SOCM Questions

Polar Bear

They call me Mr Sunshine
Verified Military
Aug 14, 2006
Just had a question for some of you USASOC guys out there. I'm about 6 months out from my terminal leave date and told my retention guy that I didn't plan on staying in. I was supposed to go to SOCM enroute to 160th a while back but ended up getting shafted. I got offered a PCS move to USASOC and a bonus if I reupped for 3yrs. I was just wondering if I would be get SOCM enroute to my assignment to SOC or if I could end up being a non-SOCM medic in a SOC unit. I also wondered if you guys had any experience with some of the special ops support units such as 528th, CA, psyops, etc. How easy is it for enlisted guys in special ops support units like the ones I listed to get additional training/schools?
My question wasn't limited to 160th and that was why I didn't originally post it here. Any info anyone has with experience from a special ops support unit would be helpful...
Received a command briefing from the S3 of 4th PSYOP this morning. Very in-depth, about two hours long, very good.

One of the big themes I took away was one I already knew. They're stretched very thin. All of SOF is. Everyone's deploying more often, but as a "reward" or "break" between deployments, folks are being sent to schools.

That's about as specific as I can get, but it was fresh in my mind because the brief I got this a.m.
...I got offered a PCS move to USASOC and a bonus if I reupped for 3yrs. I was just wondering if I would be get SOCM enroute to my assignment to SOC or if I could end up being a non-SOCM medic in a SOC unit...

There are non-SOCM coded slots for 68W's in USASOC. Whether or not you get the SOCM slot will depend greatly on whether you are working AT USASOC (the White House) or IN a USASOC unit such as CA, 160th, or SOS-B (all of which are 68WW1 coded positions.) I would make sure you had SOCM in your reenlistment and not leave it up to the "luck-of-the-draw." I recently talked to a couple guys who are in SOS-B (who were in my SOCM class) shortly ago and neither of them were happy at SOS-B. However I know another guy in 96th CA who loves life there...

I will leave the support unit question for those who have better first hand knowledge of that.

