Shooting in Toronto last night appears to be terrorism

Another isolated Jihadist fanatic. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. Jumping to conclusions may be wrong, but ignoring reality is not only wrong but dangerous.

Maybe if a few of those Canadians in the kill zone of this terrorist attack had been armed, they might have been able to protect themselves.

I wish we it was easier to get carry permits but they seem to be isolated to the elite. It's even getting harder for trappers to get permits for self defence.
It will always be easier to attack an inanimate object rather than the "tool" behind the tool!

Until we call things what they are, they will never change.

Nuts are nuts...if they can't get a gun, they will find another way!

Exactly. I hear in Britain people have resorted to stabbing and throwing acid in people’s faces.