The British Monarchy


Sep 12, 2012
I have to wonder how many years ago Charles started fantasizing about going all Game of Thrones on Mom.

Queen will not stand aside to let Charles take her duties | Daily Mail Online

To add -

While I can not prevent the inevitable, the purpose of my post is not to fill it with memes and negative comments about the Royal Family. Some of the members on the site are from the part of the world and likely have some strong opinions on the topic. I'm curious to hear them.

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I don't think he cares all that much for the role of King. He'd be much happier pottering about in the garden and pushing his environmental causes.

Her Majesty will not step aside because of Charles- she won't because of an unwavering dedication to her people.
Her Majesty will not step aside because of Charles- she won't because of an unwavering dedication to her people.

I read "somewhere" that she is holding fast because she does not want to see Charles in Charge and is instead wanting to bypass him and go directly to William.

I read "somewhere" that she is holding fast because she does not want to see Charles in Charge and is instead wanting to bypass him and go directly to William.


Doubtful IMO. She is a traditionalist- everything must be done in the "proper" way with regards to convention. I think if that were the case it would have been announced or decided already considering her advanced age.

I think the extent of any kind of reforms were the ones, I forget the proper name for it, where it goes go next born rather than next born male.
Doubtful IMO. She is a traditionalist- everything must be done in the "proper" way with regards to convention. I think if that were the case it would have been announced or decided already considering her advanced age.

I think the extent of any kind of reforms were the ones, I forget the proper name for it, where it goes go next born rather than next born male.

Yes the act to allow next born female to accend. The Royal Equality Act or officially the Succession to the Crown Act of 2013.

Her Majesty will be there until she does. If Charles is still alive, I think many would hope he abdicates the Crown but Camilla is a power hungry hag and I'm sure would push him to stay.

But there is large support for another amendment to the Succession Act to allow Prince William to take over. I think as Prince Charles gets older and now that Prince William is officially taking over many of Prince Philip's official duties; the support for Prince William will gain popularity.

Another wrench is a very large anti-monarchist movement in the UK and some of the Commonwealth; especially among those that support Globalism.
Hadn't it already been decided that Prince Charles is ineligible due to his divorce?
I read the tabloid headlines in the supermarket checkout so that makes me pretty much an expert on the Royal family. And according to the tabloids, Her Majesty will bypass Charles for William. Camilla is an Evil-Doer, according to my "sources" and will never become Queen Wife or whatever the hell it's called...because the commoners will revolt.
Charles only spent 12 days with Diana before asking her to marry him. He's also rumored to have cried the night before the wedding because he was also in love with Camilla. Perhaps this type of mentality, plus thousands of other such interactions us commoners aren't privy to, is why she wants the line to skip him.
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I think Charles has known for a long time that the only way he gets the job before taking it on as an old man, is if something unfortunate happened to his mother. He's 68 now, so that ship has sailed.

If he gets the nod at all, I doubt he holds it long before passing it to William, who I'm pretty sure will be King before he turns 50.
George V was an old man when he ascended the Throne and Charles will be no different. There is a clear line of succession, but as a matter of interest I read somewhere that Prince Phillip considers Anne the better choice.
Isn't the Monarchy pretty much ceremonial at this point, with the parliament and whatnot? I thought it was more of a go shake hands, make speeches and be handed flowers type gig.

Harry would be a cool as shit King. About like that bad mother fucker the King of Jordan, dropping bombs on ISIS and shit. I'd drink a beer with either one of those fuckers. Probably even let them come on over here and do some Texan shit...but they would totally have to rock a Burger King crown. Only kings we got are rocking their queen of the double wide, in these parts. Speaking of which, them fuckers better seek some cover under the local overpass....shit is about to get wet.:-o
I don't think Charles takes the reigns, looks older than his mum.

William it would seem. The Way Lizzy is kicking she's got another 10 strong years.
We only have to go back to 1975 where our Governor General (The Queen's representitve in Australia) shit canned the government of the day and set a new tempory government in power with an election soon after.
It certainly had an effect in the army. I can't speak for the other two services, but where I was there was a portrait of Sir John in the officers mess. I also hear tales of officers at Duntroon no less, refusing to stand for a toast. I don't think we'll see the likes of those times again, at least with the current crop of miscreants in Canberra. If they had a fist full of fivers they couldn't get a fuck in a brothel, let alone block supply or dismiss a prime wait!
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