Russian election Interference thread

The one thing I don't understand is why Putin no longer likes Hillary?


The amount of money Russians threw at the foundation is substantial, to suddenly throw her under the bus puzzles me.

If anything Hillary was probably better for Putin because she was bought and paid for...but nooo, Trump had to have colluded...

I think that would be a good thing. Maybe it's time to broaden the scope of the investigation instead of honing on Trump. I really think the Trump collusion thing is going to be the left's version of Obama's birth certificate....

I think it already is, which is what I've been trying to get at. But not so eloquently, obviously!
I don't know why anyone would have expected different remarks based on the fact that the summit was meant to smooth over our current relations and get some type of partnership towards combating a mutual enemy.

Maria Butina charged with acting as an agent of the Russian Federation in the US in the buildup to the 2016 election.

She's accused of among other things, attempting to use the NRA as a cover to setup a back channel between the Kremlin and key members of the GOP.
Seems some are jumping on this now like it's the new Stormy Daniel's (not literally jumping on her, although that's clearly been done as well). Is that it? This is going to be the "gotcha" for the President? For real this time? Should I hold my breath?

It's difficult to determine if it's hope or outrage with some.
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The one thing I don't understand is why Putin no longer likes Hillary?


The amount of money Russians threw at the foundation is substantial, to suddenly throw her under the bus puzzles me.

It's an each way bet, nothing more. Persons seeking influence will always put money on both horses. One wins, one loses.
Seems some are jumping on this now like it's the new Stormy Daniel's (not literally jumping on her, although that's clearly been done as well). Is that it? This is going to be the "gotcha" for the President? For real this time? Should I hold my breath?

It's difficult to determine if it's hope or outrage with some.
That’s the beauty of this administration!

They’ve downplayed and subverted literally every scandal; couple that with MSM treating my every misstep likenthe end of the world and voila! You’re not real sure what’s actually bad.

I just watch Fox News. If they don’t mention it? Bad. If they actually come out against it?? REAL bad.

Can you find anyone saying ‘he did great here!’ (Other than Rand Paul)?
That’s the beauty of this administration!

They’ve downplayed and subverted literally every scandal; couple that with MSM treating my every misstep likenthe end of the world and voila! You’re not real sure what’s actually bad.

I just watch Fox News. If they don’t mention it? Bad. If they actually come out against it?? REAL bad.

Can you find anyone saying ‘he did great here!’ (Other than Rand Paul)?

In general, or this specifically? 'Cause this is an issue. One of the best economies ever, a lot going right, I think a lot of democrats are avoiding these high-water marks to their peril.
In general, or this specifically? 'Cause this is an issue. One of the best economies ever, a lot going right, I think a lot of democrats are avoiding these high-water marks to their peril.
Specifically the press conference and the handling of the Russian interference.

There are plenty of good things to point out going right, as I’ve said many times before.

There’s an E6 that works for me. Antiestablishment alll the way. Hair just a bit too long, can’t just be ‘boring’ and wear a uniform,always has some sort of Jon standard shit on. Hates ‘big blue’ Air Force. No better PJ on target; I’ve been his supervisor most of his career and he just can’t be bothered to play the ‘day to day’ military game. That’s all good but he’s an E6 Team Sgt now and those admin skills- writing, budget, interpersonal interactions with other AFSCs- sometimes escape him because he doesn’t care.

President Trump is like that. When he’s on target? Not too bad. Borderline great.

But when you insist on stepping al over your own dick all the time for no good reason, people forget how good you are on target because on target is 5% of the time. He needs to play the game. Take some advice. Don’t be contrarian and ‘the outsider’ just or the sake of being those things even if it’s who he is ‘as a person’. The job and the country deserve someone who doesn’t act like that.

And to @Blizzard ‘s point- this is an *actual* fuck up; not like just fucking porn stars when you’re married and paying them hush money or hiding your finances or saying an active President wasn’t born here or being a compulsive liar or talking about grabbing girls by the genitals or being unable to stop talking about an election 2 years ago or being a world class asshole to work for or whatever.

Like I said before the meeting ever happened, this administration is weak on Russia. President Trump is especially weak and, worse than that, excessively deferential to Putin and has gotten his ass handed to him.
Specifically the press conference and the handling of the Russian interference.

Like I said before the meeting ever happened, this administration is weak on Russia. President Trump is especially weak and, worse than that, excessively deferential to Putin and has gotten his ass handed to him.

Gotcha. Didn't understand context.

Every administration is weak on Russia, something I never really understood. Fair, I understand, but weak, no. Per my comments in the Trump presidency thread I am confounded by his behavior.

Edited to add, it's hard to separate the shit from the shinola when you get the media storm like he has gotten, especially yesterday. Brennan flipped his lid, called Trump a traitor. It was under Brennan's watch when all of this (Russian interference) was going down, so someone, somewhere, needs to slow their roll and let things play out before throwing rocks in glass houses.
Gotcha. Didn't understand context.

