Terrorist Talk

Drone attack appear to be targeting more attacks at the Haqqani Network but that is only what I read and I certainly have no first hand knowledge to backup that claim.

The Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. military have stepped up unilateral strikes against the Haqqani network over the past year, a senior U.S. official has confirmed to CNN.

The news follows public comments by top U.S. officials this week voicing frustration with Pakistan's lack of action against the terror network.
The senior official said the CIA and the U.S. military agreed last year to increase targeting of the Haqqani terrorist network inside Pakistan after Haqqani-backed insurgents stepped up their attacks across the border inside Afghanistan against U.S. troops and Afghan targets.

The Pentagon asked the CIA to step in last year and as a result, at one point in 2010, 20% of armed CIA drone attacks in Pakistan were aimed at Haqqani targets, the official said.

"A deliberate decision was made to start ramping up targeting the Haqqanis in 2010," he said. CIA drone attacks are specifically aimed at al Qaeda and their "militant allies," which has long allowed for groups like the Haqqanis and the Pakistani Taliban to be targeted.

Remainder of article: http://security.blogs.cnn.com/2011/09/21/us-targeting-haqqani-network-in-pakistan/
Dude, you're swallowing the populist line of crap that the media is feeding you. This war, just like all the others, is about power and money. Sure, there are some that truly believe in the Islamic-fascist line of garbage (e.g. Muhamad Atta) but the majority of young jihadists are no different than the inner city kids in the US: hopeless, unwanted, and unemployed. So they see a gangbanger with cash, chicks, and perceived power in the form that they are feared by others. Once they join up (Blood, Crip, MS-13, Taliban, etc), they're needs are met: money, structure, wanted by the group, and power in the form of a mac-10, glock, AK, etc. All they gotta do is a drive by (spray and pray), steal some stuff, etc and their needs get met.

Iraq, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Detroit, LA, Philly...seriously, what's the difference other than US-based gangs don't use suicide bombers or VBIEDs?

It's all about hookers and blow. Some of them only understand violence so those f-tards require purification through deep lead injections.

Civil Affairs is the key in my opinion.
Wow great post!
One question that I have had about the ISI recently has been whether they are actually a competent terrorist intelligence service, or the fact that Pakistan provides political cover to them, makes them dangerous. I guess it can be a combination of both, but, as juvenile as this question sounds, are the ISI....good at what they do?
The ISI is quite good at what they do. The Haqqanis and HiG are both ISI proxies. State sponsored terrorists. Pakistan likes having militias they can use to do their dirty work. They prove that in the Kashmir and IN India itself. Pakistanis are Pashtun folks just like most of the Taliban. The Taliban are largely drawn from the Ghilzai Confederation (8/11 senior leadership of the Talis are Ghilzai including Mullah Omar). The Ghilzai are traditional enemies of the Durrani (who were marginalized by the ISI during the resistance in favor of the Ghilzai.) Exiled King Zahir Shah is a Durrani. One of the first things the Taliban attended to when they got control was subdued or coopt Durranis in large provinces. Deobandi Muslims (Taliban religion) are anti-monarchist and will keep the monarchy out of A'stan which falls in line with Pakistans desires for A'stan to provide them strategic depth against India. The ISI is clearly hedging their bets to ensure Pakistan has influence in A'stan no matter what happens with regard to the ISAF, Karzai and all of that. Unfortunately national intelligence agencies often have unsavory relationships to cover the bases.
What makes them dangerous IMO is the damn Islamist political parties that MOST of the leadership of the ISI and Pak Army belong to like JUI. These parties are hooked up with all kinds of scumbags and fund all manner of fuckery.
Wow great post!
I agree! Tribal engagement is the key. The Taliban played the tribal elder thing out when they came to power and that should be taken advantage of. The key to Afghanistan is the Tribes! Bumping them off is not going to help because of tribal law ALL the male members of the tribe are obligated to seek vengeance. Killing them just feeds the recruitment machine. Kill Mullah Omar and the Taliban will cease to exist. He's the source of their power. Ask the Brits about the whole "Mullah" phenomenon. That guy needs to go.