Russian election Interference thread

I would suggest not until everything has been properly investigated.
There's too many inconsistencies in certain characters and their associates' statements, suggesting adjustment of narratives due to possible surface of incriminating evidence, and possible efforts to get rid of evidence.
Kind of a huge deal on that level to just dismiss it and say "hey happens, collusion ain't a crime, let's move on."
I would suggest not until everything has been properly investigated.
There's too many inconsistencies in certain characters and their associates' statements, suggesting adjustment of narratives due to possible surface of incriminating evidence, and possible efforts to get rid of evidence.
Kind of a huge deal on that level to just dismiss it and say "hey happens, collusion ain't a crime, let's move on."
Just for clarity- my post was 100% a joke. Hence the smileys.

There’s a joke in here about Germans and sense of humor... I just know it.
There’s a joke in here about Germans and sense of humor... I just know it.

Oh no ..... you're right. I'm becoming too German ..... oh my god, I'm growing long hair and a stache ..... suddenly, this urge to expand and take over ..... losing .... sense .... of ..... humor ..... and good taste in wine ..... argh .....

On a serious note though, if you know the language and are aquainted with the culture, Germans have pretty good humor ^^
Oh no ..... you're right. I'm becoming too German ..... oh my god, I'm growing long hair and a stache ..... suddenly, this urge to expand and take over ..... losing .... sense .... of ..... humor ..... and good taste in wine ..... argh .....

On a serious note though, if you know the language and are aquainted with the culture, Germans have pretty good humor ^^
They really do. I’ve always had a great time in Germany.
So this is a little hard for the uninitiated to follow so let me know if I’m not conveying a “so what”.

ADM Rogers told DOJ there were “problems” with some queries of the 702 database. FBI contractors were using the DB outside the scope of their duties. DOJ should have told FISC. Rogers told FISC, shut it all down, and after election, visited Trump Tower. Immediately USG heads call for his firing. Wait...there’s more!

In March of 2016, NSA Director Rogers became aware of improper access to raw FISA data (Page 83 of Court Ruling).

In April of 2016, Rogers directed the NSA’s Office of Compliance to conduct a “fundamental baseline review of compliance associated with 702” (Senate testimony & Page 83-84 of Court Ruling).

On April 18, 2016, Rogers shut down all outside contractor access to raw FISA information – specifically outside contractors working for the FBI. The discovery that outside contractors were accessing raw FISA data is probably the event that precipitated Rogers ordering a full compliance review (Page 84 of Court Ruling).

On April 18, 2016, both the FBI and DOJ’s NSD become aware of Rogers’ compliance review. They may have known earlier but they were certainly aware after outside contractor access was halted.

On September 26, 2016, National Security Division Head John Carlin filed the Government’s proposed 2016 Section 702 certifications. Carlin knew the general status of Rogers’ compliance review. The NSD was part of the review.

On September 27, 2016, Carlin announced his resignation effective on October 15, 2016.

On October 20 2016, Rogers was briefed by the NSA compliance officer on findings from the 702 NSA compliance audit. The audit had uncovered numerous “About” Query violations (Senate testimony).

On October 21, 2016, Rogers shut down all “About Query” activity. He reported his findings to the DOJ (Senate testimony & inferences from Court Ruling).

The DOJ’s National Security Division never disclosed the January 7, 2016 Inspector General Report to the FISA Court. The FISA Court was unaware of the Query violations until they were presented to the Court by NSA Director Rogers on October 26, 2016.

So, all that to say it appears, based on press reporting, that analysts were improperly searching the database and the DOJ’s NSD failed to inform the FISC as per statue. When Rogers told FISC, head of NSD resigned.

Next, we have this:

Bruce Ohr, #4 at DOJ, is married to Nellie, who worked for Fusion GPS, the folks that compiled the Steele memos aka Dossier.

Which unclassified database contains personal travel info that would be linked to other travelers or persons? Was Nellie a FBI contractor that queried intelligence databases?
Shocked that this could actually happen here and not isolated to the movies.

“The most illuminating and surprising thing in the interview to me were these eight days in May when all of these things were happening behind the scenes that the American people really didn’t know about,” Pelley said about his sit-down with McCabe.

“There were meetings at the Justice Department at which it was discussed whether the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet could be brought together to remove the president of the United States under the 25th Amendment,” Pelley added. “These were the eight days from Comey’s firing to the point that Robert Mueller was appointed special counsel. And the highest levels of American law enforcement were trying to figure out what do with the president.”

