Tampons in Bullet Holes (Again)


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The &quot;tampons in the boys room&quot; discussion is silly given that we had tampons in our med kits in the infantry because they&#39;re the perfect size for bullet holes. It didn&#39;t leave us traumatized to see them there.</p>&mdash; Natalie Grace (@natgrace79) <a href=" ">August 8, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

lol OK
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The &quot;tampons in the boys room&quot; discussion is silly given that we had tampons in our med kits in the infantry because they&#39;re the perfect size for bullet holes. It didn&#39;t leave us traumatized to see them there.</p>&mdash; Natalie Grace (@natgrace79) <a href=" ">August 8, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

lol OK
Wow... dude went from being a bundle of sticks, to lopping his own off, putting on a dress, and having his wife call him Natalie. :ROFLMAO:
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The best response to that post on X was "No you didn't. No they don't." LOL
I say this jokingly, but the Spanish Inquisition needs to do a comeback tour. :ROFLMAO:

spanish fan GIF
On a thankfully unrelated note, Traumagel just receives FDA approval. This could be a pretty big deal:

As advanced as medicine is in some areas, when it comes to stopping bleeding, most solutions are decidedly old school: applying pressure and trying to absorb blood with powder or by packing wounds with gauze. Traumagel, which earned the Food and Drug Administration’s medical device clearance on Wednesday, could change how first responders address severe bleeding.

Traumagel, which will launch later this year, is a 30-ml syringe of an algae- and fungi-based hemostatic gel that’s the color and texture of hummus. It can be applied directly into a wound, helping stanch bleeding within seconds. The FDA cleared its use for moderate to severe bleeding. Joe Landolina, founder of Brooklyn-based Cresilon, which makes Traumagel, says that in addition to stopping bleeding quickly, the product’s “flowable” properties can improve the safety of treating something like a gunshot wound.
Our medics did put tampons into their kits. Why is this contentious?
The general consensus seems to be that tampons are good for what they are designed for, they are not well suited for use in treating gunshot wounds.

If they were carrying them because a woman might need to ask for one, great. If they were carrying them to jam in bullet holes...
The general consensus seems to be that tampons are good for what they are designed for, they are not well suited for use in treating gunshot wounds.

If they were carrying them because a woman might need to ask for one, great. If they were carrying them to jam in bullet holes...

I feel like this is a metric for whether or not someone has stopped a significant arterial bleed or not. If someone says a tampon will work, they have not.
Were they initially being carried as a quick "it's better than nothing when you don't have something more appropriate" tool and took off as the Good Idea Fairy ran its propaganda program -- serious question...
I feel like this is a metric for whether or not someone has stopped a significant arterial bleed or not. If someone says a tampon will work, they have not.
I hate giving your post the eggplant, but maybe we could use that to try to stop some bleeding too? ;)
Were they initially being carried as a quick "it's better than nothing when you don't have something more appropriate" tool and took off as the Good Idea Fairy ran its propaganda program -- serious question...
I'll be honest when I first heard this it made total sense to me. "It helps with blood that comes out of a body, a gunshot wound involves blood leaving the body, so... "

But then listening to actual med professionals, like the Ranger Reg PA who wrote the below article, I came to think otherwise.

I wonder if this started off as a myth that everyone just believes, like "you can't shoot a .50 at troops" or "you can't shoot paratroopers until they hit the ground," etc.

Your "Tactical Tampon" is Useless for Life-Threatening Hemorrhage • The Havok Journal
