Russian election Interference thread

Smolett hopes the impeachment talk, via “muh Russia” investigation, will take the heat off him.

In all seriousness, what on earth will the #resistance do when no conspiracy is found/detailed in the report?

My prediction: Nothing will change. The house will continue to investigate and every other Democrat will call for impeachment. They will cling onto every word like "possible" or "unsubstantiated" and hope that they will find some mud in there somewhere.

Nothing short of "there is no evidence whatsoever in any form or any type" we'll keep them from thinking that there is. It will be their version of Hillary's emails.
My prediction: Nothing will change. The house will continue to investigate and every other Democrat will call for impeachment. They will cling onto every word like "possible" or "unsubstantiated" and hope that they will find some mud in there somewhere.

Nothing short of "there is no evidence whatsoever in any form or any type" we'll keep them from thinking that there is. It will be their version of Hillary's emails.

Da, comdrade, da. I think the report will allude to a lot and continue mantra “you can’t prove that Trump is NOT a Russian spy”.

Sad that we have a tiered justice system.
Smolett hopes the impeachment talk, via “muh Russia” investigation, will take the heat off him.

In all seriousness, what on earth will the #resistance do when no conspiracy is found/detailed in the report?

In addition, Mueller has referred certain matters that fell outside the scope of the Russia probe to other US Attorneys to pursue.

From the article. If it is outside the scope, why investigate to the point that you feel referring to prosecutors is necessary? Hhonestly asking.

Da, comdrade, da. I think the report will allude to a lot and continue mantra “you can’t prove that Trump is NOT a Russian spy”.

Sad that we have a tiered justice system.

I think it's asinine that anyone thinks he's a Russian spy. Just like I think it is asinine that anyone thought Obama wasn't born a US citizen.

Really, come on people, are we still in 1st grade?
Smolett hopes the impeachment talk, via “muh Russia” investigation, will take the heat off him.

In all seriousness, what on earth will the #resistance do when no conspiracy is found/detailed in the report?
If earlier reports are to be believed, there is still an obstruction of justice report that will be delivered separately. It's almost certain that the special counsel will find significant evidence of obstruction on part of administration officials. Whether that's referred to congress for action is another matter entirely.
If earlier reports are to be believed, there is still an obstruction of justice report that will be delivered separately. It's almost certain that the special counsel will find significant evidence of obstruction on part of administration officials. Whether that's referred to congress for action is another matter entirely.

Uh, the Special Counsel works for the DOJ and not Congress, who has less investigatory powers as the DOJ.

Curious as to what you feel was obstructed. I think this would be an interesting topic, criminal liability when executing Constitutional powers, for the courts to weigh in on.

Either way, this shit needs to end with either Trump removed for committing high crimes and misdemeanors OR the Left to shut the fuck up and put forth a better candidate in 2020. This continued #resistance bullshit of cowardly innuendo is hurting the country by destroying faith in our institutions!!!

Edit: you’re not referring to “earlier reports” as the latest from the NYT?
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In addition, Mueller has referred certain matters that fell outside the scope of the Russia probe to other US Attorneys to pursue.

From the article. If it is outside the scope, why investigate to the point that you feel referring to prosecutors is necessary? Hhonestly asking.

I think that comes from the section of the mandate “to investigate all matters rising from investigation”. Assume that refers to Manafort and Flynn’s lobbying without FARA compliance and Manafort’s financial transgressions.

Agree 100% that it’s ridiculous to think he’s a spy yet that is EXACTLY what the acting FBI dir did...before he was fired...”like a dog” ( favorite quote of Trump’s).
@lindy it was you or someone else who posted about the special counsel's preview. Does it allow them to go outside the purview of the mandate, for the purpose of simply investigating supposed crimes? That seems like a very wide berth to me. I've never been perfect, but this standard means I could be investigated purely by association.

I may be stretching it, and if so, please correct me.
@lindy it was you or someone else who posted about the special counsel's preview. Does it allow them to go outside the purview of the mandate, for the purpose of simply investigating supposed crimes? That seems like a very wide berth to me. I've never been perfect, but this standard means I could be investigated purely by association.

I may be stretching it, and if so, please correct me.

I think that, a very wide berth, is exactly how Ken Starr went from looking at land deals in AR (Whitewater) to lies and obstruction for getting a hummer(s) in the Oval.

Personally, I think the Mueller investigation is an attempt to VALIDATE the Steele dossier and even Mrs Ohrs work. Also worth noting the timing: new AG and investigation ends within 14-ish days??? Nothing to see here.

James Woods sums it up nicely:

This nation has endured two years of hell, all because some drunken old hag didn’t get “her turn.” #Liberalism

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Well this is inconvenient for the “Putin helped Trump steal the election from Clinton” mantra that we’ve heard over and over.

Worth noting that Manafort was targeted because he, per the dossier, he conspired with the Russians to get info on Clinton and received kickbacks directly from RU gov.

None of that was determined to be true.

Manafort Judge: He’s Not Being Convicted Of Colluding With Russia
I'm honestly hoping that it shows that there wasn't any coordination between the two. Like, I think it's psychotic to hope that the Mueller report is the thing that "Finally gets him!" The alternative is pretty fucking scary - I don't care which side of the issue you fall on. If, and that's a big IF the report shows a demonstrable conspiracy, then I would hope that all of you guys would get rightly pissed. It would shatter a lot of people's faith in the electoral process; perhaps even moreso than Nixon did.
@Salt USMC it’s painfully obvious Russia influenced the election. Our election.

