Do you guys remember the shit-show with Qatar back in 2017?
Qatar diplomatic crisis - Wikipedia
There were reasons given for why this occurred, but I heavily salt all Middle Eastern dishes that come to my table, if you know what I mean. Before I could even request that someone pass me the salt, this happened:
Trump sells Qatar $12 billion of U.S. weapons days after accusing it of funding terrorism
It buggers all reasoning. Qatar is roughly 10% Shi'a whereas neighboring Bahrain is 75% Shi'a ruled by a Sunni minority, yet Bahrain was included in the coalition against Qatar. Qatar was/is the biggest contributor to Hamas, so it is possible that the pressure was because of American and Israeli intrigues, however the intrigues happening right now are laughably Byzantine:
Mossad said to ask Qatar to keep funneling cash to Gaza in deescalation effort. I'm certainly not denigrating the strategy of hurling sacks of gold (dollars) and virgin princesses (shooty guns) at the Turks and the Arabs so they get the fuck off of our walls- it kept Constantinople alive for a while- but we are not some beleaguered entity fighting for survi- wait... hm. Not gonna lie, that sounds a bit like Israel.
I don't think this is the case. Israel gets manipulated just as much as the Arabs do, it's just manipulation of a different caliber. I'm definitely not the type of person who would deny proof if someone showed me indisputable evidence that the Yids are pulling the strings; all I'm saying is that I don't get a check in the mail, so if Space Jews are actually what's up can someone please inform the Elders of Zion that my annuity is late.
Its reasonable to assume that Qatar addressed the demands of the coalition and made a sharp turn to facilitate the arms deal, but I still wonder: what were the real agreements being made? As Marauder showed us, these deals occur without much citizen oversight and so they get pushed through based on prerogatives that may or may not be openly discussed.
The weapons the USA is funneling into the region have been appearing in the hands of terrorists since the 80's, yet most recently popping up in Libya, Yemen, and Syria:
American Weapons in the Wrong Hands
C.I.A. Arms for Syrian Rebels Supplied Black Market, Officials Say (Published 2016)
These arms deals not only threaten the lives of American soldiers, they threaten the lives of Israeli soldiers and Kurdish soldiers as well. It is true that the explosives set off on me and my guys were purpose-built Iranian shaped-charge devices, but up in Rojava they lost a lot of people to weapons originating from our side of the manufacturing process.
From what I can see, the whole reason for all of this is "Balance of Power" and "gearing up one side to smash the other". One term is diplomatic, the other is inflammatory yet they are one and the same. Iran might cozy up with Russia and China to where the true force disposition of the enemy turns from "Iran" to "Iran-Russia-China". On the surface that is what this all looks like, but I've heard some things that suggest other reasons.