The China Thread (Threat)

The article doesn’t mention the First & Second Island Chains, which are projections into the Pacific. Also the map shows proposed corridors down the Malayan Peninsula & from Yunnan Province in Southern China through Myanmar to the ocean. This is to bypass the choke point of the Malacca Straight, through which a great amount of Chinese trade passes through. At one stage there was a plan for a Chinese funded canal through the Thai isthmus for the same reason, though this didn’t eventuate.
The article doesn’t mention the First & Second Island Chains, which are projections into the Pacific. Also the map shows proposed corridors down the Malayan Peninsula & from Yunnan Province in Southern China through Myanmar to the ocean. This is to bypass the choke point of the Malacca Straight, through which a great amount of Chinese trade passes through. At one stage there was a plan for a Chinese funded canal through the Thai isthmus for the same reason, though this didn’t eventuate.

I think this article didn’t reference the South China Sea because it was mostly focused on their regional competition with India. The PRC is strengthening economic ties with India’s neighbors Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives to significantly increase Chinese strategic influence in the area.
I'm becoming more convinced the US and its allies will not be able to contain or effectively counter the PRCs economic expansion. By making attractive offers to client countries to build or supply what they want and need and share the profits, it also makes them dependent.

The (Many) Roles of Greenland in China’s Developing Arctic Policy
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Chinese don't do whales, that's the Japanese. The finning is still a major issue but is done at sea. That's why I'm not sure what the photo is of.
@SpitfireV Yangtze river running red from pollution. Though @ShadowSpear is right about the havoc that the Chinese would wreck on marine and coastal resources due to their sheer recklessness.

At the end of the day, PRC state sponsored companies charged with development or resource exploitation don't give a fuck about people or the environment. Not an environmentalist or conservationalist by any means, but Chinese backed companies tend to leave barren wastelands where rich ecological areas stood. If the PRC furrows its way in, we may as well kiss the Greenland ecology and any semblance of healthy/sustainable fish stocks in the North goodbye.
...We need to figure out a way to keep the Chinese contained and their firms away from North America... The fact that we do business with a bunch of mass murdering communist felchers, who've repeatedly stabbed us in the back economically and supplied our enemies, is insane.

Letting the PRC anywhere near Greenland is going to be an absolute economic and environmental disaster...

There's a saying that you can't put an American fighter aircraft in the air without Chinese chips...and there's some truth in that. Last time I checked the PRC was the largest producer of microchips in the world.
There's a saying that you can't put an American fighter aircraft in the air without Chinese chips...and there's some truth in that. Last time I checked the PRC was the largest producer of microchips in the world.

Some months ago I was involved in a project, a very sanitized version of a related conversation follows:

Project Tech: Uh, we didn't spec this server...we didn't know the requirements.
Me: So?
PT: Do you have any network cards we can have?
Me: Nope.
PT: Okay, we'll find them locally.
Me: That are approved by the NSA?
PT: We have a deadline, man.

The Chinese or (insert nation here) won't beat us, we'll open the door and give them the keys. They need to show up to the party we're throwing. That's all.
Some months ago I was involved in a project, a very sanitized version of a related conversation follows:

Project Tech: Uh, we didn't spec this server...we didn't know the requirements.
Me: So?
PT: Do you have any network cards we can have?
Me: Nope.
PT: Okay, we'll find them locally.
Me: That are approved by the NSA?
PT: We have a deadline, man.

The Chinese or (insert nation here) won't beat us, we'll open the door and give them the keys. They need to show up to the party we're throwing. That's all.


Russia is already dependent upon China...Turkey took the PRC Kool-Aid...then you have the rest of the developing world. They're being offered broadband, e-commerce, high-speed trains, all kinds of cool shit if they let the PRC come in and take over the local economy.

We don't have to go to war with China to lose.
Referring to the article, it’s not so much the mining that raises an eyebrow but the improvements to the airports which is standard PRC behaviour: critical infrastructure. It’s reassuring to see the Danish government putting the brakes on over issues too.