TACP assignments

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Oct 18, 2014
Fort Walton Beach
I was wondering if warming my Ranger Tab would allow me to work along with Ranger units more often than with infantry units, out is that solely dependant upon my ASOS ?

Thanks in advance.

And happy veterans day, thank you for everything you've had to do.
Why would you warm your Ranger Tab? :-/

ETA: Wait, you're only 17 years old?? Why don't you go take a look at the 25m target thread. Weeping Jesus on the cross...
I was wondering if warming my Ranger Tab would allow me to work along with Ranger units more often than with infantry units, out is that solely dependant upon my ASOS ?

Thanks in advance.

And happy veterans day, thank you for everything you've had to do.
You are 17, how the fuck do you have a Ranger Tab? You may get a chance to go to Ranger School if you make it through the TACP pipeline. Right now, focus on getting out of High School and being ready to enlist.
I'm going to assume you meant "earning" a Ranger Tab as opposed to "warming" it. That being said, you have A LOT to worry about before you need to worry about how to support the 75th.
My money's on a bad autocorrect from "wearing" to "warming." Regardless, I'll award this thread three buckets.

I hope to sweet fuck some 17 yo kid did not mean to say "wearing" as though he already has one.

Exactly, hence the three buckets. Maybe four, but it certainly warrants three buckets.
You are 17, how the fuck do you have a Ranger Tab? You may get a chance to go to Ranger School if you make it through the TACP pipeline. Right now, focus on getting out of High School and being ready to enlist.

I'm ready to enlist, I'm taking school day by day and doing my best to stay gung ho and in good condition for the PAST
I meant wearing, and I do not have a tab, I am obviously not active, just trying to dig up more info.

More info? Three sources: the Search Function at the top of the page, Google, and Wikipedia. The latter may be wrong at times, but it will get you to the right neighborhood if you know how to use it.

Your presumption of a Ranger tab is so flawed, so broken, and so.... "special education" that I have to wonder what fantasy land you inhabit. You see, the sources I mentioned above? You wouldn't even start this thread if you'd bothered to do any research whatsoever...and don't insult me by telling me you did your research. I found your answers in less than 30 seconds using ONE source.

You're 17. I get it. You're staying "gung ho" and in "good condition for the PAST." That one sentence tells us a lot. You don't know how much you don't know, but go do your own work and you'll realize that.
Your presumption of a Ranger tab is so flawed, so broken, and so.... "special education" that I have to wonder what fantasy land you inhabit. You see, the sources I mentioned above? You wouldn't even start this thread if you'd bothered to do any research whatsoever...and don't insult me by telling me you did your research. I found your answers in less than 30 seconds using ONE source.

Remind me to tell you one day about the 17yo that walked in my house (one of my daughter's friend's boyfriends) wearing full ACUs, jump wings, and a CIB. I didn't react very well. My wife and daughter still laugh when it comes up in conversation. :thumbsup:
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I meant wearing, and I do not have a tab, I am obviously not active, just trying to dig up more info.

Look dude, it's great that you're all motivated and shit. Really. But motivation without knowledge is not what the TACP careerfield needs. Supporting the 75th is about a billion steps away for you right now. Do you understand how arrogant it is to come on here and talk about wearing a Ranger Tab when you aren't even in the military yet? I already had to PM you to change your username when you initially registered because you chose to use ROMAD, a title you haven't even started the process of earning. Now you start a thread that smacks of the presumption that a Ranger Tab is a foregone conclusion and your biggest worry is whether or not you should wear it. Notice a trend? Because I do.

You don't need any more info than what this site and romad.com contain. You either want to be one of the world's premier close air support experts or you don't. Who you may or may not support has nothing to do with it.
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The only reason this thread is still open is because I want to see the OP's response(s) to some of the posts.
Look dude, it's great that you're all motivated and shit. Really. But motivation without knowledge is not what the TACP careerfield needs. Supporting the 75th is about a billion steps away for you right now. Do you understand how arrogant it is to come on here and talk about wearing a Ranger Tab when you aren't even in the military yet? I already had to PM you to change your username when you initially registered because you chose to use ROMAD, a title you haven't even started the process of earning. Now you start a thread that smacks of the presumption that a Ranger Tab is a foregone conclusion and your biggest worry is whether or not you should wear it. Notice a trend? Because I do.

You don't need any more info than what this site and romad.com contain. You either want to be one of the world's premier close air support experts or you don't. Who you may or may not support has nothing to do with it.
I didn't mean to come off looking like an arrogant,smack talking pile of trash, I was wondering how TACPs receive assignments. My bad for sounding like a jack wagon.
Your best bet right now is to apologize, even if you don't understand why everyone is jumping on you, and leave it at that. Don't try and explain, justify, excuse, or re-word your posts. One day, if you complete the pipeline and earn the black beret, you'll look back at this, shake your head, and laugh.
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