Russian election Interference thread

What who says? What do you mean? We have been able to fact check this President FAR more unfavorably than any other President in recent history- he misspeaks, and outright lies and then categorizes anyone who publicizes that as, "fake news". We just saw it with the British Prime Minister like, a week ago.

He can not trust them all he wants; just because he gets his feelings hurt doesn't mean it's fake. He does that to protect his ego.

It's why he's prepared for the dems to win during midterms by already casting doubt on the legitimacy of the election, so he can avoid the reality that his party might not win "bigly".

Did any of the MSM, or any other media, call the election for him? No. I am not defending his POV, but regarding elections and only elections, if they for months had been telling America he wasn't going to win, and he wins, I can see why he would not trust them. The dems might win in November. But you can't say that if we know now the Russians may continue to be meddling and the dems win, there isn't a shadow of doubt. Same logic exists with the argument that if the Russians were meddling in 2016, there is a shadow of doubt.
Did any of the MSM, or any other media, call the election for him? No. I am not defending his POV, but regarding elections and only elections, if they for months had been telling America he wasn't going to win, and he wins, I can see why he would not trust them. The dems might win in November. But you can't say that if we know now the Russians may continue to be meddling and the dems win, there isn't a shadow of doubt. Same logic exists with the argument that if the Russians were meddling in 2016, there is a shadow of doubt.
Ok, I am saying that he acts like an immature child that's prone to lying to protect his ego.

Use, instead, the example of the time he pretended to be his own publicist on the phone (pick your own adventure/source) to brag about women and his success after receiving some bad press. Was that the tabloid's fault for mistreating him? Saying he wasn't worth what he said he was? Nope. He got bad press, he lied about who he was to protect himself.

I am saying; "This is President Donald Trump's m.o., and has been for a while. He protects his ego by lashing out."

It has nothing to do with the MSM or people not believing him or whatever; that's just who he is.
Here is a very good breakdown on what we know about Russian hacking in very clear terms.

It answers all types of questions about "how", and "why", and "What was the real impact".

Interesting read. Particularly this part: the Russian intent was to

“spread distrust towards the candidates and the political system in general.”

I think people forget that the Russians tried to hack the Republicans as well. They just weren't successful (or at least weren't as successful). And they didn't need to; the media in this country was leaking things about Candidate Trump as fast as they could find them (or, in the case of the Russia dossier, simply make them up).

So, the Trump campaign had the Russian political, media, and intelligence infrastructure helping him, and Clinton had the American political, media, and intelligence infrastructure helping her. Like I said: interesting.
Ok, I am saying that he acts like an immature child that's prone to lying to protect his ego.

Use, instead, the example of the time he pretended to be his own publicist on the phone (pick your own adventure/source) to brag about women and his success after receiving some bad press. Was that the tabloid's fault for mistreating him? Saying he wasn't worth what he said he was? Nope. He got bad press, he lied about who he was to protect himself.

I am saying; "This is President Donald Trump's m.o., and has been for a while. He protects his ego by lashing out."

It has nothing to do with the MSM or people not believing him or whatever; that's just who he is.

Geezus. No problem. Ignore it and it will just go away.

No bias here.

May, 2016. Look at the classification.

ScreenHunter_2223 Aug. 04 01.23.jpg
If only the FBI put as much energy into punishing Hillary as they did into hunting down that pesky McDonald's Millionaire Bandit.....:-oO_o:-x

I don't want to turn this in a HRC spin-off, but her soft "investigation" was entirely political, not investigatory, much less looking into any criminal wrongdoing.
Manafort has secured a plea deal and has agreed to cooperate with the Special Counsels investigation.

Mueller continues to drain the swamp.
Still hasn't found any evidence of collusion. I'm willing to bet you could find all these charges with plenty of others in Washington on both sides of the aisle.

Let's be honest, nobody knows what Mueller has evidence of.
Let's be honest, nobody knows what Mueller has evidence of.

After Mueller's command performance in handling the anthrax investigations in the early 2000's, I'm not sure it matters what Mueller has evidence of, and he doesn't care if it's real or not. He's going to do what he's going to do, and he's going to get away with all the dirty pool he can play.
Manafort flipping to avoid the second trial is a problem.

1, because loyalty is paramount to the president and Manafort has now ran afoul of that loyalty. All those tweets talking about how strong Manafort was and how he wouldn’t flip... uh oh. Tweet storm on the horizon.

2, if Manafort has something worthy of a deal... uh oh. He already took 8 charges and jail time! Why wouldn’t he just take a couple more L’s and call it good?

As always, my favorite narrative so far is the ‘no collusion yet!!’ I don’t even care anymore about if the Trump admin clactovely colluded with the Russians. I mean, they definitely did a bunch of ‘everybody does it’ things, so what. Punish them all. Everyone wants the swamp drained? Cool. It’s happening in this investigation. Politicians that are doing politician shit no one agrees with are getting charged for doing it.

At this point, if you’re not rooting Mueller on and applauding him every time he uncovers more corruption and punishes it, I would question if you want politics to change or not.
As always, my favorite narrative so far is the ‘no collusion yet!!’ I don’t even care anymore about if the Trump admin clactovely colluded with the Russians. I mean, they definitely did a bunch of ‘everybody does it’ things, so what. Punish them all. Everyone wants the swamp drained? Cool. It’s happening in this investigation. Politicians that are doing politician shit no one agrees with are getting charged for doing it.

