Sports in High School

I wish we had a hockey or water pollo team while in high school. We got a hockey team the year after I graduated, which jades me some.

I was a jv swimmer my freshman amd sophomore years, and a varsity swimmer my junior and senior years. I also played baseball my freshman year and golf my sophomore year. After that I decided I liked money too much and got a job at a really nice restaurant as a bus boy, making roughly $400 In tips a week plus whatever the minimum wage was. Looking back I should have played football but quit after 8th grade. I hit a growth spurt my freshman year, going from one of the shortest in the class to one of the tallest.
I played hockey, loved it. A lot of guys would play lacrosse in the spring/summer.

Have fun and work hard at whatever you choose. Whatever sport you choose just hammer the fundamentals and you will have a pretty solid shot at making a team. If you aren't the most athletically gifted, make fewer mistakes.

But seriously, have fun.
Hey guy's, I have a question and I didn't think it was proper to start a new thread for this. So......I was being a dumb ass and was speeding 47 mph in a 25...the cop gave me a ticket. There really isn't much on it to tell you the truth, but I am a juvenile and I was wondering how hefty the fines are and if I can get my license suspended. Should I take it to court? (I think I might have to). Anyways, it was a dumb move on my part and possibly for the better, since I will know from now on to keep my speed in check, just something else I need to learn from. Also, I have not had any traffic violations before hand. I live in Ohio (if that matters).
Oh I forgot to mention this too, my tags expire tomorrow......The ticket just so happens to be the day before...But now I learnt my lesson

If you were my son and I paid your insurance, once I saw how much your ticket increased my premium, expired tags is an issue you'd not need to concern yourself with for quite a while.
If you were my son and I paid your insurance, once I saw how much your ticket increased my premium, expired tags is an issue you'd not need to concern yourself with for quite a while.

I pay for my own as of now. Obviously, I will be trying to get a part time job soon to pay for the costs.
Internet ain't the place to seek advice my friend. If you don't have parents, ask a teacher. If you don't have teachers, ask a man you see in the grocery store who looks successful and accomplished. Both of those options are better than asking a Special Operations Forum full of strangers about a speeding ticket.
Internet ain't the place to seek advice my friend. If you don't have parents, ask a teacher. If you don't have teachers, ask a man you see in the grocery store who looks successful and accomplished. Both of those options are better than asking a Special Operations Forum full of strangers about a speeding ticket.
