Nobody likes you. ;-)

Dude, my kids tell me that every day. You can't hurt me.

I want this to be the end. My God, I so want this to be the end. But they will drag this out and investigate, obfuscate, calling all sorts of bullshit witnesses to testify. By God, there is collusion, and they will find a way to prove it.
I think Mueller changed the FBI policy that required field 14’s to PCS back to HQS to do their time. Unfortunately many IC elements are citing this as precedent.

It's actually the opposite....requires people who have only been Supervisory Special Agents (SSA) and Unit Chiefs (UC) at DC go back to the field as SSA's to be eligible to be ASAC's in the field somewhere, then compete for Sections Chiefs positions back at DC. And remember, field SSA positions are only for 7 years, then you have to promote or step out. Those lucky enough to get a SSA field slot in the office they like, they usually step down because they don't want to move out of the division they like to become a ASAC somewhere.

And field offices only have so many stationary positions they can fill, most are non-stationary positions, meaning they coming from outside the division.

When you see someone of TV who is a Supervisory Special Agent at a HQ unit....he really is a nobody, he is just filling an 18 month TDY in a HQ position, because they can't get people to fill those positions permanently. These SSA positions at CTD and CID (counter Intel) do not get take home cars and do not investigate anything, they just program manage the field. Use to be these 18 month SSA positions gave you a bump, if you were a GS-13 something and went to these 18 month GS-14 positions, when you stepped down you came back at a higher GS-13 grade...making it worth it in the long run. But that program is gone and now there is no real reason to go to these TDY spots, except for experiences and they are having trouble filling these spots, to the point they are thinking of making some kind of allowances to make it worth doing again. Now, if you like being there you can extend or apply for a UC job...but to go higher you need to find a SSA spot in the field, as I previously talked about.

So, you can have an agent who never really worked cases as a case agent, promote up... not make waves and risk a bad climate survey, and move up.

**Sorry to get off the subject, back on track.
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Well the Ds didn't get what they wanted and everyone CNN looks like someone choked their new puppy. But a bunch of idiots went to jail. Sounds good to me I suppose. But, I'd really like to have seen some targeting of Democratic operatives here because this was clearly focused. Or that's how it appears. I'm not saying that had anything to do with Mueller either, just that if you shook the Clinton Machine tree you'd find a whole lot.

It's been mentioned before but Mueller referred Democrat folks to DOJ during his investigation of Manafort.

Both Tony Podesta and Greg Craig were handed over to SDNY to be investigated over their lobbying work.
Mueller's may be done, but did Democrats on the house committees are just gearing up. They have all the promised that there are going to be more indictments. This isn't the end of anything. I think it's the end of the first quarter.

It's certainly not going to end now that the report has been submitted.

The first big drama will of course be Dems in Congress trying to get the complete report released, rather than an summary by DOJ. That'll most likely end up in a subpoena and subsequent court fight. That's also before the arguments start once the White House attempt to utilise executive privilege.

The next will be that nobody actually knows what the Mueller Report will look like. Special Counsel regs state that the report must explain the reasoning for deciding to prosecute individuals and/or reasoning for deciding not to prosecute individuals. It's also DOJ policy to avoid naming individuals and detailing their behaviour if it wasn't enough to result in a criminal indictment (Unless you're Comey talking about Hillary), which is something Rod Rosenstein reiterated recently. So I think people expecting a report laying out a broad detailing of what exactly, if anything, went on between Russia, Trump linked individuals, the Comey firing etc. could be bitterly disappointed because a lot of the Russia related stuff would be of a CI nature, rather than criminal. So there's a possibility it might not appear at all.

Which will lead me to the final major drama, Schiff has already said he wants access to the CI side of the investigation. He's also spoken of making Mueller testify to Congress is DOJ decide to not be forthcoming with information.

So the entire shit show will still roll on for years.
Think about this.

Graphic 1. EVERY person here was directly involved in the investigation of Trump collusion. EVERY person, without exception swore to uphold the Constitution. Those that resigned did so to avoid repercussions AFTER the HPSCI and SSCI began their investigation into DOJ.


Graphic 2. Self explanatory. ONLY Gen Flynn swore to uphold the Constitution.

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In the long run it's wrecking supervision in the field offices...

We are expecting the same effects. Supervisors will come from HQS without local area knowledge of the field.

This investigate for criminal Trump’ing is never going to end.

He also said it was possible that there had been abuses of power that did not technically constitute a crime.

On another interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Nadler said his committee would use subpoenas, if necessary, to continue gathering information, but he said it would first try to negotiate.

Nadler to DOJ: Don’t hide evidence of Trump wrongdoing

Trump should just sign an EO outlawing the Democrat Party. Oh, wait... breaking on CNN...apparently there’s a former Zimbabwean intelligence officer who has the information that Trump did that very thing while sitting on a secret throne in the White House. Film at 11.
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Barr sent his summary to Congress. Full letter is attached.

In short, Mueller did not establish that Trump or anyone linked to the Trump Campaign knowingly conspired with the Russian Government. In terms of the obstruction Mueller basically said "I'm not touching that shit". Mueller didn't make a decision due to the legal complexities surrounding the President (Can't be indicted, can a President obstruct justice by firing someone etc.) although he specifically stated that Trump has not been exonerated on the obstruction issue.

So yeah, much fighting for access to the full report, investigative materials etc. and probably a Mueller appearance before Congress beckons!


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