At this point, if you’re not rooting Mueller on and applauding him every time he uncovers more corruption and punishes it, I would question if you want politics to change or not.

The problem with Mueller, is he is hell-bent on prosecuting a case which is been essentially proven to have been a sham case to begin with. He should have been saying, in light of all this evidence about the FISA court and whatnot, let's take a step back and take a look.

I mean, I guess it's a good thing he's uncovering crimes that occurred well before Trump took office. Any crime exposed is a good thing I suppose.

Mueller (and DOJ) is interested in one thing, and that is Mueller.
Manafort flipping to avoid the second trial is a problem.

1, because loyalty is paramount to the president and Manafort has now ran afoul of that loyalty. All those tweets talking about how strong Manafort was and how he wouldn’t flip... uh oh. Tweet storm on the horizon.

2, if Manafort has something worthy of a deal... uh oh. He already took 8 charges and jail time! Why wouldn’t he just take a couple more L’s and call it good?

As always, my favorite narrative so far is the ‘no collusion yet!!’ I don’t even care anymore about if the Trump admin clactovely colluded with the Russians. I mean, they definitely did a bunch of ‘everybody does it’ things, so what. Punish them all. Everyone wants the swamp drained? Cool. It’s happening in this investigation. Politicians that are doing politician shit no one agrees with are getting charged for doing it.

At this point, if you’re not rooting Mueller on and applauding him every time he uncovers more corruption and punishes it, I would question if you want politics to change or not.
Just because I’m not masturbating fervently to a picture of Pope Mueller I, then I’m all in favor of the status quo? That’s funny enough to get a two-hour special on Netflix.

If you had any inkling of his ineptitude in his handling of the anthrax investigation, which was a real hum-dinger, you’d have already been asking for a different special counsel. Couple that with reading Harvey Slivergate’s recollections of dealing with Mueller, and that true Scotsman you have in your fantasy election lineup would be demanding a new special counsel out of hand.

As such, you’re just the rah-rah squad for your chosen criminal to take down the outside criminals. Your post is garbage.
^AmL21 is correct in that we should be applauding any behind closed doors shadyness gets exposed, especially since the vast majority of us on here are former enlisted, and we had to play by all the rules or we got hung.

This administration is supposed to be for the people, and actively draining the swamp. I don't see how anyone cares if the President's former lawyer paid off some porn star he screwed, or any other woman. I don't see an collusion either. However, if NOBODY is to get special treatment, NOBODY should get special treatment.

However, there is not one single politician you can name that has a better chance of actually draining the swamp that President Trump.
At this point, if you’re not rooting Mueller on and applauding him every time he uncovers more corruption and punishes it, I would question if you want politics to change or not.

You could also argue though that if you're not actively pointing out that it has only been Republicans under investigation and charged you only want politics to shift to the other side.

I don't think people have a problem with politicians being charged with anything illegal, just if Mueller is to continue his investigation I hope it extends to both sides of the aisle.
Manafort flipping to avoid the second trial is a problem.

1, because loyalty is paramount to the president and Manafort has now ran afoul of that loyalty. All those tweets talking about how strong Manafort was and how he wouldn’t flip... uh oh. Tweet storm on the horizon.

2, if Manafort has something worthy of a deal... uh oh. He already took 8 charges and jail time! Why wouldn’t he just take a couple more L’s and call it good?

As always, my favorite narrative so far is the ‘no collusion yet!!’ I don’t even care anymore about if the Trump admin clactovely colluded with the Russians. I mean, they definitely did a bunch of ‘everybody does it’ things, so what. Punish them all. Everyone wants the swamp drained? Cool. It’s happening in this investigation. Politicians that are doing politician shit no one agrees with are getting charged for doing it.

At this point, if you’re not rooting Mueller on and applauding him every time he uncovers more corruption and punishes it, I would question if you want politics to change or not.
Random question, you may term this ad hominem, idk. But if we're not putting Hills in jail for violating federal laws as it pertains to servers and such, and we're not putting Kerry in jail for trying to play Shadow politician in are we doing?

I'm glad we're cleaning up some white collar crime and all, but, all I'm seeing is something that is continuing to divide this if it needed anymore division.
Manafort flipping to avoid the second trial is a problem.

1, because loyalty is paramount to the president and Manafort has now ran afoul of that loyalty. All those tweets talking about how strong Manafort was and how he wouldn’t flip... uh oh. Tweet storm on the horizon.

2, if Manafort has something worthy of a deal... uh oh. He already took 8 charges and jail time! Why wouldn’t he just take a couple more L’s and call it good?

As always, my favorite narrative so far is the ‘no collusion yet!!’ I don’t even care anymore about if the Trump admin clactovely colluded with the Russians. I mean, they definitely did a bunch of ‘everybody does it’ things, so what. Punish them all. Everyone wants the swamp drained? Cool. It’s happening in this investigation. Politicians that are doing politician shit no one agrees with are getting charged for doing it.

At this point, if you’re not rooting Mueller on and applauding him every time he uncovers more corruption and punishes it, I would question if you want politics to change or not.

Let's drain the swamp then. Let's investigate every swinging dick and tit. Funny, not really, that nearly every person in Congress is a millionaire nowadays. You don't get that kind of wealth solely by being a civil servant.

ETA: I'm willing an easy charge to get them all on would be falsifying their OGE 450.
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