Every administration is weak on Russia, something I never really understood. Fair, I understand, but weak, no. Per my comments in the Trump presidency thread I am confounded by his behavior.

Edited to add, it's hard to separate the shit from the shinola when you get the media storm like he has gotten, especially yesterday. Brennan flipped his lid, called Trump a traitor. It was under Brennan's watch when all of this (Russian interference) was going down, so someone, somewhere, needs to slow their roll and let things play out before throwing rocks in glass houses.
Well, I don’t necessarily think that’s true and that’s dangerous thinking. We do it a lot, all of us, here and IRL.

We want the economy to stand on it’s own and say what a good job President Trump has done, but we don’t want to acknowledge the previous administration for getting us trough the recession and laying groundwork to get here. However, just like the President has done/continues to do, we will sit here and say ‘Not our fault; happened on someone else’s watch.’ when the press isn’t good or the optics aren’t favorable. Yeah, that’s politics and everyone does it, but it’s still wrong and it doesn’t mean you don’t call it how you see it.

Other administrations are other administrations. I want *this* administration to be tough on attacks against America. Unless I am missing something, they’ve been demonstratably weaker than every other administration, at least in recent times. Even worse, they’re throwing our own intistitutions under the bus on an international stage. Call it whatever ‘T’ word you want, the fact remains. What damage has President Trump done- and I’m talking lasting damage- to the intelligence community?

Also, Dan Coats was a Trump appointee was he not? Is that a good precedent to set?
Personally I don't think credit or blame for an economy can be given until five to ten years down the track.
I’m no economist and I don’t want to take away some of the deregulation steps that no doubt had positive short term effects, but I think there is some amount of credit any first term president has to give to the previous administration until they get into that 4-6 year period (if re-elected).
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Well, I don’t necessarily think that’s true and that’s dangerous thinking. We do it a lot, all of us, here and IRL.

We want the economy to stand on it’s own and say what a good job President Trump has done, but we don’t want to acknowledge the previous administration for getting us trough the recession and laying groundwork to get here. However, just like the President has done/continues to do, we will sit here and say ‘Not our fault; happened on someone else’s watch.’ when the press isn’t good or the optics aren’t favorable. Yeah, that’s politics and everyone does it, but it’s still wrong and it doesn’t mean you don’t call it how you see it.

Other administrations are other administrations. I want *this* administration to be tough on attacks against America. Unless I am missing something, they’ve been demonstratably weaker than every other administration, at least in recent times. Even worse, they’re throwing our own intistitutions under the bus on an international stage. Call it whatever ‘T’ word you want, the fact remains. What damage has President Trump done- and I’m talking lasting damage- to the intelligence community?

Also, Dan Coats was a Trump appointee was he not? Is that a good precedent to set?

I am all for calling it as I see it, but I will also point out the hypocrisy and bullshit that gets flung far and wide when others disavow any part in contributing to the problem. As you say, "it's still wrong...."

As far as Trump's toughness on Russia, generally I agree, but...booting Russians and PNGing them, continuing sanctions, putting in new sanctions, it's not as if he is totally laissez faire... which is why I find some of his behavior confounding.
As far as Trump's toughness on Russia, generally I agree, but...booting Russians and PNGing them, continuing sanctions, putting in new sanctions, it's not as if he is totally laissez faire... which is why I find some of his behavior confounding.
Yeah that’s thing I don’t get. We are already have sanctions in place, it would have been as simple as saying, “I asked Putin; he said he didn’t, ournintelligence community disagrees. We can’t have that anymore if we want a good relationship; and I want a good relationship.”

I should be a speech writer for the President. I literally just came up with that!
I don't think the POTUS really has "speech writers" - I think he just has folks on the payroll that draw up talking points and then sit around looking at each other wondering, "WTF did he just say?"

I'd say if there were some speechwriters responsible for that presser, they should be keelhauled for playing into the interference theme.

I'm generally a pretty unapologetic Trump supporter simply because I am fed up with generations of the same old kabuki theater - but constantly letting the media goad you into the same nonsense over and over again just fuels the fire.
I don't think the POTUS really has "speech writers" - I think he just has folks on the payroll that draw up talking points and then sit around looking at each other wondering, "WTF did he just say?"

I'd say if there were some speechwriters responsible for that presser, they should be keelhauled for playing into the interference theme.

I'm generally a pretty unapologetic Trump supporter simply because I am fed up with generations of the same old kabuki theater - but constantly letting the media goad you into the same nonsense over and over again just fuels the fire.
I'd like to think that he troll's the media and it's political/corporate sponsors. Would have paid see the unhinged expressions of the DNC brass and Clintons after that presser though.:sneaky: