Russian election Interference thread

@BlackSmokeRisinG @Kheenbish @DocIllinois @ThunderHorse I agree with everything you guys said. And TH, no ad hom at all it’s a fair question.

I am purely of the mind that any process- literally the ends of corruption and crimes being uncovered in Washington in any form or fashion is good- like the Meuller investigation is good for the country. This is the one time I am ALL about some ‘whattaboutism’.

Hillary committed crimes? Bury her under the jail. Bill too. And the Podestas. And the Awan brothers. And Donald Rumsfeld, and every other person that ever hurt America with their personal interest in mind. John Kerry should be fucking stripped of everything right now. Why does he have a security clearance? Isn’t that a punishment for people like him??

I don’t care about political affiliation at all- that’s the entire point of my post- I don’t care if you dont like Mueller. He might be the worst guy for the job right now. He’s getting convictions and hopefully many more follow AND set precedent to prevent future incidences of that behavior. Maybe it’ll work in the long run. Oh, and by the way, if you’re pissed that more blatant criminals aren’t being tried, I suggest starting with the guy that said he was gonna lock those criminals up.

As such, you’re just the rah-rah squad for your chosen criminal to take down the outside criminals. Your post is garbage.
Well, that’s ok because I don’t value your opinion on this one. Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss further.
all good discussion - but this "clean up" is little more than a partisan display of kabuki theater
at best it is a bipartisan display of virtue signaling in the name of good kabuki theater
otherwise, the prisons would be filling up with politicians from both sides of the aisle so fast that none of us would be able to keep score
all good discussion - but this "clean up" is little more than a partisan display of kabuki theater
at best it is a bipartisan display of virtue signaling in the name of good kabuki theater
otherwise, the prisons would be filling up with politicians from both sides of the aisle so fast that none of us would be able to keep score
@Box you’re right, but I hope the second part happens.

Screw the ‘civil war 2’ talk. No one wants that.

But maybe if this dumpster fire gets us to ‘framer level goals for politics in America’? I’ll take it.

Call me an idealist.
@Box you’re right, but I hope the second part happens.

Screw the ‘civil war 2’ talk. No one wants that.

But maybe if this dumpster fire gets us to ‘framer level goals for politics in America’? I’ll take it.

Call me an idealist.

Our political system would work much better if we changed lobbying laws and got rid of corporate political contributions, but I just don't see that happening without drastic changes neither party will support.
I think it's fair to ask why others haven't been investigated. I don't think it's fair to ask why this investigation isn't doing it, though. That should be for other, independent, investigations to handle if only because it would widen the scope of the original far too widely and it would end up being unproductive.
@BlackSmokeRisinG @Kheenbish @DocIllinois @ThunderHorse I agree with everything you guys said. And TH, no ad hom at all it’s a fair question.

I am purely of the mind that any process- literally the ends of corruption and crimes being uncovered in Washington in any form or fashion is good- like the Meuller investigation is good for the country. This is the one time I am ALL about some ‘whattaboutism’.

Hillary committed crimes? Bury her under the jail. Bill too. And the Podestas. And the Awan brothers. And Donald Rumsfeld, and every other person that ever hurt America with their personal interest in mind. John Kerry should be fucking stripped of everything right now. Why does he have a security clearance? Isn’t that a punishment for people like him??

I don’t care about political affiliation at all- that’s the entire point of my post- I don’t care if you dont like Mueller. He might be the worst guy for the job right now. He’s getting convictions and hopefully many more follow AND set precedent to prevent future incidences of that behavior. Maybe it’ll work in the long run. Oh, and by the way, if you’re pissed that more blatant criminals aren’t being tried, I suggest starting with the guy that said he was gonna lock those criminals up.

Well, that’s ok because I don’t value your opinion on this one. Feel free to PM me if you want to discuss further.

It's probably worth pointing out that Mueller has handed off investigations to the SDNY of both Tony Podesta and Greg Craig.

It would seem he's not too bothered by political affiliation when it comes to criminals.
Mueller Wants the FBI to Look at a Scheme to Discredit Him

Want to be part of a ploy to try discredit Mueller?

Among the first things you should do while looking to use an "intelligence firm" to offer women to fabricate stories about Mueller being a sex pest, is to make sure you remove your email address from anything to do with said firm and more importantly, don't have any diverts to your mother's phone number among the numbers associated with the firm.

Our political system would work much better if we changed lobbying laws and got rid of corporate political contributions, but I just don't see that happening without drastic changes neither party will support.

100% this.

Teddy told us, Franklin told us, Johnson told us...

The GOP is off the rails right now. But it doesn't change the fact that BOTH parties are entrenched in, in FDR's words 'political debt' to corporate interests and their billions in lobbying money.

And that's the way they like it. They get rich as fuck, as the middle class withers away. As long as they can keep distracting their constituents with finger pointing and fear mongering, they can keep it locked that way.
100% this.

Teddy told us, Franklin told us, Johnson told us...

The GOP is off the rails right now. But it doesn't change the fact that BOTH parties are entrenched in, in FDR's words 'political debt' to corporate interests and their billions in lobbying money.

And that's the way they like it. They get rich as fuck, as the middle class withers away. As long as they can keep distracting their constituents with finger pointing and fear mongering, they can keep it locked that way.

Uh...and the Democrats aren't?
Uh...and the Democrats aren't?

Might want to re read that post:

100% this.

Teddy told us, Franklin told us, Johnson told us...

The GOP is off the rails right now. But it doesn't change the fact that BOTH parties are entrenched in, in FDR's words 'political debt' to corporate interests and their billions in lobbying money.

And that's the way they like it. They get rich as fuck, as the middle class withers away. As long as they can keep distracting their constituents with finger pointing and fear mongering, they can keep it locked that way.
So it looks like it's Roger Stone's time in the barrel.

The main question to come from his indictment is of course who was the individual that directed a senior Trump Campaign official to contact Stone for information regarding future WikiLeak releases?
So it looks like it's Roger Stone's time in the barrel.

The main question to come from his indictment is of course who was the individual that directed a senior Trump Campaign official to contact Stone for information regarding future WikiLeak releases?
It was Steve Bannon. You know, the Trump campaign manager.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016
FROM: Steve Bannon
TO: Roger Stone
What was that this morning???

Tuesday, October 4, 2016
FROM: Roger Stone
TO: Steve Bannon
Fear. Serious security concern. He thinks they are going to kill him and the London police are standing done.
However —a load every week going forward.
Roger stone

Tuesday, October 4, 2016
FROM: Steve Bannon
TO: Roger Stone
He didn’t cut deal w/ clintons???

The contents of these emails match the ones cited in Stone's indictment paperwork.
It was Steve Bannon. You know, the Trump campaign manager.

The contents of these emails match the ones cited in Stone's indictment paperwork.

Yeah I've seen that but the indictment specifically said that the Trump Campaign official was directed by someone to contact Stone. So you'd have to imagine the field of people who could tell Bannon or someone at his level what to do would be quite small.
When were the targeted accounts hacked and when did Wikileaks post them?

Still unclear how this (Stone’s lawful activity in 2016) is associated with covert communications with GRU officers to acquire Democrat information in exchange for money and then expose the acquired info to sway voters to vote for Trump over Clinton.
Yeah I've seen that but the indictment specifically said that the Trump Campaign official was directed by someone to contact Stone. So you'd have to imagine the field of people who could tell Bannon or someone at his level what to do would be quite small.
That jumped out at me too. However, the thing you're citing apparently happened in July, and while I believe Bannon worked for the campaign, he didn't officially assume the role of campaign manager until August. You're right, though - the number of people who could tell Bannon to do that is pretty slim.
That jumped out at me too. However, the thing you're citing apparently happened in July, and while I believe Bannon worked for the campaign, he didn't officially assume the role of campaign manager until August. You're right, though - the number of people who could tell Bannon to do that is pretty slim.

I guess everyone just has to wait for the next indictment to come down the line, that's where Mueller does his talking.
Serious question for @Poccington, @Salt USMC, and others:

Which action of the Trump campaign or its surrogates do you all find so offensive? I think the crux of the argument is “Team Trump” leveraged foreign actors and information in an effort to influence the election.

Is that correct or is there more?