Also, she's a smokeshow...with the way they did her costume I'm pretty sure of the audience they were targeting.
Well, this. I’m not going to sell it to myself that it’s role material for my little ones.
Her outfit was dopey, I get it that she was created in a different age, but couldn’t they have made her super hero suit a little cooler, more practical, more warrior-like and less shiny bathers. But I guess she wouldn’t be Wonder Woman.
I hoped that maybe the nemesis was at least interesting, since everybody else was pointless. Son of Zeus was a fizzle, the ending was a non-event.
So when I asked the husband if he really thought the storyline was any good, he pointed to the Warrior women at the start and then said again, it’s a Super Hero movie, what can you expect?!
I asked him if he felt the storyline was of the same caliber as Batman or Spider-Man? His response was, “Batman is special.”
He finally conceded that Wonder Woman was dumb but reemphasized that Gal Gadot is hot!
I love pretty men and women on my screen too, but I’d like a logical story line, a supporting cast that actually do useful things, and action scenes that kinda make sense. That scene when Mr Love-Interest called his buddies to help lift the car door so she could have that extra boost to leap into the sky and crash into the tower to take out the sniper was just ridiculous! If I had popcorn at the time, I’d throw it at my tv screen!
I mean that metre or so musta made all the difference! I guess the secondaries had to do something... I go back to my original bitchery, she could have leaped up with no assist and crossed her arm guards and a BOOM!!! The End (of sniper).
I’m finished ranting on Wonder Woman. I still have to rant about Dunkirk at some point.