Russian election Interference thread

It must be pointed out, that after 2 years of accusations of bias, "Witch Hunt!" and almost weekly ranting from gimps like Hannity and Lou Dobbs... Bob Mueller and his team of Angry Democrats conducted a fair and thorough investigation, which followed the facts as they discovered them and ended with a delivery of findings that dealt solely with those facts... All while turning a profit.

They should be commended for a job well done.
It must be pointed out, that after 2 years of accusations of bias, "Witch Hunt!" and almost weekly ranting from gimps like Hannity and Lou Dobbs... Bob Mueller and his team of Angry Democrats conducted a fair and thorough investigation, which followed the facts as they discovered them and ended with a delivery of findings that dealt solely with those facts... All while turning a profit.

They should be commended for a job well done.
I disagree with some of this. Yes the guys on the right ranted about a witch hunt. Well, the democrats spent two years amongst them hoping Mueller found witches.

Mueller, yep. Actual professionalism, want to come back to the FBI?
Except it was a witch hunt run off of opposition research done by a shady fucker, paid for by the Clinton's and shoved down our throats for 2 years by the Democrat's. Mueller and his team did their job professionally, not denying that. But everything else that started and guided this shit show to where we are now, is beyond fucked up. There should be a new investigation into how this shit show even got off the ground and everyone responsible sent in front of a firing squad on the White House lawn and on PPV. Use the profits to pay down the debt
Except it was a witch hunt run off of opposition research done by a shady fucker, paid for by the Clinton's and shoved down our throats for 2 years by the Democrat's. Mueller and his team did their job professionally, not denying that. But everything else that started and guided this shit show to where we are now, is beyond fucked up. There should be a new investigation into how this shit show even got off the ground and everyone responsible sent in front of a firing squad on the White House lawn and on PPV. Use the profits to pay down the debt
I know the guy that can direct the reality tv show, it’s the only thing he’s good at! 😎
The left’s reaction to the no collusion is astonishing to me. They actually want Trump to be in bed with Russia? Was this ever about Russia or just Orange man is bad
You answered your own question. Both side's reaction is fucking dumb. If the right really watned to kumbayah it up, they wouldn't be frothing at the mouth for further investigations, they'd be using every bit of cred this gains them (which is considerable) to say, "Ok everyone, this is enough! No more of this stuff. We want to move forward, we said there was no collusion, there was not sufficient evidence to say there was; now, let's get on with the business of 2020!". And they should just repeat that over and over and over again.

Bringing up the possibility of retroactive investigations and keeping the Mueller investigation going by way of keeping it on the front page of every news source only hurts the right and helps the left.

Favorite part of all of this- watching everyone who absolutely destroyed Mueller as a person, civil servant and leader of this investigation completely flip flop to "he's a professional and it turns out he was the best person to lead this thing." Fucking hypocrites.
Bringing up the possibility of retroactive investigations and keeping the Mueller investigation going by way of keeping it on the front page of every news source only hurts the right and helps the left.

Eh, quite possibly in the early stages, but if nothing comes of it, the right of center base will likely be fired up.

At the end of the day, the left can't accept they lost, and the right can't accept they won; #clownshoes.
If the right really watned to kumbayah it up, they wouldn't be frothing at the mouth for further investigations, they'd be using every bit of cred this gains them (which is considerable) to say, "Ok everyone, this is enough! No more of this stuff.

Looks like the Right is out for vengeance. I bet Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and McCabe shit themselves last night every time they heard a car door slam. I imagine some FISC judges weren’t to happy to hear that they’d been lied to.

Next shoe to drop is Horowitz’s report on FISA abuse and Graham, who is still burning mad over Kavanaugh, has pledged to look into the FISA stuff.