Fired Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Claims DOJ Discussed A COUP Against Trump[
Shocked that this could actually happen here and not isolated to the movies.

Fired Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe Claims DOJ Discussed A COUP Against Trump[
Reads as though they conspired to commit treason...guessing they'll go unpunished though.
Okay, first the declaration of this action as a "coup" or "treason" is massive hyperbole. I don't see how investigating the use of constitutional powers by the agency tasked with overseeing the executive is "treason". Now, I do think that it sets a bad precedent, but these kinds of things are exactly what the Department of Justice and FBI are supposed to do! This article from NYT has a more nuanced take on the issue: McCabe Says Justice Dept. Officials Had Discussions About Pushing Trump Out

Also, I think it's ridiculous that McCabe decided to put this out as press hype for his BOOK instead of, you know, when testifying in front of congress. That's a pretty scummy thing to do, all things considered.
Okay, first the declaration of this action as a "coup" or "treason" is massive hyperbole. I don't see how investigating the use of constitutional powers by the agency tasked with overseeing the executive is "treason". Now, I do think that it sets a bad precedent, but these kinds of things are exactly what the Department of Justice and FBI are supposed to do! This article from NYT has a more nuanced take on the issue: McCabe Says Justice Dept. Officials Had Discussions About Pushing Trump Out

Also, I think it's ridiculous that McCabe decided to put this out as press hype for his BOOK instead of, you know, when testifying in front of congress. That's a pretty scummy thing to do, all things considered.

FBI is tasked with overseeing the Executive Branch? If you mean crime fighting, what is the crime that allegedly occurred for the FBI to investigate their boss?

The timing of McCabe’s press acty is interesting when we get a new AG.

I think the “coup” talk USED to be hyperbolic but in 2019, it’s middle of the road now.
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DOJ is. Don’t forget - DAG Rod Rosenstein was in those meetings

DOJ is a subordinate office in Exe Branch and have zero jurisdiction to decide which officers stay/go. Rosenstein authored the letter used to fire Comey and signed the last FISA warrant on Page. He will supposedly retire soon (after Barr’s confirmation was the plan).

I think it’s difficult to justify a group of people within the Gov who remove an elected official that received proper votes, according to the Constitution, to become President. If that isn’t a soft coup, what would it be?

I’m concerned that anti-(insert POTUS) bureaucrats even discussed this. #resistance?
Okay, first the declaration of this action as a "coup" or "treason" is massive hyperbole. I don't see how investigating the use of constitutional powers by the agency tasked with overseeing the executive is "treason". Now, I do think that it sets a bad precedent, but these kinds of things are exactly what the Department of Justice and FBI are supposed to do! This article from NYT has a more nuanced take on the issue: McCabe Says Justice Dept. Officials Had Discussions About Pushing Trump Out

Also, I think it's ridiculous that McCabe decided to put this out as press hype for his BOOK instead of, you know, when testifying in front of congress. That's a pretty scummy thing to do, all things considered.
These fuckwits need to not be allowed to write books, he made a grandstand obviously to get publicity so that he could create a profile to write a tell all book.

Dershowitz called that effort an “attempted coup d’état” and a “grievous offense against the Constitution.”

“Well, if that’s true, it is clearly an attempted coup d’état,” Dershowitz said. “Now relating to what your last guest said, let’s take the worst case scenario. Let’s assume the president of the United States was in bed with the Russians, committed treason and obstruction of justice. The 25th Amendment simply is irrelevant to that. That’s why you have an impeachment provision. The 25th Amendment is about Woodrow Wilson having a stroke. It’s about a president being shot and not being able to perform his office. It’s not about the most fundamental disagreements. It’s not about impeachable offenses. Any Justice Department official who even mentioned the 25th Amendment in the context of President Trump has committed a grievous offense against the Constitution.

Right “leaning” source so even the under that light, this piece raises some questions. I wonder if we’ll even know?

According to anonymous FBI officials talking to The Times, McCabe and his associates even kept “contemporaneous memos” on their actions and meetings with Trump—again another effort to find the president guilty of some crime. According to one of these memos, Rosenstein and McCabe determined they needed to peel off eight of the 15 cabinet officials. And Rosenstein suggested that he might have supporters “in the attorney general and the secretary of homeland security.”

Yikes. Here we have a formerly powerful and unelected government official, for all the world to see, admitting that the FBI tried to launch a coup against the constitutionally elected president of the United States, in only the first few months of his tenure. But there’s more going on than that. Here are seven quick takeaways on McCabe’s revelation of his planned coup.

7 Big Takeaways From Andrew McCabe’s Planned Coup