But as long as Meuller clears the president without R. Kelly-like video evidence, then it’s a point for argument.

As long as the candidate wasn’t caught on film holding a newspaper fellating Putin, there will be some that stick to the NO COLLUSION narrative.

At this point, we’ve all been gaslighted. All news is fake news, all facts are alternative. The report doesn’t matter.

The president doesn’t devalue women cause he can grab them by the pussy. He can be supported by evangelicals with 3 wives and 5 kids. He can withhold is tax returns because he has interests in Russia.

New world presidential. The president is an amoral schill that sides with dictators and murderers and pays money to porn stars for their silence. Those are all facts.

To believe he won’t get away this this? Well, you’re dumb.
@Salt USMC it’s painfully obvious Russia influenced the election. Our election.

Indeed but not at all in the way we have been told.

Russia executed the greatest disinformation campaign in history, one that will be THE how to in our PSYOPS classes for eons. They inserted BS into a campaign and it was eagerly accepted by both law enforcement AND the intelligence community. The plan was so effective it damn near subverted our Democracy and STILL is disrupting the work of Congress (BS hearings) and undermining our confidence in the electoral process.

A little something like this:

@amlove21 , there's interference, and there is collusion. There is zero doubt, I think with just about anyone, that Mother Bear has fucked with this country's political process; I imagine it's far more than we actually know. I am ticked but my righteousness can only go so far given how much Uncle Sam has done the same thing over there.

As for collusion, a secret and/or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, I think the water muddies so considerably it's ridiculous. Mueller et al., DO need iron-clad, bona-fide proof. If he has it, Trump should burn, regardless of how much I approve or disapprove of what he has otherwise done as POTUS. If he doesn't, he should be fully exonerated. But if he IS exonerated, most of the left will refuse to believe it.

A lot of people, almost everyone on the left and some on the right, want to throw ALL of this and the rest of everything in the same pot, to the left's detriment.

As for your comment "the president is an amoral schill that sides with dictators and murderers and pays money to porn stars for their silence", at first I thought you were talking about Bill Clinton (and Paula Jones). Funny aside, this country left moral and ethical leaders lay on the side of the road years ago. Not sure if we'll ever get back there.
As for collusion, a secret and/or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, I think the water muddies so considerably it's ridiculous. Mueller et al., DO need iron-clad, bona-fide proof. If he has it, Trump should burn, regardless of how much I approve or disapprove of what he has otherwise done as POTUS. If he doesn't, he should be fully exonerated. But if he IS exonerated, most of the left will refuse to believe it.
This is an essential point and why I, even as a leftist, absolutely despise the #resistance democrats. These particular democrats has put all of their stock in the Special Counsel's investigation - they have this childlike fantasy that Mueller is going to have an All the President's Men moment where he documents very publicly lays out the entire conspiracy and we smash cut to Donald Trump being led away in handcuffs. Then, they'll be able to return to the pre-Trump world of respectful disagreements and other relics of a bucolic politial era.

They don't want to work on the hard problems of organizing, campaigning, and other forms of electioneering. You know, the stuff that wins elections. They want a silver bullet solution so they can throw up their hands, say JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL, and hope that Saint Mueller the Conflicted will deliver rock-solid evidence of a vast international conspiracy. What I'm saying is that they have no plan for actually defeating Trump in 2020 beyond posting memes on Facebook. And if the Special Counsel's office doesn't deliver, these people will be absolutely broken.

I get especially frustrated because my mom is one of these people and it frustrates me to no end. She'll repost every stupid thing from NowThis or Occupy Democrats, but won't donate a cent to local races or canvas for candidates. She's been, essentially, a centrist democrat for most of her life but she's only recently become politically aware. Unfortunately, her political awareness extends only to memes and whatever the Saturday Night Live cold open has. While people like my mom will vote, politically they're dead weight.
As for your comment "the president is an amoral schill that sides with dictators and murderers and pays money to porn stars for their silence", at first I thought you were talking about Bill Clinton (and Paula Jones). Funny aside, this country left moral and ethical leaders lay on the side of the road years ago. Not sure if we'll ever get back there.
So, slight disagree here, except to the bolded which I 100% agree with. There definitely were presidents who were probably doing amoral things in their lives that we didn't know about (or know about fully); Clinton and JFK come to mind.

I guess I would ask, is it important for you as a citizen to have someone in office that adheres to the same values as you do?
I guess I would ask, is it important for you as a citizen to have someone in office that adheres to the same values as you do?
Not directed to me, but I'll still answer. least some key core values. However, I also realize that won't happen because many of the values I deem important are generally at odds with traits of those politicians typically seeking the office.

Do you think they should be different?
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I'm honestly hoping that it shows that there wasn't any coordination between the two. Like, I think it's psychotic to hope that the Mueller report is the thing that "Finally gets him!" The alternative is pretty fucking scary - I don't care which side of the issue you fall on. If, and that's a big IF the report shows a demonstrable conspiracy, then I would hope that all of you guys would get rightly pissed. It would shatter a lot of people's faith in the electoral process; perhaps even moreso than Nixon did.

If that report shows true clear conspiracy, I'm gonna be the first one in-line to scream for hanging him. There is some things he has done I like, and some that I do not like. But colluding with Russia, or being any form of a puppet of Russia is totally unacceptable and treasonous... Period.