SITREP THREAD. Post your Progress Here.

Well leave went by quick! Headed out west to Camp Pendleton for SOI and then the recon pipeline! Very excited and I know I am as prepared as I can be for what lies ahead! Thanks all and stay safe!

My medical waiver was approved, Recruiter made me do a PFA(Personal fitness assessment?) Which instead of 2 min push-ups and sit-ups and 2 mile run, it's 1 min each and 1 mile run.

59 push-ups-1 min
45 sit-ups-1 min
5:45-1 Mile.

All waivers cleared and I am able to enlist, unfortunately anything Airborne I cannot have guaranteed in my contract :( They are saying I can volunteer once in AIT, not really happy about that but will do what it takes. Right now my number one choice is 68W-Airborne-RASP. If RASP somehow isn't available I'll shoot for Green Platoon for the 160th SOAR as a flight medic. Either way, I will train as if I'm going to selection!



My medical waiver was approved, Recruiter made me do a PFA(Personal fitness assessment?) Which instead of 2 min push-ups and sit-ups and 2 mile run, it's 1 min each and 1 mile run.

59 push-ups-1 min
45 sit-ups-1 min
5:45-1 Mile.

All waivers cleared and I am able to enlist, unfortunately anything Airborne I cannot have guaranteed in my contract :( They are saying I can volunteer once in AIT, not really happy about that but will do what it takes. Right now my number one choice is 68W-Airborne-RASP. If RASP somehow isn't available I'll shoot for Green Platoon for the 160th SOAR as a flight medic. Either way, I will train as if I'm going to selection!


Train as if you are headed for RASP then.
Train as if you are headed for RASP then.

That's the plan! Praying for the best but expecting the worst! The crossfit gym I train at is owned by a former Ranger and the other is currently in 20th Group, they assigned running/swimming/rucking/pt regimns on top of the daily WOD. I need to dial in my eating habits(still about 10lbs over weight...I eat a lot of pizza, burgers and love beer). I'm 217lbs at 6'1" and 15% body fat, if I can drop to 200ish I think the calisthenics will get easier and pt scores will go up.

Thanks for all the encouragement Gentlemen.
I've been in pre-RASP for a little over a month now. The pt here is great and we get plenty of time to workout on our own, which I've been taking full advantage of. We're finally classing up tomorrow with a full roster. I'm incredibly motivated to get started, drive on through RASP and stay healthy. I don't post much on here, but I read the forums all the time and have gained a considersble amount of perspective in regards to the military from them. I feel like when one of us makes it, it's a victory for everyone who has contributed info to this site. I'll post another sitrep when I have some more news.
I've been in pre-RASP for a little over a month now. The pt here is great and we get plenty of time to workout on our own, which I've been taking full advantage of. We're finally classing up tomorrow with a full roster. I'm incredibly motivated to get started, drive on through RASP and stay healthy. I don't post much on here, but I read the forums all the time and have gained a considersble amount of perspective in regards to the military from them. I feel like when one of us makes it, it's a victory for everyone who has contributed info to this site. I'll post another sitrep when I have some more news.

Get it done.
SITREP on my enlistment:

After looking at my options having already taken the ASVAB I missed combat medic by 1 lousy point, but qualified for Rangers by 1 point so I suppose it's a blessing and a curse. After some insight from a Ranger on 35F and 35M MOS in Battalion I've chosen 35M (HUMNIT) and to volunteer for Airborne/RASP at AIT. I should hear that my policy waiver got approved today and 35M's have to take the DLAB so I'm studying for that now because I'll have to take that next week. I'll swear in the week after that and sign my contract. Pretty freaking stoked. Hope for the best plan for the worst, off to run/pt and crossfit.

I graduate the TACP Schoolhouse on Thursday and head out to Fairchild for SERE a few days later. Very excited to be so close to earning the black beret.

SERE sucks, more so then when I went through.

Will you do both courses at Fairchild?
Participated in the A 5/19 SFG SFRE yesterday. Passed everything except the run, where I only improved by six seconds over the last time. I'm glad that I did well on everything else but very disappointed in my shit run time. The next one is in September.

What is the requirement? Is it a two mile run?