Russian election Interference thread

@amlove21 I might get some shit on this...

Why shouldn't we want get along with Russia?

Don't we all mess with each other in some way or another? I'm not saying it's right nor saying that we shouldn't act to rectify it; but the one thing I see being glossed over is the possibility to have a good relationship with Russia and a move to a more peaceful world.

Of course assuming that everyone agrees to the same rules, which I realize may be a pipe dream.
He admitted that he loathes Trump but says he isn't biased. He went on to admit that he mentioned in emails impeaching Trump several times before giving any

He said his political viewpoints shouldn't be directly assumed to result in a bias in his work, he left his bias at the door when he started work everyday. To date, not a single person has been able to point towards a single investigative action taken by Strozk that was fuelled or influenced by political bias and that includes the DOJ IG after a lengthy investigation. It's also worth noting that Strozk was the one pushing for stronger measures during the Clinton investigation, looking to issue subpoenas and convene a grand jury... Only to be overruled.

As he put it himself, if he was a partisan actor trying to bring down Trumps presidential bid... Why not just leak the fact the Russia investigation existed and sink his campaign?

It could of course all change in the future if new facts come to light but as it stands, it looks like his political viewpoints didn't influence his work.
He said his political viewpoints shouldn't be directly assumed to result in a bias in his work, he left his bias at the door when he started work everyday.

It could of course all change in the future if new facts come to light but as it stands, it looks like his political viewpoints didn't influence his work.

After watching his testimony (Coupled with the content of his text messages) I'm not buying it for a second. And when you're in a position such as this, oft times, you can influence things with WHAT YOU DON'T DO as well.

Based on how long this entire shit show has taken, I am beginning to seriously doubt him, or anyone else for that matter, will be prosecuted.

When you declare your CINC guilty and should face impeachment, before a single person is even interviewed, pretty much says it right there.

A perfect example of how this agent's credibilty is a contradiction in terms:

Strzok added that during the 2016 campaign, he had information that “had the potential to derail and quite possibly defeat Mr. Trump. But the thought of exposing that information never crossed my mind.
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Hmmmm, the FBI burned their reputation over politics. Granted hundreds of good agents, screwed by a few at the top, but after watching that hearing in full, and the other one with deputy director of DOJ and the director of the FBI. I have no faith in either the DOJ or the FBI to conduct politically unbiased investigation and or prosecution's.

This maybe political theatre, mainly because congress has no real capacity to do anything about this. But on the short end, these guys have no business in federal law enforcement.

Do I think Russians interfered with the 2016 election? Absolutely. Do I think Trump knowingly conspired with Russian FSB operatives during the 2016 elections? Fuck no, why in the fuck would he? Clinton was damaged goods 3 years before she entered the campaign. And if there was any remote shred of evidence showing he truly knowingly colluded with Russia, that shit would be front and fucking center, right now, 9 months ago.

What's going to happen, is Muller is going to release some bullshit, as midterm elections get into the end of their campaigns, in an attempt to sway the voters. It will be a fucking volume issue of thousands of pages of bullshit with opinion accusations with no clear evidence of collusion. Russian indictments aren't worth the paper they are printed on and this will continue to be political theatre, especially if the dems retake the house, in an attempt to grind down Trumps 2020 campaign.

If you are buying the circus and bread, you need to open your eyes to the big picture.

My .02
Well, the article on DoJ pressing charges on 12 GRU officers makes me think there will be further sanctioning or some diplomatic punishment coming from the White House.

The President is not shy about calling out the Russians. I doubt there was collusion of anything more than his public statement about Russia publishing all those erased emails.

DOJ Indicts 12 Russian GRU Officers
There's no such thing as coincidences in politics. He's getting ready to meet with Putin in 2 days, and they just announced this now? It came out for a reason. I have no idea what it is, but there ain't no way that timing is unrelated.

It is not terribly surprising that the Russians meddled by their elections. But collusion? Nope.
Well that's interesting. So is the timing.

Those hackers will never be tried, let alone extradited. Of course, he already knew this .
There's no such thing as coincidences in politics. He's getting ready to meet with Putin in 2 days, and they just announced this now? It came out for a reason. I have no idea what it is, but there ain't no way that timing is unrelated.

It is not terribly surprising that the Russians meddled by their elections. But collusion? Nope.

Beat me to salty dog you.....:p
He said his political viewpoints shouldn't be directly assumed to result in a bias in his work, he left his bias at the door when he started work everyday. To date, not a single person has been able to point towards a single investigative action taken by Strozk that was fuelled or influenced by political bias and that includes the DOJ IG after a lengthy investigation. It's also worth noting that Strozk was the one pushing for stronger measures during the Clinton investigation, looking to issue subpoenas and convene a grand jury... Only to be overruled.

As he put it himself, if he was a partisan actor trying to bring down Trumps presidential bid... Why not just leak the fact the Russia investigation existed and sink his campaign?

It could of course all change in the future if new facts come to light but as it stands, it looks like his political viewpoints didn't influence his work.
Yeah, uh, not believing that horse manure one bit.
There are more instances, but here is one:

I don't believe our president is in bed with the Russians, or that he is afraid to sanction them.
Do you have one after January? Like, after we’ve found beyond a shadow of a doubt that Russia hacked the DNC with the explicit purpose of helping President Trump win? That would be relevant.

The same folks who worry Trump will start WWIII hate it when the president tries diplomacy with Russia, China, and NK.
And the same folks that nearly shit themselves over the words ‘radical Islamic terrorists’ are calling coetowing to Putin (he’s a rival, remember?) ‘diplomacy’. It seems the time for harsh language would be now.

I feel like we are missing something too- this has nothing to do with collusion. You’ve all taken the bait a little bit too much here, I think. We are finding more and more evidence- indictment worthy evidence- that Russia fucked with our election process. Doesn’t that piss anyone off?

Russia influenced our election.There hasn’t been sufficient evidence to prove there was intent from President Trump’s campaign to collude with Russianin that effort; but everyone including you, @SpongeBob*24 , is conflating those issues as one thing part and parcel are missing the point either willfully for party line reasons or- whatever else.

We’ve found, during Meuller’s investigation, that Russia influenced our election process. Full stop.

The fact that people aren’t supremely pissed off about that fact is surprising as fuck. Russia should be harshly sanctioned, not treated with kid gloves and fawned over. Fox News and the President got their wish- all the sycophants out there are just parroting the fake news/no collusion rhetoric and letting Russia off with a pass.

Regardless of how many business interests and profits the President may or may not have in that country. Not saying that he does; just saying that would make a lot of sense and lots of people are saying that. Smart people.
