That Time of the Year Again....

Just so I have the right answer when the new graduates show up and start asking questions:
When they ask, "So who is better, SEALs or Green Berets?" What are we supposed to say?

Is it proper form to say "ask an admin - they'll tell you"
...just trying to get ahead of the problem
Nah, SGM, just give them the answer.

"Neither. PJ's are better than both of them."

Then ask them if they need help making an ultra realistic Airsoft mannequin and give them @CDG 's cell phone. I'll PM you the info.
The types of people we're talking about aren't from the profession. They don't know anything about us or what our norms and rules are. They are ignorant about our ways, and that's not necessarily their fault. The fact that they want to serve at all sets them apart from the rest of America, IMO. When someone new comes to our site and act in a way we find inappropriate or unsavory, I usually try a gentle nudge and helpful suggestions first. If that doesn't work THEN there's a smackdown, usually by multiple parties.

Sometimes I get the sense that some members sometimes want to show what bad asses they are by crushing some newb's nuts here on the site. I have a lot more respect for members who will take the time to try to help a newcomer, maybe even by PM, to get them to adjust to our ways. I recognize the value of tough love and of immediate negative feedback, but I think that if someone doesn't understand us or our standards, we should try to help them understand in a positive way first before going all Negan on them.

Frankly, I have a lot less patience with people who *are* in the profession and want to come here and act the fool. They normally get a pretty bad beat down from the staff and multiple site members. They deserve our disdain more than someone who's young and dumb, IMO.
I wasn't the one having mannequins made of me. Besides, don't nobody wanna be a PJ since Inside Combat Rescue came out.
Besides, don't nobody wanna be a PJ since Inside Combat Rescue came out.

My son wanted to be a PJ until he saw the show. Then he said, "Dad, that's pretty much what you did....but you are so much better looking than they are."

Undeniably, son. Undeniably.
Other than poor sinuses, a receding hairline, a lack of homosexual tendencies, and an inability to swim, I think I had a shot at being a PJ.
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Some questions can only be answered by Mat Best....these are the older good ones, With "Sarah" LOL

Just so I have the right answer when the new graduates show up and start asking questions:
When they ask, "So who is better, SEALs or Green Berets?" What are we supposed to say?

Is it proper form to say "ask an admin - they'll tell you"
...just trying to get ahead of the problem

Ask @Ooh-Rah . He'll give the real answer, Marines!
It's started already. "That Time of Year." And already I need to bang my head into a brick wall.

After almost a decade I find myself combing the intro's to see if GMAN and the likes of his kind have come back to give us status updates and I just missed it. I just hope @AWP has a special emoji to pin in a welcome thread that signals one of their returns. I am still waiting on that 60 dead hang pull up video we were promised from one.