Ok Ok...We both know that at least 70% of the PJ community would castrate you for that statement.
I would agree with you. And, then by simple logic- I would have to disagree with every single medevac flying bullshit mission loving PJ out there right now. I am NOT CCAT. I dont want to do patient transfer. IMO, calling ourselves strictly medics and being aircrew has handed us the bullshit fight with Army birds for casevac/medevac, and we sold our soul for Big Blue money. And fuck that on top of it. Fuck a platform, ill ride a bike in if i need to, or walk. So I see your point, and I understand that its not the popular opinion, it's just my (very new and impressionable) opinion.
And as for you, Senior Trollhead- I think you have valid points too. For instance, you guys hand out meds like PROS! i mean, antibiotics for DAYS! And the Blackberry that you plug symptoms into and out pops pictures of symptoms, possible diagnosis, and suggested courses of treament? Thats an awesome diagnostic tool. But what happens when a PJ ("inferior drooling rescue dog", was it? :)) jumps in on your stack, the "shooter" comes out and the med pack goes bye-bye to the J anyway- cause sometimes being able to carry a keg on your back and still run with SF teams comes in handy, eh?

Here is my final thought- again, i dont think any one service has the market cornered on this issue. In fact, i would be willing to pose that you are deficient to the extent you specialize. The more you focus on one aspect of your game, the less rounded you will be.
But on a butthurt note, I challenge ANY team to put me on it for a month, and when that month is up, you ask THEM if they would want my "...PJ's, they're basically just rescue dogs, y'know -dog paddle, jump out of the back of pickups, stick their noses out of windows of moving vehicles, run around with kegs strapped to their necks, slobber a lot, generaslly good with kids, and well, not always too bright" self to keep rolling with them or not. I would like to hear that answer, good or bad.

fuck you all. I love this place.