Sports in High School


Feb 7, 2017
Hello everyone! I come here seeking a few questions. Some of you may already know I am unable to play football anymore (currently doing Cross Country for fall). I am looking at doing winter and spring sports also and am contemplating whether or not to try out for the Basketball team or join wrestling (for winter) and I am looking at potentially doing Baseball in the Spring (either HS or rec, if I do rec I am looking at doing Track again). I guess what I am trying to ask/see here is your personal experiences with any of these sports and tips for successfully making the team(s). Generally speaking, I am curious as to what sport's you guy's participated in while in high school/youth/college level, which one's you enjoyed the most, and what positions you even played in those sports. I guess this thread is for your opinion's on the aforementioned question (regarding thoughts on tryouts, etc..) and your personal experiences with sports in general.
Only played Baseball in High School, but I believe any team sport has a positive effect on your future. You learn here that it takes a team to achieve a goal and its not only about you. So, as Teufel stated, just do what you like. I say give it all you got and always be a good teammate!
High school sports aren't as big a deal down here, and being from a small town, we played sport with the adults from about 12-13 years of age. We play Aussie rules football regionally, against other towns in a 100 mile radius and in Summer play Basket Ball in a town competition, along with regional rep tournaments, playing with and against mates who we play footy with in Winter.
Aussie rules especially prepared me well for Army. By the time I got to the Battalion, I'd already been hanging out with men for 6 years, in a scenario not too distant to a Rifle Company, a place with great camaraderie and relentless piss taking.
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I ran track for two years, baseball for one.

Stopped doing all sports for junior and senior years because MEPS docs tend to not appreciate the limitating effects of orthopedic injuries, and those years are when some dudes tend to get way too aggressive for sports that have no meaning after graduation if you aren't playing in college.

Working the family farm for those two years beyond prepared me physically for any IET. $.02
I played football basketball and baseball, while surfing whenever I had the time. I also tried to bang as much poon and have as much fun as I could get away with. Have fun in High School, don't get in trouble, it only happens once...
I played basketball, soccer, and ran track all 4 years. I went to a very small private school, so these were all the options available. I did mixed 6 volleyball one year, but the state decided not to keep that league going. I am glad I played as many sports as I did. Kept me out of trouble, and taught me a lot about teamwork. I was lucky to have a dad who taught me everything about hard work and personal accountability, but sports reinforced that also.
Whichever sport(s) you decide to do, I recommend striving to earn a leadership position. Even if you aren't the designated "team captain," you can still serve as a positive influence to your fellow teammates. I loved being in a leadership position as much as I enjoyed competing (cross country and soccer). Whether you decide to apply to college or enlist, the experience of leading your guys will benefit you for years to come.
Wrestling. It teachers you how to suck, motivate yourself while still operating as a team, and gives you a well rounded level of fitness- you'll get a start in cardio, strength and mobility training. And you get to fuck people up.
Wrestling. It teachers you how to suck, motivate yourself while still operating as a team, and gives you a well rounded level of fitness- you'll get a start in cardio, strength and mobility training. And you get to fuck people up.

Agree. You could also partake in some martial arts and/ or combatatives outside of high school sports to better yourself.
Wrestling. It teachers you how to suck, motivate yourself while still operating as a team, and gives you a well rounded level of fitness- you'll get a start in cardio, strength and mobility training. And you get to fuck people up.

I have actually been very interested in it. A buddy of mine (who's dad is the coach) recommended that I join. The only problem I have with that though is unlike all of the other sports I previously mentioned, I have never wrestled before in my life. I don't know how hard it would be to grasp the concept I guess. I am eager and willing to learn though, so perhaps I will talk to him more about it.
Wrestling is like that. You have to try to see if you like it. We play baseball, basketball, football and etc but how often do we just ....wrestle?
Very good friends with folks who did a Cross Country / Wrestling / Track cycle who were studs at every event they did.

Each one builds on the the other.....Good luck....:thumbsup:
I have actually been very interested in it. A buddy of mine (who's dad is the coach) recommended that I join. The only problem I have with that though is unlike all of the other sports I previously mentioned, I have never wrestled before in my life. I don't know how hard it would be to grasp the concept I guess. I am eager and willing to learn though, so perhaps I will talk to him more about it.
I didn't wrestle until freshman year. In FL thats how it is for most guys. You catch on. Don't let that discourage you.
Play lacrosse. You get to legally slap people with your long pole as a form of recreation, something you will never get to do again (unless you join the Navy).
What branch of the Military are you looking at?

Navy, hope to go down the SEAL route. There is a thread on here (a little cringe on my part now that I look back at it) titled Heart Surgery and BUD/S training. I have still yet to see a recruiter (my age limits me I believe).
Play lacrosse. You get to legally slap people with your long pole as a form of recreation, something you will never get to do again (unless you join the Navy).

Yes I also know a few people who do Lacrosse, but as with Wrestling, I have never had any personal experience with it. It does seem fun though. So many sports that are intriguing lol. Wish I could do them all.