Russian election Interference thread

smoke and mirrors - all of this testimony is nothing more than kabuki theater since no one is ever held accountable

contempt of congress - hahaha - didn't congress hold some guy named 'Eric' in contempt a few years ago?
...what ever happened with that?
There's never any teeth to their threat of contempt. So with that, if I was Strzok and Page, why would I care? Do it.
They should hold Strzok in contempt around the same time they decide to hold Steve Bannon in contempt for just flat out refusing to answer questions to the House Intel Committee regarding the Trump Campaign and transition for no reason other than the White House told him not to. When Goodlatte was called on the hypocrisy today he just went red in the fact.

At least Strzok had a legit reason for not answering the question.
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How exactly is he getting torn a new one? He has been unflappable.

It's an absolute joke of a hearing. Nothing more than political theatre.
Well friend, it seems I know where you stand on this. The Strzok fellow obviously had political motivations and is clearly in line with why people don't trust the FBI.
Well friend, it seems I know where you stand on this. The Strzok fellow obviously had political motivations and is clearly in line with why people don't trust the FBI.

The DOJs IG says differently... And he actually investigated the matter.

In all seriousness though, it really is just political theatre. They've already spoken to him for 11 hours and have undoubtedly been made aware of the fact he's been told by the FBI Counsel to not indulge details of an ongoing criminal investigation, as per DOJ policy... So the first thing they do is ask a question about an ongoing criminal investigation and threaten him with contempt? A Democrat holding up Paul Manaforts mugshot? Nobody at that hearing, Rs and Ds alike, really care about Peter Strzok, his texts, the Russia investigation or... Both sides just wanna grandstand for their respective bases and either provide top cover for POTUS or try undercut him, depending on which side they're on.

They've as much interest in oversight as I have in synchronised swimming.
They've as much interest in oversight as I have in synchronised swimming.
I agree on the "political theater" comment from you and others (and especially with @Box and his view on "accountability", couldn't agree more).

But seriously, synchronized swimmers are SUUUUUPER awesome, you should pay more attention. It's more worth your time than this circus is, trust me.
Pursuant to synchronized swimming, I'm always happy when they ladies are practicing when I lap swim because then they have the underwater sound system on making it less monotonous.

Back to those who chose to be outraged and believe, or chose to believe the Russia thing was a political farce.
Former D/AD Strzok was way to arrogant today...glad he is gone from the Bureau, he was one of the problems...IMHO
He admitted that he loathes Trump but says he isn't biased. He went on to admit that he mentioned in emails impeaching Trump several times before giving any reason, but still maintains that he isn't biased. Ah, ok.
So, question.

Why is President Trump still calling the Russian election interference issue a "witch hunt" when his DOJ is uncovering (and indicting) more and more Russians for election interference?

This thread should have been about 2 posts long- "Does anyone think that Russia interfered with our election?" Second post- "Yes" and then a shit ton of likes. Thread over.

Why the hell isn't the president taking every opportunity to condemn Russia for interfering in our election?! Not a single tweet, not a single statement.

Stand up for America on this one, sir.
So, question.

Why is President Trump still calling the Russian election interference issue a "witch hunt" when his DOJ is uncovering (and indicting) more and more Russians for election interference?

This thread should have been about 2 posts long- "Does anyone think that Russia interfered with our election?" Second post- "Yes" and then a shit ton of likes. Thread over.

Why the hell isn't the president taking every opportunity to condemn Russia for interfering in our election?! Not a single tweet, not a single statement.

Stand up for America on this one, sir.

Answer: He likes Putin.
It would potentially/completely discredit (depending on how you look at it) his win over Hillary. So why would you go against the man who put you into the strongest position in the world? The answer is you wouldn't.