Russian election Interference thread

I'm generally a pretty unapologetic Trump supporter simply because I am fed up with generations of the same old kabuki theater - but constantly letting the media goad you into the same nonsense over and over again just fuels the fire.

If he stopped being so reactionary and limited his twitter his approval rating would go up. Still, his approval rating is as high as it's been since the first couple months after his election.
Trumps Twitter account is the most retarded shit ever, id expected better out of 13 year old girl.

The Trump/Putin press conference was appalling to say the least. Not sure what to make out of that, but the hack should have been called what it was. Whether or not it was state sponsored or not is up for investigation, but both Putin and Trump could have said yeah "it appears some Russian citizens have conducted some hacking on the DNC, we are working jointly to investigate and determine if criminal prosecutions are warranted". Then Putin could have reaffirmed that the hack was not state sponsored, etc. Both get to save face and move forward.

Instead, Trump throws the Intel community under the bus. Treason? No, but still a shitty thing to do. I don't blame Trumps attitude towards the FBI Intel side right now, they have obviously stepped on their dicks with the Trump campaign investigation, but goddamnit that was a few at the upper level of the FBI, not the FBI as a whole, and surly not the Intel community as a whole.

Trump looked pretty weak sauce up there with Putin. Not really sure what to think about that right now.

That said, I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out of Miss Pages testimony, sounds like she is about to toss her ex boyfriend under the bus...
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It seems that much of the continued jackassery is based over the blurred lines of out come
...are the actions of third party Russian actors the reason that the current POTUS is in office
...are the actions of third party Russian actors consistent with what Russian agents have been doing for decades

It would seem like most would agree that the current POTUS has an ego that just barely fits inside of Air Force-1. As a result, it is clear that he goes to ridiculous lengths to make sure ANY discussion on this topic is immediately tied to "no collusion" as his way of declaring his legitimacy as POTUS. It seems that many on the left have a hard time discussing that same topic without allowing the suggestion that "collusion collusion collusion" and as a result, Russian interference has gone from a recurring problem that has been ignored as common and annoying in the past, and it has turned into a divisive, circular discussion that will probably never be resolved.

I am just curious - wildly curious - to find examples of people (citizens as well as members of the electoral college) that can explain the tipping point when they went from "ready to vote for Hillary" and changed their mind to vote for Trump based on these propaganda posted by Russian actors. People that saw the same media coverage of Trump proclaiming his love of grabbing women by the P#$$% - coverage of Trumps lawsuits over Trump steaks and Trump University, and Trumps general portrayal in the news as everything that flies in the face of American values. The same Trump that is so loathsome that a supreme court justice said she would move to New Zealand if he won.
...and yet some fake-news Facebook posts and a renegade twitter-feed somehow countered ALL of that bad press and gifted the office to Trump by fooling MILLIONS of Americans into voting for Trump.

It is deeply troubling to watch how willingly Americans on both sides of the aisle have taken to this new-wave reality TV politics.
- we have congress women urging people to openly and publicly harass political opponents in the streets - in public -at their homes.
- we have former leaders of the federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies OPENLY inciting people to rebel and resist the administration
- we have former leaders of the federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies admit that they have leaked info and acted poorly

But hey - it is certainly entertaining to watch
“Reservation for Scapegoat, party of many...”
For sure. The most blatant setup for, "Not my fault we did so poorly in the midterms" (news flash- the party controlling the WH almost always does really poorly in mid terms).

It does set up the potential for the R's to do well and then the President can tout his increased "toughness" on Russia and cybersecurity.

Really a win-win as long as you don't have to you know, acknowledge reality.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he's seen polling figures that don't look too good for the mid terms.

This nonsense is no different than his antics toward the end of the 2016 eelction... Remember his claims that the election was rigged? How they'd only accept the election result if he won?

Get the conspiracy theories going early, energise the base and so on and so forth.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he's seen polling figures that don't look too good for the mid terms.

This nonsense is no different than his antics toward the end of the 2016 eelction... Remember his claims that the election was rigged? How they'd only accept the election result if he won?

Get the conspiracy theories going early, energise the base and so on and so forth.
It's why harsh reporting is "fake news" and why he had to pretend to be his own publicist in the 80's and 90's- he can't bear to lose. His ego is much too fragile.

Gotta set up those excuses early so you can protect yourself later.
It's why harsh reporting is "fake news" and why he had to pretend to be his own publicist in the 80's and 90's- he can't bear to lose. His ego is much too fragile.

Gotta set up those excuses early so you can protect yourself later. was almost the entirety of the MSM that reported he was gonna lose "bigly". He's got a bit of a right to not trust what they say re: elections. But you are right, it can put him into a win-win situation later on.
For sure. The most blatant setup for, "Not my fault we did so poorly in the midterms" (news flash- the party controlling the WH almost always does really poorly in mid terms).

It does set up the potential for the R's to do well and then the President can tout his increased "toughness" on Russia and cybersecurity.

Really a win-win as long as you don't have to you know, acknowledge reality.

The dems are in a pickle. Historically, they should win. But right now the DNC has no message: its' soul is being lured by the likes of Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders who have a message, but one that is cray-cray. The rest of the democrats can't get past Trump derangement to pull themselves together, unless "...but Trump" is their message.

If the GOP wins, it'll be because of the dems plus a strong economy. If the dems win, it'll be on immigration and Russia Russia Russia. But I don't think the dems can pull themselves together. was almost the entirety of the MSM that reported he was gonna lose "bigly". He's got a bit of a right to not trust what they say re: elections. But you are right, it can put him into a win-win situation later on.
What who says? What do you mean? We have been able to fact check this President FAR more unfavorably than any other President in recent history- he misspeaks, and outright lies and then categorizes anyone who publicizes that as, "fake news". We just saw it with the British Prime Minister like, a week ago.

He can not trust them all he wants; just because he gets his feelings hurt doesn't mean it's fake. He does that to protect his ego.

It's why he's prepared for the dems to win during midterms by already casting doubt on the legitimacy of the election, so he can avoid the reality that his party might not win "bigly".