Stop fobbits....just STOP Already!!!!


Rackmaster and Chopstick want you to roll around in a tub of jello but are too afraid to tell you themselves.

I wish I knew what they were talking about, but I have led a very sheltered life and am clueless in the ways of the world.
Best post of the thread. :D
Saw this..thought of @Freefalling ...

“It was terrifying. I had to sit in this tiny concrete bunker for 45 minutes, dripping smoothie and freezing, with two dozen other people. Half of them were crying, the other half were sipping away at their own safe, tasty drinks. I remember thinking, ‘God, please don’t let me die covered in smoothie goo.’ And I just knew the Green Beans would be closed by the time the sirens stopped, so I wouldn’t even be able to get a refund. It was the worst night of my life.”
I want to send that to a certain female AF Officer though I doubt she would understand it's true meaning.
Got to love the Duffel Blog.

Bagram is an alternate universe. I'll always be appreciative of the work done by our dedicated support personnel and all Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines, but I will never understand why certain people feel the need to embellish their service and go out of their way to have a "HEY LOOK AT ME!" moment.

Whether you spent your deployment on Bagram supporting warfighters or running night raids on a regular basis, you did what you did for our country and those around you; be proud of it.

“When a warrior fights not for himself, but for his brothers, when his most passionately sought goal is neither glory nor his own life's preservation, but to spend his substance for them, his comrades, not to abandon them, not to prove unworthy of them, then his heart truly has achieved contempt for death, and with that he transcends himself and his actions touch the sublime. That is why the true warrior cannot speak of battle save to his brothers who have been there with him. The truth is too holy, too sacred, for words." - Steven Pressfield, Gates of Fire
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Tell Lt Moreno how rough it is...... Speak loud; because Arlington is damn long way.....
Amlove, can you post a pic of your hair? :-)I have heard so much about it now, and my inner (racing) kitty is curious to see it. I, too, have been accused of having an amazing head of hair, and hairdressers love getting their fingers in it.

I think I have some clip art for this... :rolleyes:

Boo hoo hoo. A PAO was taken advantage of by the media? Wow, that's like Nickelback being butthurt when Justin Bieber calls their music "shit."there's no honor among thieves or journalists. All of Ms. Johnson's posturing and whining caught up to her and now she wants to backtrack, defend, deny, and play the victim card.

She's an officer, a leader, and should acts as such. I'm sorry that defending her country wasn't the same as sitting in the sorority house, but them's the breaks. She brought this on herself and now she's offended and hurt?

She can do unmentionable things to herself with a pizza cutter. The sad reality is that people will buy her story and keep princess on a pedestal.

"I'm sick and it is kind of like PTSD, but not exactly PTSD..."
(Most of the non-military world) ZOMG! She has PTSD!!!!!

Keep your piehole shut, Ms. Johnson. I hope sales of your book tank.

Warm regards from the Bagram Green Beans and XOXOXO,
Dude, you don't even know.. Bagram was fucking crazy man

I didn't know where the fucking PX was, or the chow hall, so MRE's it was
Only got to stay there for about 3 days before doing a RIP for bros
Fast forward some months of daily patrolling and followons
Don't even get a helo ride back, gotta fuckin drive for 2 days
Get back, first thing that happens is we get our shit jumped by some eightydouche fucker WHY UR SLEEVES ROLLED UP UR NOT SF no actually we're cooler, they didn't even have vehicles

Things start getting scary, we get a week of guard, PX that's cleaned out by the likes of that cunt, and a chow hall we still couldn't fucking find with a goddamn map. MRE's again.
Dude, you don't even know.. Bagram was fucking crazy man

I didn't know where the fucking PX was, or the chow hall, so MRE's it was
Only got to stay there for about 3 days before doing a RIP for bros
Fast forward some months of daily patrolling and followons
Don't even get a helo ride back, gotta fuckin drive for 2 days
Get back, first thing that happens is we get our shit jumped by some eightydouche fucker WHY UR SLEEVES ROLLED UP UR NOT SF no actually we're cooler, they didn't even have vehicles

Things start getting scary, we get a week of guard, PX that's cleaned out by the likes of that cunt, and a chow hall we still couldn't fucking find with a goddamn map. MRE's again.
I like the ending of the blog. I too, would like to hear her answer.
I would like to know if Johnson is in fact receiving disability. Of course, she has no obligation to tell me. But according to the essay, Johnson is successfully completing college courses, has loving relationships with her pets and fiance and will be married soon. She appears to be physically fit and doesn’t mention medical problems in her essay. From her blog we already know she has a disability rating for Chronic Adjustment Disorder, which she describes as “PTSD lite”. So is she receiving disability? If so, why? She certainly doesn’t appear to be disabled in any way. If someone never served in combat, was never in any danger, doesn’t have any physical issues related to their service, is happily in love and is leading a productive, successful life, why are they receiving disability pay?

This is something I’ve written about before. Far too many vets are milking the system for money, because it’s so easy. To me, it’s shameful. Johnson herself talks about veterans who actually did experience horrors of war, and those who came home horribly scarred. She knows her experience and problems don’t compare to theirs (and for the record, neither do mine). So if she knows this, why accept money and why further jam the VA system, when other vets are in serious need of help?

Ms. Johnson, I hope to hear your response.