Russian election Interference thread

So, slight disagree here, except to the bolded which I 100% agree with. There definitely were presidents who were probably doing amoral things in their lives that we didn't know about (or know about fully); Clinton and JFK come to mind.

I guess I would ask, is it important for you as a citizen to have someone in office that adheres to the same values as you do?

@amlove21 that is a great question. I think politicians should have an equal dose of similar values and managerial substance (for lack of a better word). I am willing to overlook the "grab 'em by the pussy" if he can reduce my taxes or get us out of Astan; but I will fully concede that all of it is a sliding scale. What I will put up with depends.

See, I liked Clinton--as a guy with whom to drink beer, not as a president. But I acknowledge he had some strong presidential leadership qualities in some areas even though many of his policies I disagree with. I liked Bush (Jr and Sr), though I didn't like the way they managed the ME and the cozy relationship with the House of Saud. So with all of them it was a sliding scale of values and policy.
@Devildoc , could you expound on this because I’m unclear which process you’re referring.

“There is zero doubt, I think with just about anyone, that Mother Bear has fucked with this country's political process...”
Not directed to me, but I'll still answer. least some key core values. However, I also realize that won't happen because many of the values I deem important are generally at odds with traits of those politicians typically seeking the office.

Do you think they should be different?

I’d like to see a real Libertarian in office but I’m old enough to realize the next best thing is someone who will enact polices which support or advance my values.

I really don’t care what kind of personal life DJT had before 20 Jan 2017; I’m not throwing that first stone. His actions as POTUS are a concern and I think his policies are wonderful for Us.

Republicans have a positive view of the US.
Democrats have a negative view and want drastic change.
@Devildoc , could you expound on this because I’m unclear which process you’re referring.

“There is zero doubt, I think with just about anyone, that Mother Bear has fucked with this country's political process...”

Talking about how Russia has actively interfered in our elections.
I don't like that Russia meddles in our politics. But, can we honestly say we can stop them, or China?

I don't think so, sadly. We can mitigate, but not eliminate.

Just like others can't stop us from doing the same.

Just my two cents.
I don't like that Russia meddles in our politics. But, can we honestly say we can stop them, or China?

I don't think so, sadly. We can mitigate, but not eliminate.

Just like others can't stop us from doing the same.

Just my two cents.

I don’t like how Americans appear to believe stuff the read...or do they? I bought into the shared reality that Hillary was going to spank the Don but voted for him anyway.

I still remember watching the returns coming and nudging my sleeping wife “He’s going to win!” I thanked God that we dodged a bullet but had no idea the hell that would be unleashed because of some BS the Russian Special Services fed to the USG that ate it all up and asked for more.

Then the same fuckers cried foul when POTUS talked to Putin in Finland.

I hope POTUS declass’s ALL the bullshit “Intel” 10 mins after Barr gets the Mueller comic book.

I don’t like how Americans appear to believe stuff the read...or do they? I bought into the shared reality that Hillary was going to spank the Don but voted for him anyway.

I still remember watching the returns coming and nudging my sleeping wife “He’s going to win!” I thanked God that we dodged a bullet but had no idea the hell that would be unleashed because of some BS the Russian Special Services fed to the USG that ate it all up and asked for more.

Then the same fuckers cried foul when POTUS talked to Putin in Finland.

I hope POTUS declass’s ALL the bullshit “Intel” 10 mins after Barr gets the Mueller comic book.

I don't disagree with you. I also am not naive; Russia at least tries to meddle in our elections. Not just this one, either. That muddling may amount to no more than some Facebook bots. I don't have the experience or clearance to know what they do or don't do. I know they do something. If they don't, they are much dumber than we think.

I'm not saying they hacked our polls or that Trump colluded. That's a non-starter for me. If they did, some Edward Snowden type would've upload the evidence to MSNBC a long time ago.
Not directed to me, but I'll still answer. least some key core values. However, I also realize that won't happen because many of the values I deem important are generally at odds with traits of those politicians typically seeking the office.

Do you think they should be different?
Can you clarify what you mean by, “Do you think they should be different”? I assume you mean, do my specific values and the values of elected officials need to be the same for me to approve? I want to make sure I’m reading and understanding where you want to go.
Can you clarify what you mean by, “Do you think they should be different”? I assume you mean, do my specific values and the values of elected officials need to be the same for me to approve? I want to make sure I’m reading and understanding where you want to go.
Yes, you interpreted it correct.
Sure looks like special treatment.

"We did not blow over gross negligence. We, in fact and, in fact, the Director because on its face, it did seem like, well, maybe there's a potential here for this to be the charge," Page said. "And we had multiple conversations, multiple conversations with the Justice Department about charging gross negligence."

Page continued: "And the Justice Department's assessment was that it was both constitutionally vague, so that they did not actually feel that they could permissibly bring that charge, and also that it had either never been done or had only been done once like 99 years ago. And so they did not feel that they could sustain a charge."

"When you say advice you got from the Department, you’re making it sound like it was the Department that told you: 'You’re not going to charge gross negligence because we’re the prosecutors and we’re telling you we’re not going to," Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) said to Page.

"That's correct," Page responded.

Obama DOJ Told FBI Not To Charge Hillary, Lisa Page Reveals What The 'Insurance Policy' Was
Steele used crowdsourced info in his dossier. Seriously, random shit used as basis to gather info on an American?

The latest revelation of using unconfirmed sources put the dossier’s legitimacy further into question, especially since the FBI extensively relied on the dossier in its warrant applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court in seeking to surveil Trump aide Carter Page.

FBI should be removed from the IC.

Old CNN website was source of unvetted 'random' info used by author of anti-Trump dossier, docs reveal