Seeking Mentor


Mar 7, 2024
I'm Aiden Berry and I am looking for a mentor to help me prepare for joining the Marines. I am also hoping to be selected for MARSOC or Force Recon. I am 16 years old, in my junior year of highschool, and I'm a varsity rower for my crew team.
I'm Aiden Berry and I am looking for a mentor to help me prepare for joining the Marines. I am also hoping to be selected for MARSOC or Force Recon. I am 16 years old, in my junior year of high school, and I'm a varsity rower for my crew team.
Hello there,

If you are rowing crew (and are any good), you are going to be fine as far as regular Marine Corps stuff before getting into a pipeline. I am a high school senior (so I am no expert, but...) and also row crew and had no problem maxing most of the events on the PFT when I got the NROTC-MO 4-Year Scholarship (Which I turned down for a USAFA appointment). On a separate note, another guy in my 1V shell also got the other NROTC-MO 4yr Scholarship for our district.

Cant speak to MARSOC or anything like that yet. Joined this forum to find out more about USAF spec ops and what I can do if I cannot meet color vision standards. Cool to see other rowers out there in the world.

Out of curiosity, what is your: 2k, Team, Boat seating, LW or HW?
I'm Aiden Berry and I am looking for a mentor to help me prepare for joining the Marines. I am also hoping to be selected for MARSOC or Force Recon. I am 16 years old, in my junior year of highschool, and I'm a varsity rower for my crew team.

With ambitions like that, if you're not a high-achiever already, start trying to be one. You've still got a year or two before you're of enlistment age. Get in shape, stay in shape and most importantly, study hard. Marine Raiders aren't all muscle, they have to be extremely smart, mature for their age and capable.

One hurdle at a time. Crush your studies. Get your HS diploma. And then, if you choose enlisting over college, kick total ass in bootcamp, School of Infantry and every other task you face in the Fleet. Before you even think about Recon or Raider, you are going to have to be a stand-out Marine. And that, in itself, is a significant challenge.
Please leave the advice giving to vetted members who have working experience in the topic.

Also, since you are not currently in the AirForce, per site rules, please choose an updated moniker that does not give the impression that you have, or are currently serving in the Military.
Also, @USAFA28IG, based on your post I assume that you're USAFA Class of 28, and your initials might be IG. That's a major accomplishment, and we look forward to tracking your progress as you make your way through the Air Force Academy and join us in the profession of arms. I also realize that Academy cadets are on active duty, which means the day you sign in you are technically "in the Air Force."

However, that's a lot of identifying information that you might not want attached to you on a site like this, or for any similar one for that reason. 1) it's unnecessary, and 2) no one cares. Even if it wasn't a site requirement, I'd suggest modesty and being the "gray man" is the best policy for now.