Star Wars - ** SPOILERS ** discussion thread

Switching directors really isn't that big of a deal if you were all in on JJ, I wasn't. JJ remained as the Executive Producer of TLJ, so his hands are all over this. I thought TFA was shit.

But apparently one of my friends thinks it's great as it pulls you away from the Skywalker Lineage, to which I say, fine. However, this could have been done really well if that were the case.

Getting Nerdy, unless Rey had specific lineage to Anakin there's almost no way for her to use his Lightsaber. Everything that is known about the Force has been junked and that is the problem.
You're mad. She could come from any Force sensitive genes. She doesn't have to come from Skywalker stock. What exactly about the Force has been "junked"?

I await your always indepth and well throught-out analysis.
When a Jedi builds their lightsaber, they're basically going on a pilgrimage to find the stones themselves. It is theirs and there is a bond.

A: I cannot believe I am arguing this, but I'm a geek at heart.

B: Give me a link from the Star Wars universe that states this? If it is canon, it's out there somewhere.
@Ooh-Rah all of your issues with TLJ are same I have.. probably the only thing I liked was the development of Kylo Ren in this movie. I think him killing Snoke and taking over was a cool unexpected twist. The only explanation to Snoke not "seeing" the saber getting turned in his direction is maybe Kylo was stronger than Snoke for a bit now and Kylo was playing him. Sith do have the rule of 2, so he could of been plotting to overthrow Snoke and have Rey join him in the time between TFA and TLJ.
Rey isn't related to anyone because Kylo said so? Everyone is very accepting of this guy's plea to Rey in joining him.. Seems odd

My immediate opinion was he was lying. However that little boy at the end who used the force to grab the broom may show the direction they want to go with force users. That it doesn't have to be children of those that can manipulate the force. So Rey's parents being just random drunks seems to be more possible.

I also feel like she could be as Anakin was, a manifestation of the force. The scene where she asked who her parents were and two shadows became one to reveal just herself may foreshadow this being revealed in the next movie. This could also be her connection to the light saber, as that saber could easily connect to two individuals who were "manifestations of the force".
Apparently the point of these two dumpster fires was to move away from the Skywalker lineage, however, if you wanted to Reboot, you gotta go Dark Knight and kill it.
Apparently the point of these two dumpster fires was to move away from the Skywalker lineage, however, if you wanted to Reboot, you gotta go Dark Knight and kill it.

I'm looking forward to movies without the Skywalker storyline...

I liked Rogue One, so with that said I havent entirely lost hope with Disney.

I'm still waiting for atleast one movie set during Old republic.. maybe throw in some old Sith lore into the mix. Some real dark Star Wars films would be nice to see. Doubt it though.