Russian election Interference thread

Letter from Barr to Congressional Judiciary leaders.

Twitter is alight that there will NOT be anymore it may really be over. What did we get for our $30 mil?

Peace of mind? A better idea of what the Russians are up to?

Perhaps you and @ThunderHorse should get together and start a consultancy on budgeting. You'd make a fortune, if you thought it was worth it for your clients to pay you.
Peace of mind? A better idea of what the Russians are up to?

Perhaps you and @ThunderHorse should get together and start a consultancy on budgeting. You'd make a fortune, if you thought it was worth it for your clients to pay you.
Well the Ds didn't get what they wanted and everyone CNN looks like someone choked their new puppy. But a bunch of idiots went to jail. Sounds good to me I suppose. But, I'd really like to have seen some targeting of Democratic operatives here because this was clearly focused. Or that's how it appears. I'm not saying that had anything to do with Mueller either, just that if you shook the Clinton Machine tree you'd find a whole lot.
I'm not saying that had anything to do with Mueller either, just that if you shook the Clinton Machine tree you'd find a whole lot.

I think it’s just politics. Even major cities across the US are seeing corruption cases at their level.

IMO, the difference here is the FBI and IC were dumb enough to believe the crap in the dossier...or they collectively just used it as an excuse.

Remember, the FBI and DOJ presented evidence and affirmed before a Federal judge...FOUR TIMES...that Carter Page was an agent of a foreign power, a felony. Page has not been charged for any illegal activity.

Democrats are saddened that our POTUS wasn’t controlled by Russia, his campaign wasn’t infiltrated by Russian intelligence officers, and the 2016 election was in fact free and fair.

Think about that.

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Holy shit man. The report hasn't even hit Congress yet and you're already doing a victory lap. Maybe wait to read it first?

Like the waiting seen during Kavanaugh matter and the Covington kids (I’ll ignore all the other koluzhun fake news like when Trump jr pass WikiLeaks info before after they were public or that Mueller was closing in on Trump)? Nope, new rules.

The victory lap is that our President and his inner circle didn’t conspire to commit treason and obstruct justice, despite the “evidence in plain sight”.

POTUS should declass all the FBI “stuff” and Congress needs to for a select committee to ensure this NEVER happens again, to Democrat or Republican. Opposition research and dirt should never be used by USG to target an opponent.
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Holy shit man. The report hasn't even hit Congress yet and you're already doing a victory lap. Maybe wait to read it first?
I love you for this. It shows you still dare to try and instead of playing identity politics, be an individual rational human although you’re also a leftist SJW from the coast.

If we wait to actually read the report, we are gonna miss our chance to parrot our sides narrative at top volume. Even though we are gonna be wrong.

You and I should be *checks the email update every liberal gets* talking about more indictments and how everyone was wrong about that just a day ago. And rape culture? IDK it’s slways on there.
Gowdy explains why “The Report” is Executive Branch material and the effects of providing investigative materials that do NOT result in charges is pretty shitty.

Sad that statements like this are sensational...

“By keeping to their code of silence, they were professionals,” Jay said. “They weren’t reacting to the spin. They were doing their jobs. They spoke through a number of indictments. They spoke through a number of sentencing memos.”

There was a time that this was the norm....more so under Mueller than now in the bureau. I have only been working on a bureau task force for 9 years, but I have seen the difference on how the executive management in DC works now than then. Supervision is a problem, for an has become standard for field division SAC's to last only about two years (max) before moving on or retiring, same with ASAC' only need about 6 months of ASAC credit to move up to a section chief job then look for a SAC gig, or go for a AD spot in DC. It's just going to get worse as there is going to be a lot of mandatory retirements coming up.
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