Sec. Mattis Interviewed by High School Reporter

Everything about SecDef Mattis makes me feel warm and fuzzy. He doesn't disappoint. He's so good at war. This interview is great. Thanks for sharing it!
If it's inappropriate to use the SecDef abreviation, and the words are supposed to be written out, I apologize. I couldn't find a definitive answer online on SecDef verses Defense Secretary vs Secretary of Defense.

edited for: change "ate" to "are".
It looked strange when I saw it in writing. It might be the same as POTUS. I have no idea. I know POTUS and SCOTUS are both acronyms used in old crypto code books from like, 1890, but that's it. If there's one person that I don't want to disrespect by accident, its SecDef Mattis. He is so great for this country.
We need to get back to the times when great leaders were pushed into positions of responsibility and start a grass roots campaign to put Mattis in The White House.
It's good to see a few more combat veterans entering politics these days. Maybe we will see some of these folks rise to top level positions and actually serve the country rather than self.
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