I had a waiver package go through, time consuming.I'm a current Air Force National Guardsmen whose applying to the active duty to go Combat Controller. I just received a call from the recruiter I've been working with that MEPS has disqualified me for a stress fracture I had well over a year and a half ago.... I gave them all the proper documentation on the injury so I am completely in shock right now. I had great asvab scores and a really good PAST, and I was also already accepted Into the active duty by the recruiting Commander. My recruiter told me that my medical documents were going to be sent to the Surgeon General, which the recruiter said is a lengthy process to hear back from.
So I guess I'm trying to understand how a stress fracture that not only is healed but happened well over a year and half ago could disqualify me. I'm also curious if anyone has had any expirence dealing with getting a clearance from a surgeon general and if I should hold out with some hope I can still make it in or that it's going to be an uphill battle for me?
You'll answer the same questions over and over.
Do you really want CCT? If so the time to get their isn't important, getting there is the goal.
Have you considered TACP as a backup? Is the stress fracture on a leg?